After Zhao Luoyang thought about this, he prepared to redeem some information about 3D printers in the charm area when he had time.

It would be best if the system tasks are successfully completed, the system disappears, the little mute returns to the body, and they are all fine. If there are any problems in the process, it is always good to be more prepared. It can be made up for at critical moments.

Zhao Luoyang thought about it, finished her meal quickly, and then went to see the loom with her mother and aunt, so that she could finish the work in hand early so that she could come back early.

Who made the court worry about Prince Yu, who made the Grand Master rack his brains, hiding in the small house in Fengxia Village, waiting for her to deliver food?

Chen stayed in the city.

When Zhao Xuewen returned home after inquiring about the news from outside, he was immediately greeted by Mr. Jiang who was cooking in the kitchen.

"How is it?" Ms. Jiang said, "Have you heard any news about dad and the others?"

Zhao Xuewen shook his head: "No." His eyes flickered as he spoke.

Mrs. Jiang saw the clues and immediately followed Zhao Xuewen in. Zhao Yuanchang in the east room also put down the book in his hand and came into the room to listen to his father.

Zhao Xuewen said: "Something must have happened to dad."

Mrs. Jiang was surprised: "Did the Liu family say that?"

Zhao Xuewen shook his head.

Zhao Qikun and the Liu family went to Hezhong Mansion. Zhao Xuewen did not accompany them because he always felt that the attitude of the Liu family was a bit strange. In the past, they were the ones who begged the Liu family. This time, in order for his father to leave early, the elders from the Liu family actually started to accompany Smiley Face.

This is also very unusual.

But Zhao Qikun didn't stop them. They still needed the Liu family to take care of them when they stayed in Chenliu. There was no benefit in really breaking up with the Liu family. This was why he didn't help his father deal with the Liu family when he saw the Liu family hanging out with his foreigner before.

After enduring so much patience, he was finally about to take the imperial examination. How could he make a difference.

Furthermore, he also hoped that his father had found a good job. His father thought he could pass the imperial examination, but he knew very well that even if his father took the examination for a lifetime, there would be no hope. His father seemed to have good knowledge. If he asked carefully, You will know when you come down, and you must not delve into it...

Since you know it's impossible, why waste time and money?It would be better to have a job to earn some money, so that the Liu family would be happy and the Liu family would not look down on their father and son so much.

If he fails the exam this time, his father will be able to use money to support his studies.

With so many benefits, the risk was worth it, so he didn't say anything to his father, but sent his father and Liu away all the way.

Half a month later, Zhao Xuewen tried to send a letter to the Hezhong Fu Yamen, but there was no reply, so he became suspicious.

Today, his suspicion was confirmed.

"You speak quickly!"

Zhao Xuewen's face became more and more ugly, and Mrs. Jiang felt even more unsure: "Master, are you going to kill us?"

Zhao Xuewen breathed a sigh of relief: "I just went to the Liu family again and saw that everyone in the Liu family was arrested." It was fine yesterday, but after one night, no one was in the yard.

Neighbors around said they heard a noise, as if a group of soldiers had entered, but the commotion only lasted for about half an hour.

Zhao Xuewen went to inquire about the Liu clan again, and found that all the Liu clan members of the sect were missing, and the Liu clan's house was shockingly empty.

After telling Ms. Jiang everything he saw, Zhao Xuewen said: "I asked the official who was familiar with the government office, and he didn't know what happened. At least the person who took Ms. Liu away was not Chen Liu's office, and Liu's people He is not locked up in the government prison either."

Mrs. Jiang's eyes widened: "There are so many people in the Liu family, they can't all be gone all at once." That's the problem.

Who can bypass the government office to do things?How could the government office not be aware of such a big news and just dare not mention it?

Liu must have made a big mistake or offended someone powerful.

Zhao Yuanchang didn't dare to speak, so he sat in the corner and listened.

Mrs. Jiang was stunned for a while, then looked outside in horror: "Master, do you think those people will take us away too?"

Zhao Xuewen felt scared at first, but he soon figured it out: "If you wanted to take us away, you would have done it last night."

There are so many people in the Liu clan, but they are still missing three members of their family?
Mrs. Jiang thought about it. She felt a little relieved and said, "Then... what does this matter have to do with dad?"

Zhao Xuewen said: "There won't be so many coincidences." The Liu family was involved with the Feng family. He secretly found someone to find out some news about Taozhou. Anyway, the situation of his mother and several brothers was not as simple as they thought.

Zhao Xuewen is now worried about whether he and Zhao Qikun escaped from home last year, leaving behind troubles.

The more I thought about it, the more I feared.

Of course, he was not going to tell Mrs. Jiang this.

Zhao Xuewen pursed his lips: "The government office has informed me that the provincial examination will be held in one month."

Due to the war this year, the provincial examination has not been able to start. Now there is news from the government office that the war should be fine.

Mrs. Jiang finally heard a good thing: "Can I take the exam?"

Zhao Xuewen nodded: "That's natural." He was also afraid that the Liu family's affairs would implicate him, so he went to ask specifically, but he didn't find out any information about him.

Mrs. Jiang was happy: "I will go and get ready immediately so that I can send you to Beijing to take the exam."

This month, Zhao Xuewen was terrified, fearing that someone would come and tell him that he could not take the exam. It was not until he entered the Gongyuan that Zhao Xuewen breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking about making a desperate move, Zhao Xuewen felt that he had done exceptionally well in the exam this time. As long as he was famous in Qiuwei and listed on the apricot list, many troubles would be solved.

At worst, he went to his mother to admit his mistake. After all, he had an official status, which also made his mother and several younger brothers look good. Who doesn't want to have someone in the family who is an official?
After coming out of Gongyuan, although Zhao Xuewen was tired, he felt relieved.

While waiting in the capital, Zhao Xuewen heard some news one after another.After the great victory in the northwest, the Tubo royal army was completely driven out of Daqi, Lao Zanpu of Tubo was killed, and the royal court fell into civil strife.

The imperial court ordered to confer the title of King of Yu on those who had made military exploits, and granted several northwest states to the King of Henan as fiefs.

After the news spread in the public, people were talking about it. If the fiefdom was really granted, wouldn't King Yu become a real vassal king?
This vassal king can fight again, so that the northwest will always be stable.

"I don't know if King Yu will come to Beijing?"

The people who had never seen King Yu wanted to see this young vassal king.

Zhao Xuewen ran around, wanting to hear more news about Prince Yu, so he finally got to the time when the results were released.

Listening to the sound of gongs and drums, Zhao Xuewen rushed all the way to the gate of Gongyuan. He used all his strength to squeeze through the crowd. His eyes fell on the red list. Among the rows of names, Zhao Xuewen finally found his own name. He I almost couldn't believe it. I rubbed my eyes vigorously and looked carefully again. It was him who was right.

Although he was already at the bottom of the exam, he really passed the exam.

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