Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 599 Satisfaction

Zhao Xueli rested in the east room for a while, then got up to go to the toilet. As soon as he left the room, he saw his uncle and his third brother.

Although it was already spring and it was still very cold, his son-in-law, the feudal lord, was standing there...

It's exactly the same as him not daring to enter the house after drinking.

Zhao Xueli couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. It was pitiful for a person to be freezing, but it was nothing if a group of people were freezing, so he tiptoed over to see what they were doing.

There was still talk in the room.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Of course I know. Don't worry, grandma, if the little mute doesn't treat me well, I will go home immediately."

Zhao Xueli and Zhao Xuejing glanced at Xiao Yu subconsciously. Although their daughter belonged to his family, they felt that their son-in-law was particularly pitiful at this moment.

"That's right," Old Mrs. Yang said, "Don't say it's you or your mother. I also tell your aunts that if anyone treats them badly, they must not tolerate it. We don't have this in our family. rule."

After Mrs. Yang finished speaking, Xiao Yu looked back at his father-in-law and third uncle.

The three men were afraid of becoming homeless men outside, so they all shut up and listened carefully.

Fortunately, the grandfather and grandson did not continue to talk about their own affairs, which made the three of them relieved.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Grandma, we'd better say thank you."

Only then did Mrs. Yang realize that her words had gone astray: "It goes without saying, I'll go and persuade her."

"It's not just Aunt Xie," Zhao Luoyang said, "There are so many widowed women in the village. How can Grandma persuade them to come over one by one?"

Mrs. Yang felt that her granddaughter was talking about the same thing.

Zhao Luoyang said: "I think we should let Grandma Cao and the others lead a few women to talk about these things in private. We women can make money on our own, so why should we be bound by those so-called etiquette? A few days ago Some people also question the fact that there are both men and women in our weaving mill, which is really unbearable. When the Tibetans came, women were also shuttled among the army to deliver food and medicine. Why didn't anyone make any remarks at that time?"

Mrs. Yang then nodded.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Not to mention the people in the village, many wealthy families do not allow girls to read or read. When my granddaughter was a child, my father taught me how to read. Both of us, father and daughter, would be beaten and scolded by our grandfather. In some places, female babies were even drowned. , none of these should be.”

Old Mrs. Yang said: "There are still people drowning baby girls now? Didn't our vassal say long ago that we will not allow such a thing to happen?"

"It can't be stopped," Zhao Luoyang said, "It is said that the birth of girls in the family is due to the reincarnation of female ghosts. If you want to stop these female ghosts, you have to torture them to death. In addition to drowning the female babies, some families also use iron to The purpose of acupuncture on the baby girl's body is to make the female ghost suffer and stop visiting the family. If the female ghost does not come, she will naturally give birth to a boy in the next child. Even though local government offices strictly prohibit it, some people still take the risk to do it. "

Old Mrs. Yang sighed and knew that this kind of thing might not be prevented for a while. Rich families were afraid of giving birth to girls because they might not be able to inherit the family business if they had no sons, so they acted according to those rumors. Poor families are afraid of losing a fortune in dowry, and they even dislike having no children to cultivate their fields.

Zhao Luoyang said: "These things need to be reversed slowly. I want to hold a wedding in Taozhou specifically for those women who remarry. The palace will provide money and give them a dowry. What do you think?"

The reason why she chose Taozhou to start was, firstly, because of the prestige of the palace and the eldest princess, and secondly, there were many female relatives working in the weaving and leather workshops here, and the female relatives' ideas had somewhat changed, so she followed the trend. , then everything will happen naturally.

Old Mrs. Yang naturally agreed: "Tomorrow I will talk to the old ladies in the village and ask them to spread the news for you. There must be many people who are willing."

The princess presided over the wedding and gave a dowry. This was a great thing. Those who wanted to get married and those who wanted to marry a wife, didn't they all have to step forward?

Let’s see who else dares to gossip about the things the princess advocates.

During the relocation, some of the women's families had their husband die, and they had no choice but to get married. At that time, no one said anything, but when life got better and things got better, there were still people pointing fingers behind their backs.

Old Mrs. Yang became angry when she heard such a thing. Why did she have food and drink but caused a lot of troubles? Only people who really have nothing to do would do this. Let the little granddaughter handle things like this, at least there will be less evil in the feudal land.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Let's do this before spring plowing."

Old Mrs. Yang said: "When we get married, we can work in the fields as a family."

A smile appeared on Xiao Yu's face outside. It seemed that what Madam said before was to pave the way for this matter. This is a good thing. It not only allows women to take this step, but also changes many people's prejudices against women. Of course Through this marriage, the matter between Grandma and Mr. Song can be brought to light.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu looked at his father-in-law who was still a little drunk.

Zhao Xueli shook his head and suddenly understood something, so he turned to look at Zhao Xuejing. They must seize such a good opportunity.

The three people exchanged glances, and Xiao Yu reached out and knocked on the door.

Zhao Xueli said: "Mom, Brother Yu is here."

Xiao Yu did not leave in a hurry, but set up a small table on the kang and ate some food. Mrs. Yang and Luo Zhenniang wanted to cook the dishes again, but Xiao Yu refused.

"I've been hungry all day, so it's good to have some leftovers and heat them up."

Seeing her son-in-law taking big bites of the pastry, Luo Zhenniang immediately felt distressed and couldn't help but said: "No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat, and you will have to lead troops to fight in a while."

As he said that, he looked at Zhao Luoyang, and before he could say anything, he heard his son-in-law say: "Luoyang brought me food, I was going to use it, but when I heard that Luoyang had returned to the village, I thought it would be better to go home to eat. "

She took care of Sister Luo before she complained, and Luo Zhenniang became more and more satisfied with her son-in-law.

After dinner, Zhao Xueli asked about the situation over there with King Xiang, and then he learned that King Xiang's army had arrived in the southwest of Beijing, facing the army of the vassal from a distance. King Xiang and his son never showed up, obviously because they were afraid of being captured by Xiao Yu. Hiding behind.

Mrs. Yang doesn't understand military matters, but she knows that a timid person is just a fake tiger, unable to do anything. Just such a person still raises troops and makes the people suffer from military disasters.

"Go back early." Old Mrs. Yang urged her granddaughter and grandson-in-law. They will be busy in a few days and the two children will be separated again. It is not good to waste time with them.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll rest in the village today."

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji couldn't help but be happy when they heard it. With the skills, they could pester their brother-in-law and ask questions.

Xiao Yu and the Zhao family gathered together and talked for a while before taking Zhao Luoyang back to his residence.

As soon as she entered the house, Zhao Luoyang felt her waist tighten, and then she was hugged up. Before she could recover, she heard Xiao Yu whisper in her ear: "What did you say to grandma?"

Zhao Luoyang said: "It's Aunt Xie..."

"Don't say it again."

Zhao Luoyang was startled, unable to think of what Xiao Yu was referring to.

"You almost scared me back into the system," Xiao Yu's voice became even deeper, "You have to compensate me."

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