Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 598 Shocked

Mr. Song put away the manuscript and put on his newly made cloak. This cloak was made with a layer of woolen fabric and was very warm. He was afraid that Zhao Luoyang wouldn't be able to see it. He was still in Zhao Luoyang's house. He smoothed his sleeves under his eyelids.

"Sir, who made the cloak for you?"

Zhao Luoyang asked, and Mr. Song had a proud look on his face. He lowered his voice and said, "Your grandma."

After saying that, Mr. Song immediately withdrew his head, as if nothing had happened, and his face became serious: "I will learn this arithmetic book from Brother Rang and Brother Ji first. I will learn all of this book within three months." .”

When Zhao Yuanji heard his husband mention him, his ears stood up, and then there was a look of astonishment on his face: "Three...three months...isn't it a bit short?"

Mr. Song looked at Zhao Yuanrang: "It's not enough for three months? Brother Rang just watched me copy the manuscript, and he's almost good at it."

Zhao Yuanji swallowed the cheese in his mouth and almost choked. Then he looked at Zhao Yuanrang blankly: "Second brother, do you know how to do it?"

Zhao Yuanrang nodded: "The above is very clear, just remember the calculation method clearly."

After saying this, Zhao Yuanrang asked Mr. Song: "Sir, he said there are more difficult ones. I'm waiting for those manuscripts."

Mr. Song twirled his beard and smiled: "I have written the following manuscript a long time ago, but I am waiting for your sister to see when she can bring it to you."

Zhao Luoyang's smile remained on his face. The husband had learned bad things from her. Since the husband said so, she couldn't say no.

Zhao Yuanrang's eyes lit up: "Sister, have you finished reading?"

"Not yet," Zhao Luoyang said, "I don't have much time to read recently, so I have to slow down."

Zhao Yuan gave way: "It's better to go first..."

Before Zhao Yuanrang could finish speaking, Zhao Luoyang interrupted him: "That's just the first edition. Sir, you asked me to read it first and look for any mistakes before I can show it to others."

Zhao Yuanrang was a little disappointed: "So that's it. No wonder I had to show it to my sister first."

Zhao Luoyang said: "I will try my best to finish reading it as soon as possible. During this time, you will help Yuan Ji finish the first book, and then you will pass it on to others."

This is the key to the third phase of the system's mission that Zhao Luoyang found.

To disseminate useful knowledge in the system, how and what should be disseminated? Zhao Luoyang thought about this matter for a long time, and finally decided to base it on the fundamentals.

Whether it is maps or manufacturing spinning wheels and looms, they are all related to arithmetic. Without Mr. Song's help in calculations, they would not have been able to draw the drawings, let alone build new spinning wheels and looms.

Later, it was confirmed by the system that when she taught her two younger brothers arithmetic, her charm increased faster.

Zhao Luoyang stood up and sent Mr. Song back.

Song Guangyan drank a few glasses of wine with Zhao Xueli today. The wine was newly brewed by the winery. The wine was a bit strong. He didn't feel anything in the house. When he went out and saw the wind, his steps became a little unsteady and his mind was not clear. After waking up, Song Guangyan still remembered not to behave inappropriately in front of others. He felt that the ground under his feet was bumpy and uneven. Fortunately, he steadied his steps. When he walked through the low wall between the two houses... Song Guangyan's mind twitched and he suddenly remembered Something happened, so he stopped and turned around.

Mrs. Xu knew that her master was drunk, and was about to step forward to help him, but it was too late. She saw Song Guangyan coming back and leaning on the low wall, secretly tinkering with something with his hands.

Xu's face felt hot, and she immediately looked at Princess Yu next to her, and found that Princess Yu's eyes had already fallen on her master.

Okay, this is so embarrassing.

"Uncle Song is..." Zhao Luoyang watched the No. 1 Scholar with his own eyes, secretly moved a brick and hid it in his robe, and then walked quickly towards his home. Song Guangyan was secretly demolishing the wall. No wonder Zhao Luoyang found that the hole in the wall between the two houses was getting bigger and bigger, almost half of it collapsed.

Song Zhuangyuan did not dare to say anything, but he expressed his wishes with his own actions. He wanted to completely tear down the wall and turn the two families into one.

Xu blushed: "The prince praised my master before, saying that he... is a practical official... So it seems that the prince is right."

Zhao Luoyang nodded, and the two looked at each other and laughed in understanding.

After everyone was sent away, Zhao Luoyang wanted to help Mrs. Yang pack her belongings, but was kicked out: "Why are you following me? It's scary. Don't knock out another dish."

Finally, the old man and the young man were kicked out of the kitchen by Luo Zhenniang and Ge Shi.

Zhao Luoyang beat Old Mrs. Yang's back, and the two of them sat on the kang and talked. Old Mrs. Yang specially pushed her little granddaughter to the end of the kang because it was warm.

"Grandma," Zhao Luoyang said, "I was talking to Auntie Xie today and discovered something."

Mrs. Yang enjoyed this moment of tenderness between her grandparents and her grandchildren. She felt at ease with her little granddaughter by her side.

"What's the matter?" Old Mrs. Yang asked.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Aunt Xie probably wants to get married again."

Old Mrs. Yang opened her eyes: "Let me tell you... Sister Xiang's daughter has been different recently. She was not happy when I asked her to dress brightly. A few days ago, she finally relaxed and left a piece of purple cloth. Used to cut clothes.”

"Which family it is from, has she told you?"

"I asked, and Aunt Xie said no," Zhao Luoyang lowered his voice, "but I saw Aunt Xie blush."

Old Mrs. Yang said with certainty: "That means we have it."

Zhao Luoyang sighed: "It seems that Aunt Xie doesn't want to move forward, otherwise she wouldn't hide it from us. After all, everyone still cares about reputation. There are many widowed female relatives in the nearby villages, and only a few of them have remarried. It seems that remarrying is a problem. No matter how big a mistake I made, thinking about it this way, my granddaughter can still understand Auntie Xie."

"What do you understand?" Old Mrs. Yang's eyes widened, "Even though Sister Xiang is so old, your Aunt Xie is only twenty-three or four years old this year. Is it possible that she will always be a widow? As you said, men are all If you can renew your relationship, why can’t a woman remarry? You can’t have such thoughts.”

Zhao Luoyang thought for a moment: "After all, men and women are different. Men can divorce their wives, but women cannot divorce their husbands, and no woman takes the initiative to divorce."

"As a couple, if he treats you badly, they will naturally divorce. Why do you feel so aggrieved?"

Old Mrs. Yang thought that her little granddaughter might be at a disadvantage for thinking like this, so she couldn't help raising her voice: "Have you not seen clearly the disadvantages you have suffered?"

As the grandfather and grandson said this, they didn't notice that there was an extra person in the yard.

Especially when Mrs. Yang mentioned the word "harmony", her usually steady steps almost stumbled. Thanks to her timely recovery, otherwise she would have stumbled in front of everyone.

Xiao Yu finally managed to calm down. Zhao Xuejing, who was next to him, also heard his mother's words and subconsciously wanted to enter the room to interrupt, but was stopped by Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and thought about it carefully. These words probably weren't meant for him. His wife might have other plans. If she went in and disturbed...

Probably nothing good will come of it.

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