Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 578 Everything has changed

When Zhao Luoyang heard what her fourth uncle said, she had a look of surprise on her face. She didn't expect that her fourth uncle would figure out something so quickly.

Zhao Xueyi cleared his throat and took out a small thing from his arms: "Thanks to Luoyang for giving me this, I took it apart and looked at it carefully, and tried to restore it. At the beginning, I loaded it with gunpowder, and it will always be The outer bamboo tube exploded, and later I slowly reduced the amount of gunpowder and the size of the bamboo tube. Now the bamboo tube not only won't be exploded, but can also travel fifty or sixty meters."

Mr. Song looked at the object in Zhao Xueyi's hand. They had all seen this thing before. It was small and delicate. Only someone with extremely high craftsmanship could do it.

This reminded Mr. Song that when he was making spinning wheels and looms, Sister Luo also took out many prepared joints. At that time, he guessed that someone was secretly helping Zhao Luoyang. Now...

Zhao Luoyang immediately understood what Mr. Song meant. She looked at Xiao Yu and said, "The prince brought it."

Xiao Yu nodded: "The weapons supervisor made it, but it didn't spread, and no suitable firearms were made."

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Mr. Song breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot lighter on his back. It was a good thing that the little fox got married. From now on, he no longer had to use his name to cheat and go to Prince Yu if he was questioned again. After being pushed, who can go to confront King Yu?

That's right, Mr. Song was dubious about Zhao Luoyang's words, not because there was any real evidence, but because... this scene made him feel too familiar.

Zhao Xueyi continued: "Next, we prepare cast iron pipes."

Having said this, he looked at Zhao Luoyang. This was also suggested by Sister Luo.

The iron pipe can be made larger and stronger, and the amount of gunpowder will naturally be greater, and the firearm will be able to shoot farther.

Not only Zhao Xueyi was very interested, but Zhao Xueli and Zhao Xuejing, who followed Zhao Xueyi to look at the firearm, also had extremely bright eyes. Both of them had seen war and knew that making such a firearm would be of great use.

If an iron pipe as big as a bowl is placed there and a firearm is fired, not only it can intimidate thousands of troops, it is enough to disturb the opponent's military morale.

As soon as the morale of the army is dispersed, the Wuwei Army will surely seize the opportunity.

Zhao Xueyi looked at Xiao Yu expectantly: "After dinner, would you like to see the firearms we made?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, and Zhao Xueyi's expression suddenly dropped, but soon Xiao Yu said: "Of course I want to go see it, but my fourth uncle doesn't want to call me Prince. From now on, he will call me Brother Yu."

Zhao Xueyi wanted to agree, but after twirling the title twice in his mouth, he still couldn't shout it out. He said calmly: "Otherwise, I'll call you uncle!"

These things need to be done step by step.

Xiao Yu thought this was a good title, so he agreed: "Okay, I will follow my fourth uncle to see the firearms in a while."

After Zhao Xueyi finished speaking, Zhao Xueli said: "I went to each village in the past two days to look at grain seeds and cotton seeds. I calculated that there will be enough for us to use next year."

After a year of trial planting, we have accumulated a lot of experience. If next year is uneventful, we can harvest more than double the cotton.

The same goes for food. Since last year, more cattle have been raised on the stockade. The strong ones will be able to plow the land next year, and the surrounding villages will be able to borrow the power.

After Zhao Xueli finished speaking, Zhao Xuejing said: "We have a lot of caravans coming in and out of Taozhou and Minzhou. Two caravans have some problems. I just told Huaiqing."

Whether there are any problems with the caravans depends on their number and the amount of goods they carry. If some caravans stay in the city for too long, attention must be paid. The armed guards have a lot of activities in the city, but they cannot put all their energy into it. On the contrary, Zhao Xuejing and others have been visiting warehouses in the city all year round and have to contact merchants. It is much easier to do these things, so they act as spies for the armed guards.

