Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 579 Brother-in-law’s Dharma

Xiao Yu was silent for a moment, then looked at Huaiguang: "Let them enter the camp in three days."

If it weren't for King Yu's intimidation, Shi Ping and the others would have jumped up for joy. They had been thinking for a long time before speaking today. Their hearts beat like drums a moment ago, for fear of being rejected. Now, finally, a stone fell to the ground, and it was Landed in the best place.

Cao Zheng smiled like a fool, but he couldn't care less.

"Half a year after entering the camp," Xiao Yu said, "let them follow Huaiqing."

Huaiqing was following Zhao Luoyang, and Huaiguang had already thought of the whereabouts of the three of them before the young master said anything.

The three boys also understood and looked at their sister gratefully.

They were able to join the armed guard because the prince only agreed because of Sister's face. Thinking about it carefully, this is natural. Without Sister, they might have been killed by thieves on the way. How could these things have happened?

In addition to the three people in Shi Ping who were happy, there was another person who was also smiling secretly, that was Ding Datong behind Huaiqing. After that Ding Yamen moved to Taozhou, his family also moved into Fengxia Village.

Ding Datong was overjoyed to know that the people who moved to Fengxia Village were the same people who had been relocated back then, and that Zhao Xueli was still in charge. Ding Datong was overjoyed. This was simply arranged in his heart.

He didn't know anyone in Taozhou, and he was thinking that he would have to adapt to it on the way there. After receiving the house and fields, his whole family was laughing from ear to ear. Ding Datong once again sighed that he had really met someone. Noble man, so at this moment he understands the mood of Shi Ping and others very well.

They thought it was Prince Yu Chengqing before, but in fact it was Princess Yu.

Otherwise, Prince Yu would not have incorporated them all into Lord Huaiqing's army. They would protect the princess in the future.

Xiao Yu continued to move forward, and Shi Ping and others still followed. As long as the prince and sister didn't let them leave, they stayed by their side with their shamelessness.

Every time I follow my sister, I can hear and learn more. This time they want to see the firearms made by Uncle Zhao. This is what they have always wanted to see, but Uncle Zhao refuses to agree. Today, they can finally follow Chang Chang. Seen it.

"Look more," Zhao Luoyang pointed at Shi Ping. "If someone will use this firearm in the future, it will be beneficial for you to familiarize yourself with it first."

Shi Ping's eyes lit up. They had become a real military guard. When they first entered the camp, it was inevitable that everything would be worse than others. It would be different if there was something they could take advantage of.

Everyone left the village and went to the small mountain col in the north. Zhao Xueyi loaded the gunpowder neatly with his hands and feet. After a string of sparks, there was an explosion, and the fire bomb was shot out immediately.

Zhao Luoyang looked at the firearm. It looked very similar to the prototype of the artillery provided by the system.

Zhao Xueyi tried a few more times before coming to Xiao Yu: "Wang... uncle, can we make iron pipes?"

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "I asked Huaiguang to allocate the iron ore and blacksmith to Fourth Uncle."

Zhao Xueyi is naturally happy, this is what he lacks now.

"But..." Zhao Xueyi said hesitantly, "It may not be possible."

Xiao Yu smiled: "It doesn't matter. Fourth uncle can try it slowly. After all, this is a firearm that even the weapons supervisor has not made."

With these words, Zhao Xueyi felt relieved.

On the way back, everyone intentionally distanced themselves from Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang.

Even if they didn't want to pull away, Huai Guang, who was guarding them, deliberately slowed down, fearing that his move would be too conspicuous, and deliberately turned his head to talk to Zhao Xueli.

Zhao Xueli looked at Huaiguang's calm expression, but he was actually embarrassed, and suddenly he felt the same. Recently, he was always caught between his mother and Mr. Song, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and helping to clean up the mess. Xiao Yu whispered to Zhao Luoyang: "Have you guessed that the firearm was ready?"

Zhao Luoyang nodded: "Recently, I have received more and more charm points from my fourth uncle. Only when my fourth uncle learns what the system transmits will he generate charm points. However, my fourth uncle didn't tell me, so I can't be sure."

"Now that I see it with my own eyes, I am really happy."

With more firearms, they have more support in their hands.

"I'll take Yuan out later," Xiao Yu said, "but I'll try to come back as soon as possible."

Zhao Luoyang couldn't help but laugh: "Why are you telling me this?"

"Of course I have to report it to Madam first," Xiao Yu said. "No matter what I do from now on, I have to let Madam know. If Madam is not allowed, I won't do it."

Zhao Luoyang's ears turned red and he couldn't help but look behind him, fearing that others might hear him.

"Then you go." After they came back, it wasn't Adi's turn to come over to talk yet, so don't worry, they must be waiting impatiently.

What do Yuan Rang and Yuan Ji want to do? Naturally, they asked their brother-in-law to teach them horse riding, archery and boxing skills.

After Xiao Yu guessed correctly, the two of them returned to the Zhao family yard. Zhao Yuanrang held Xiao Yu back and called him "brother-in-law" one after another.

Zhao Yuanrang found that as long as his "brother-in-law" called him diligently, nothing could not be done, so his brother-in-law agreed to see the crossbow arrows they made.

"Did you make crossbow arrows?"

Zhao Yuanrang had a smile on his face: "I learned it from my fourth uncle. We are weak and can't use a big bow, so we might as well use crossbows. Even after making several, this one is the best. Brother-in-law, help us take a look."

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji had long been envious of the things made by their fourth uncle. Knowing that the pictures of those things were taken from Mr. Song, they pestered him to draw pictures.

Only Mr. Song himself knew that those pictures had nothing to do with him, but Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji saw that there was something a little unusual between their grandma and their husband, so they tentatively moved out of Mrs. Yang.

This time it was like stepping on a vital point of Mr. Song, so Mr. Song could only agree. Now that you have promised, you have to do it physically, and you can't directly ask the little fox, because Zhao Yuanrang made it clear that this crossbow arrow is used to look good in front of his sister and brother-in-law.

Poor Mr. Song had to study the picture album. Fortunately, he had a son who was the number one scholar who could make cows and horses. After struggling for many days, the father and son finally came up with a picture of a bow and crossbow and gave it to Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji.

Unexpectedly, it was actually tricked by two children.

On this day and at night, everyone was very happy. When Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang returned to the nearby yard to rest, the Zhao family was still reluctant to leave.

When Mrs. Yang led everyone back to the house, Luo Zhenniang looked at the oil lamp on the table and murmured: "My uncle and Sister Luo really stayed in the village to rest."

Mrs. Yang pretended to be calm: "You only see it now? As early as when the child asked for marriage, I knew that what he said must be true."

Yeah? Luo Zhenniang stared at the back of Mrs. Yang as she left. Did her mother really say that at that time?

Didn't she dislike the master and her soft-eared nature, so she agreed early?

She had a bad memory, but subconsciously she felt that was not the case!

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