Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 597 Willingness

The blush on Widow Xie's face disappeared only when the carriage arrived at Fengxia Village.

As soon as the two people got off the carriage, Widow Xie immediately became the leader inside and outside again, and turned around to go to the weaving mill to do some work.

Old Mrs. Yang didn't know that her granddaughter was coming back today. She took several old ladies from the village to show off her skills in the village. In addition to making their cheese, she also took over the matter of feeding the horses.

Just because those horses were extraordinary, they were horses that the armed guards had traveled thousands of miles to find. Those horses were brought back in several batches. They were on the road for more than half a year, and they gradually bought more than a thousand horses.

But the journey was too long after all. Although there were veterinarians on duty throughout the journey, there were bandits who robbed the road in the feudal state. Coupled with the difficulty of traveling, when we arrived in Taozhou, we were short of more than forty horses, which could be given to Mrs. Yang. I feel bad.

Those horses are really good. Even if they lose weight on the road, they just look like... divine horses. He was taller than any of their horses, and his back was higher than her head. Of course, such a good horse must be raised well, and she expected them to foal.

When Mrs. Yang goes home every day, she has to visit those mares with foals. Those are her treasures.

It was getting dark before the old ladies in the village got in their cars and headed back.

As they earned more and more money, they switched to mule-drawn carriages in winter. The old lady felt distressed at first, but after riding for a few days she felt at ease.

You can go home later by taking a car, and you won’t lose too much money after all. Most importantly, they are old, so how can they go out to work without a car?

There are also those who are reluctant to part with money. Mrs. Yang has decided domineeringly that those who are unwilling to take the bus will not be allowed to work. She didn't want to take this group of people out and fall ill within two days. She wants everyone to make some money, not to kill everyone.

At the front of the mule cart team was the carriage that Old Mrs. Yang was riding in. It was purchased by Old Mrs. Yang's grandson-in-law.

"Tomorrow we have to add some fodder for the stallions," said Mrs. Cao. "I see that the Wuwei Army trained those horses very hard. They immediately wore armor, plus the dozens of kilograms of heavy armor on the human body, and they were going back and forth. Run a few laps and the horse will be exhausted."

Such tall horses were all wearing armor and standing there. They looked really majestic, but thinking that those horses had suffered a lot, Mrs. Cao was a little reluctant to part with them.

Old Mrs. Yang asked: "Is there enough fodder?"

"Enough," said Mrs. Cao, "there must be enough for the mare to eat."

Mrs. Yang nodded: "Then add more."

The two old ladies arrived at the entrance of the village and walked into the village together. Before they could separate, Old Mrs. Yang took a few deep breaths and then said with a smile on her face: "My granddaughter is back."

Mrs. Cao couldn't help but be startled: "How did you know?"

They didn't see the Wuwei Army either.

Not only did Mrs. Yang know that her granddaughter was back, she also knew that she was busy in the kitchen. Don't you smell something burnt? It was coming from his yard.

Mrs. Yang's face was full of smiles. The little mute was pretty good and she didn't treat her granddaughter badly.

How did she know? My granddaughter's cooking skills are not as good as before, so she doesn't have to do anything. Of course, it may be that her grandson-in-law likes to eat burnt food.


Zhao Luoyang saw Mrs. Yang in the kitchen and immediately stepped forward to take Mrs. Yang's arm. “Again, what have you done?” Old Mrs. Yang looked into the pot, fearing that her chickens and ducks would suffer. When she saw that it was fish, she was relieved.

The food was all ready. Mrs. Yang was thinking about her granddaughter and insisted on adding two more dishes.

When everyone comes back, dinner officially begins.

Zhao Luoyang found that there were a few more people at the dinner table. They were Song Guangyan, his wife Xu, and their two children. As soon as Zhao Luoyang thought about it, he knew that this was to help Mr. Song, and the Song Zhuangyuan family also risked their skin.

Everyone has long been accustomed to the two families eating together.

After all, it took the Song family two years to transform Mr. Song from having dinner alone to the entire Song family coming to have dinner. The time span was long enough and it was not abrupt at all.

That's all on weekdays. Today, Song Zhuangyuan was a little embarrassed in front of Zhao Luoyang. After all, he was not thick-skinned enough. Mrs. Xu knew Zhao Luoyang's character, so she didn't care. She stood up and casually just like at home. Follow Luo Zhenniang to clean up the dishes.

When no one was around, Zhao Yuanrang came over and whispered: "Uncle Song's family bought a lot of rice and noodles."

The number one scholar of the Song Dynasty is younger than Zhao Xueli and older than Zhao Xuejing. If the two families merge into one family, they will be ranked second in the row of the number one scholar of the Song Dynasty. Her father can be called the eldest brother, so there are five brothers again.

When he met Mr. Song on the way to move, Zhao Luoyang just wanted to exchange some money to solve the urgent needs of the Zhao family. Who would have thought that not only would he become a disciple, but he would also become a family.

"Sir," Zhao Luoyang served tea to Mr. Song, "Have you read those manuscripts?"

Mr. Song didn't know what to say. After he accepted this apprentice, he never had a day of leisure. Recently, the apprentice wrote another book to enlighten young children. Everything else was easy to say. He also added a book like "Nine Arithmetic book.

Why not use "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" directly? It's because that book is not suitable for children. Mr. Song didn't know what the use of his young apprentice was to promote arithmetic in the domain. Those who were not used in the imperial examination were all hereditary, and not many people were willing to spend the money. He had time to study, but as Mr. Song sorted out the manuscripts given by his apprentice, he gradually became more and more interested in arithmetic. The apprentice added some questions to them, all of which could be solved using arithmetic, and he could indeed use them in daily life. , but it is a pity that it is only for the enlightenment of young children after all, and the questions are inevitably too simple.

Mr. Song felt more and more unsatisfied. After sorting out these manuscripts, he should write a more advanced arithmetic book. He searched his mind for some of his old friends and thought of a few people who were proficient in arithmetic.

Unknowingly, Mr. Song turned himself into the blindfolded donkey, working willingly.

By the time Mr. Song came to his senses, he was already deep in the mud.

Thinking of this, Mr. Song was ready to show off as a gentleman. Even though his apprentice became a princess, he was still his disciple. He should always show off his anger, but when he glanced over, he saw the young apprentice standing not far away. Mrs. Yang.

Mr. Song had no choice but to pull up the drooped corners of his mouth again. The princess was not scary, but the princess's grandma was really scary.

After coughing, Mr. Song said: "It's almost done. I'll invite a few old friends over in two months to review the details."

Zhao Luoyang smiled and said, "I'll trouble you, sir." She was not only happy about Mr. Song's words, but also about the charm points she received in her system.

That all comes from Mr. Song.

Those words that Mr. Song couldn't say out loud were kept in his heart.

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