Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 554 Death Penalty

"I passed the exam, I passed the exam."

A shout rang out not far from Zhao Xuewen, causing Zhao Xuewen to completely recover from his shock.

Zhao Xuewen subconsciously followed the sound and saw a man wearing a coarse cloth robe, waving his hands in the crowd like crazy, and jumping around randomly. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten everything and was completely immersed in joy. .

As for the onlookers around him, most of them looked at this scene with envy on their faces.

At this time, who will remember etiquette and behavior? As long as you can pass the exam, the rest is not important.

Can pass...

Zhao Xuewen repeated these three words in his heart, and a string was plucked in his mind. Then he seemed to realize something, and set his eyes on the red list again. This time he found his name accurately.

Chen Liu and Zhao Xuewen of Kaifeng Prefecture.

Among the people Chen Liu came to take the provincial examination, he was the only one named Zhao Xuewen.

Zhao Xuewen just stared blankly. After an unknown amount of time, he was squeezed out and away from the crowd, but this time he clearly felt joy.

His whole body was filled with joy, and then he ran out one foot deep and one foot shallow, and ran into an alley. Just as he was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, the door opened from the inside, and a man with a strange face walked out.

The man almost collided with Zhao Xuewen. He frowned and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

Zhao Xuewen's lips moved. At this moment, he was really in a situation. He wanted to go home, but this was not his home, because this was the capital, not Chenliu.

Zhao Xuewen raised his hand and slapped himself on the forehead, and then he smiled. The smile was like a person who had been holding back for many years and finally no longer had to hide himself and showed his true face unscrupulously.

Those five rough men actually flashed a hint of fear when they saw Zhao Xuewen's gaze.

"I passed the exam, and from now on I will be a candidate."

Zhao Xuewen looked at the man and said this.

Every time the results are published, a few people go crazy. Just when the man was about to say something, Zhao Xuewen had already turned around and walked out.

Zhao Xuewen was so happy. He had always believed that he would be able to pass the exam. When Zhao Qikun complained about being dragged down by the Zhao family, he sat aside and listened quietly. In fact, what he was thinking at that moment was that he was really dragged down by that family. It's him.

After leaving that home, he passed the exam as expected.

Zhao Xuewen was walking on the street. He raised his head and looked around carefully. This was the capital. When he was rushing to take the exam, he did not dare to take a good look because he was afraid of looking at it and felt depressed. This was not a place for him to come. Now he finally finally Now that he can raise his head and look around, when he gets an official position, he can show off his skills, move here on his own, and live the life he wants.

"Master, would you like to come in and have a drink?"

The waiter at the door of the tavern greeted Zhao Xuewen with a smile.

Zhao Xuewen immediately smelled the aroma of wine. He swallowed involuntarily, but reached out and touched the money bag at his waist. There was not much money in it.

He still has to stay in the capital and wait for the test.

When the waiter saw Zhao Xuewen's moved expression, he said even more earnestly: "My boss said that all the successful candidates will not be charged any money when they come to the store to drink."

Zhao Xuewen's eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you telling the truth?"

The waiter hurriedly bowed and said: "We don't dare to deceive the master."

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhao Xuewen felt warm all over his body. This is why he took the imperial examination. As soon as he passed the exam, his identity immediately changed drastically.

"This master is..."

After Zhao Xuewen drank his third drink, the owner of the tavern came to see him immediately.Zhao Xuewen was still not used to his current status and almost stood up to return the favor, but before that, the owner of the tavern held him down.

"Master Juren, this can't be done. You come here to give us face. You can drink with confidence tonight. A guest room has been prepared in the store. If you are tired, just go and rest."

Zhao Xuewen secretly looked at the waiter next to his boss. The waiter brought a heated wine bottle and brought it to his table, along with the freshly cut sauce meat.

The waiter served well, and Zhao Xuewen was really tired these days. He finally got a good result and couldn't care about anything else.

I don’t know how long he had been drinking, but when Zhao Xuewen felt dizzy, a woman reached out to support him.

With the warm and fragrant soft jade in his arms, Zhao Xuewen lost his last trace of reason. That night, he slept exceptionally well, as if he had dreamed of the scene when he returned home dressed in official uniforms. No matter who it was, he would call him "Master" ".

He also saw his mother and several younger brothers, all of whom were standing timidly in the corner. Finally, he saw Sister Luo... Sister Luo was still the mute who couldn't speak.

Zhao Xuewen almost woke up with a smile, but when he woke up, he immediately felt something strange. His nose first smelled a strong smell of blood.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked around him, only to see that the bedding was completely stained red with blood. What was even more terrifying was that there was a woman lying there. The woman's neck had been cut open with a sharp weapon, her face was covered with blood, and her eyes were staring at her. Stare at him.

Zhao Xuewen got up from the bed almost immediately. He hurriedly wanted to get away, but at this moment the door of the room was kicked open, and several people rushed in aggressively, followed immediately by the man's shout: "Killing."

From passing the provincial examination to being sent to jail, it was like a dream.

If torture had not been used during the interrogation, Zhao Xuewen would not have believed that this was true.Huddled in the prison, Zhao Xuewen's whole body was shrouded in fear.

He couldn't die here, and he didn't want to die here.

But as the jailer said during the interrogation, he couldn't explain why the woman was on his bed, and the woman's blood was all over his body and hands.

The jailer's voice kept ringing in his ears, and he suspected that he had killed the woman when he was drunk. In the end, he couldn't survive the torture, so he muddleheadedly pressed his fingerprints on the confession.

Who can come and save him?

Zhao Xuewen was too frightened to close his eyes, fearing that the jailer would come the next moment and drag him out to behead him.

"Zhao Xuewen."

There were shouts from outside the cell, and Zhao Xuewen shrank back, but to no avail. Two jailers came in, picked up his arms and dragged him out.

"Where are you taking me..."

As soon as Zhao Xuewen shouted, his mouth was gagged. He struggled with all his strength, but it was of no use?Thinking of the consequences he was about to face, Zhao Xuewen could no longer hold on, rolled his eyes and fainted.

When I woke up again, the first thing I saw was an oil lamp on the table.

There was the sound of footsteps, and a man came out from behind the screen.

"Zhao Xuewen," the man finally said, "Why is a good civil servant suddenly going to kill people?"

Zhao Xuewen shook his head in panic: "I didn't... I didn't..."

The man said: "Do you know why you got on the list? Someone gave you a chance, but it's a pity that you didn't cherish it and actually committed a serious crime of murder. No one can do anything about it."

After the man finished speaking, he turned around and left.

In his eagerness, Zhao Xuewen fell out of bed in a hurry and rushed towards the man. Although he didn't know who the man was, he could feel that this was his last chance.

"Please, as long as you can save me, you can do whatever you want."

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