Chapter 526
The killing in the woods officially begins.

The person guarding outside the forest heard screams and noises. At first he thought it was his family members harvesting heads, but soon he realized something was wrong because he saw his family members staggering out of the forest covered in blood. After running out, he was about to respond when a knife tip suddenly stabbed out of the man's chest.

He wanted to run but it was too late. The bloody blade was quickly handed to him.

In a moment, all the people left behind by the Feng family were eliminated, and the armed guards in the forest regrouped and ran towards the girl.

Although the road was muddy, the boots they wore were specially made by the girl's order. They were stable and not easy to get wet. The boots were also very hard and could protect their feet and ankles, which could support them in running quickly in the mountains.

In addition, the fog rising from the mountains perfectly obscured their figures, allowing them to destroy the trap in the forest, deliberately leaving noise, and deceiving the Feng family together with the surrounding soldiers and horses.

It's a pity that there are too few people left in the Feng family, which proves that more people are going to chase the girl, and they have to go to help her immediately.

Feng Liu also heard some noises coming from behind, and he even smiled, thinking that those must be the heads of his people harvesting the forest.

Just like Zhao Luoyang said, in Feng Liu's impression, the Zhao girl is just a peasant woman. As a general who has been fighting for so long, if nothing else, can he be as good as her in fighting?

Feng Liu urged his horse forward, but the people brought by Zhao Luoyang did not dare to fight with them and ran away blindly. They just encountered a trap in the woods, and they all seemed to be scared out of their wits.

In the panic, some people even dropped their sharp weapons.

Do you still want to fight like this?Feng Liu felt more and more ridiculous.

He thought that King Yu had lost his mind because of this girl and actually handed over the remaining military guards to her. Didn't he think that if something happened, they would have no way out?

"Work harder," Feng Liu said. "It's raining and foggy. They can't run fast."

Feng Liu was very confident in himself, because he was very familiar with the nearby terrain. Zhao Luoyang and the others ran forward with their heads down, but they didn't know that there was a river not far away.

It rained up there a few days ago, and the river was very fast. If you tried to get down to the other side, you would only get drowned.

It was God's will that the river was their burial place.

Once they find that their way forward is blocked, Zhao Luoyang and others will become even more panicked. Of course the armed guards would not flinch because of this, but if they want to protect Zhao Luoyang from leaving, they will not dare to confront him head-on.

As long as you have the intention to avoid fighting, your morale will dissipate, and then you can capture people with just one go.

As soon as Feng Liu thought of this, he heard the scout in front say: "They are coming towards us."

Sure enough, they discovered Youhe and turned around to fight with them head-on.

Feng Liu drew out his sword and said, "Follow me and capture the Zhao family."


The two groups finally encountered each other. Feng Liu wanted to have a good fight, but the Wuwei army was not as unbearable as he thought, and almost rushed out while protecting Zhao Luoyang.

Seeing that they could not fight for a way out, the armed guards led by Zhao Luoyang gathered their strength again. This time they rushed to the north to look for an opportunity to escape.

But in the end, Feng Liu was not familiar with the terrain, and he was surrounded again.

This time the armed guards were even more embarrassed. When they fled, they left a lot of military equipment along the way.

Seeing this situation, Feng Liu was indescribably happy. He had never seen the Wuwei Army so useless, and there was no trace of their former grace.

It can be seen that this Zhao family is really a disaster.

"Put everything away," Feng Liu ordered, "We all have uses."

It was precisely when there was a lack of armaments that Zhao actually came all the way to deliver it to him.

Feng Liu looked at Zhao Qikun aside: "I have to thank you, the Zhao family. If it weren't for you, we might not have found such an opportunity, especially your little granddaughter. She is really a wonderful person. I will catch her later." ,I……"

As soon as Feng Liu finished speaking, he saw a flash of fire in the mist not far away, followed by a "boom" and the sound of a firearm exploding in his ears.There was chaos all around.

The soldiers screamed, the horses were frightened, and Zhao Qikun fell off his horse.

The firearms are hidden in the "arms" left behind by the Wuwei Army. As long as the box is opened, it will explode immediately.

Feng Liu lay prone on the ground, and it took him a while to figure out that Zhao Luoyang had deliberately left these things behind, just to catch them off guard.

Hearing the screams and seeing the chaos of soldiers and horses in front of him, Feng Liu gritted his teeth and was extremely angry.

He was tricked!
Today he must catch that woman Zhao and let her have a taste of his methods!
Thinking of this, Feng Liu was about to get up, but felt a pain in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood, which was obviously also affected by the firearm.

Feng Liu didn't have time to wipe away the blood and shouted loudly: "Follow me to arrest people."

The troops and horses that had gathered again were chasing after Zhao Luoyang and others in the direction they had left. Feng Liuyang was focused on besieging Zhao Luoyang. At this time, Uncle Guo still left these troops and horses for him. If he could not catch Zhao Luoyang. Sir, how can you have the face to meet Uncle Guo?

The rain stopped.

The fog was also blown away by the wind.

Everything in front of me becomes clearer and clearer.

Feng Liu led his men to chase him to the river, but they did not see Zhao Luoyang who was trapped on the river bank.

There were more than a dozen boats floating on the river, and the Zhao family he was looking for was standing on the boat.

The boat was obviously prepared in advance. Zhao Luoyang had already expected what would happen today, so he made preparations in advance.

The guards looked at them with contempt and ridicule in their eyes.

Feng Liu stared at the river. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. If he went down the river, he would soon reach Xingyuan Mansion.

They saw with their own eyes that Zhao Luoyang led the army to leave Xingyuan Mansion, so Uncle Guo ordered him to ambush Zhao Luoyang here. Uncle Guo took advantage of the emptiness in the city and personally led the troops to attack.

But if Zhao Luoyang goes back by boat like this, this armed guard will appear behind Uncle Guo.

Therefore, it was not Zhao Luoyang who was trapped, but Uncle Guo who was deceived.


It was all their miscalculation.

He was too careless and failed to see clearly the armed guards in the fog, thinking that as long as he pursued them closely, even if he could not capture Zhao Luoyang for a while, he could keep them here.

Unexpectedly, the person Zhao Luoyang wanted to deal with was not him at all.

Feng Liu's eyes gradually turned blood red, and he suddenly thought of Zhao Qikun who was tied up.

"Zhao Luoyang," Feng Liu said with a ferocious expression, "Look who this is."

The ball of cloth in Zhao Qikun's mouth had long been taken out, and he had been tortured along the way, especially when the firearm exploded. He thought he was going to die, and was so shocked that he wet his pants.

Now he was grabbed by Feng Liu's neck and pushed forward. In fear, his whole body was shaking like chaff, and his mouth opened and closed but nothing could be said.

Feng Liu kicked Zhao Qikun, and Zhao Qikun let out a scream.

"Zhao Luoyang, if you don't come back, I will kill him."

"," Zhao Qikun finally came to his senses when life and death were at stake. He shook his head hard, trying to attract Zhao Luoyang's attention, "Sister …”

(End of this chapter)

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