"I have discussed with Feng Laosan and Ding Maosheng, and we are going to open a dental clinic in the city after the Chinese New Year."

This was also thought up by Zhao Xuejing and Zhao Luoyang together.

Ya Xing introduces people to jobs, is well-informed, and can control idle people who have no stable jobs nearby. He can immediately detect the slightest sign of trouble.

Zhao Luoyang suddenly felt that she had only been away for two days and everyone had done a lot.

"Okay," Old Mrs. Yang said, "Today is Luoyang's return home, not a government office, so why are you talking about this?" "Yes," Zhao Xueli said with a smile, "Mother is right, let's talk about something else. "

In fact, it's because they don't know what to say to Xiao Yu, just talk about family matters, right? How should I start?

Mrs. Yang asked Mrs. Ge and Mrs. Tao to help prepare the food, while she stayed and looked at Xiao Yu: "Have you visited your aunt?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "I went there yesterday."

"Then the wedding banquet was also held in the village?" Old Mrs. Yang said, "There should be quite a few people there, right?"

Xiao Yu responded: "It's just a formality. They should leave after a while."

Mrs. Yang didn't say anything, but she smiled in her heart. How much did she expect people to leave? Since he said this himself, Luo Yang definitely didn't need to put in any extra effort.

The food was served and everyone sat down together. Old Mrs. Yang had been preparing the food since last night, killing chickens and ducks, and even had someone buy a big fish. The fish caught in the winter was plump and delicious.

Zhao Luoyang accidentally ate more. Seeing her little granddaughter smiling from ear to ear, Mrs. Yang said, what can I do if there is a cook in the palace? The little granddaughter still likes her craftsmanship.

After everyone had eaten, Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang followed Zhao Xueyi to look at firearms.

Zhao Luoyang just walked out of the yard and saw Feng Laosan, Niu Daochang and his son, Shi Ping, and Cao Cheng waiting outside. Following them were Erya, Sanya, and Lamei. Everyone seemed to have not seen Zhao Luoyang for a long time. , came over all at once.

Zhao Luoyang looked at the enthusiastic crowd. This is why she likes to go back to Fengxia Village. The people in the village are like the same clan. Feng Laosan and Niu Daochang and his son followed Zhao Xuejing and Zhao Xueyi, while Shi Ping and Cao Zheng slowly moved to Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang.

"Is something wrong?" Zhao Luoyang looked at Shi Ping who was hesitating.

Shi Ping pursed his lips, swallowed, and finally made up his mind, with a resolute look on his face: "Sister, we want to join the Military Guard, me, Cao Zheng, and Wei Shan."

Wei Shi, who was following a few people, rushed to say: "And me..."

"Without you," Wei Shan said, "You are still young and have to stay home."

Although others are small, Shi Ping, Cao Zheng and Wei Shan are not big either, but they did a lot during the Tubo War. However, she cannot weigh for them whether they are good enough to join the Armed Guards, or whether they can join the Armed Guards.

Zhao Luoyang looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said: "Have you thought about it?"

Shi Ping nodded several times and said in unison: "I've thought about it."

Xiao Yu continued: "We won the battle with Tubo, but we can't win every time. Even if we win the battle, there will be casualties. If we stay in Fengxia Village, your sister will run a business and will do so in the future." If I reuse you, I can not only make money, but also be a steward."

Shi Ping used to think about selling things to make more money, but now he doesn't think so. Besides, Fengxia Village is doing very well now. He has his father and Erhei at home, so he doesn't have to worry too much. Now he just wants to do something for himself. want to do.

"I've thought about it carefully," Shi Ping said, "I still want to join the Armed Guards."

Wei Shan also followed: "Me too."

Cao Zheng also nodded hastily: "I used to be in poor health, but recently I have gotten better by practicing boxing and kicking with Shi Ping and Wei Shan. We don't want to stay in the village, we want to join the army."

The three people looked at Xiao Yu eagerly.

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