Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 603: Certain period

Luo Zhenniang looked at Mrs. Xu and signaled if she wanted to step forward to help her.

At such an old age, sitting on the cold ground should not make you sick again.

Instead, Mrs. Xu breathed a sigh of relief, looking relieved, and reached out to hold Luo Zhenniang: "Second sister-in-law, let's go!" After thinking about it, she knew that Mrs. Yang would not have the heart to let it go.

Even if you don’t care...

In this weather, at most one illness would make Mrs. Yang soft-hearted. For the sake of the future, Mrs. Xu felt that it was worth the effort for her father-in-law.

So she took Luo Zhenniang and they really left.

Mrs. Yang also walked forward, deliberately not looking back. After walking a long way, she stopped and heard no footsteps. Mr. Song was still humming on the ground.

Tell me, there are so many people at the palace, how come no one passes by?

After waiting for a long time, Mrs. Yang felt that her feet were a little cold. They were half boots made of fur. They were not good for being outside for a long time. In such a cold weather, the bones would freeze.

Old Mrs. Yang sighed, no matter what, it can't cost people's lives, right?

She finally turned around and walked back.

Mr. Song was still sitting there hunched over, not moving at all.

Seeing the figure of Old Mrs. Yang, her wailing became even louder. Anyway, his face fell to the ground and couldn't be picked up today. In this case, don't be afraid.

"Get up," Old Mrs. Yang said, "Isn't it embarrassing? There are other gentlemen in this house. If they see your old face, where will they put it?"

Mr. Song said, "I pursued learning when I was young, and my hair was gray when I got married. My son lost his mother when he was four years old, and he is now thirty. I have worked hard to raise him up over the years, why can't I think about myself for once?"

"I'm already old now, and some things can't wait."

Mr. Song said as he rubbed his eyes with his sleeve.

Old Mrs. Yang didn't believe what he said. She had gray hair when she got married.

"How can you be embarrassed when you are older? Only now can you understand your life."

Seeing that Mr. Song was going to continue to cheat, Mrs. Yang stretched out her legs and kicked him: "Get up and talk to me in the yard."

Mr. Song moved his sleeves down, and when he saw that Mrs. Yang's face was not so ugly, he stopped humming: "Really?"

"If you don't leave, you will sit here for the rest of your life!"

After speaking, Mrs. Yang walked forward, but her steps deliberately slowed down. Mr. Song behind him hesitated for a moment, then got up from the ground, raised his feet and caught up with Mrs. Yang.

When the two people walked side by side, Old Mrs. Yang said: "Wait until this battle is over."

Mr. Song didn't come back to his senses for a moment. He stayed there for a long time, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Old Mrs. Yang glanced at Mr. Song, her face was full of folds, what could be so good about her smile? But she felt like it was okay.


Zhao Luoyang finally had some time to rest. Zhang Erya brought the reward to Xi Niang, and Xi Niang accepted it with a smile.

One of them said: "At this moment, several people asked me whether I would take care of the princess next time."

Xiniang said: "I just said, why don't you do it? The princess also said, let us help organize the next time, but it will have to wait until after spring plowing."

Zhao Luoyang asked: "Are they anxious?"

"No," Xi Niang said, "but I advise them to take advantage of this time to choose carefully and find a suitable husband." Everyone in the room laughed when they heard this.

Xiniang continued: "My eldest sister-in-law has been a widow for many years. When I went out today, my mother-in-law also asked me if I could find a suitable one for my eldest sister-in-law. They are both women. Who doesn't know the difficulties in this? The princess also said Yes, now we don’t have to think about whether we can live on, but we have to live a better life.”

Zhao Luoyang nodded.

Xiniang said: "I have seen a lot of these things while walking around the villages. The princess has done a great thing."

If this continues, the folk customs will definitely change.

Some of what Xi Niang said is right, but this matter is not entirely within Zhao Luoyang's control. The women who came to the church to get married today are all people who have left home and do some other work on their own. They have money in their hands and are knowledgeable. If there is more, she won't be confined in a small kitchen. She just adds a little more effort to make everything fall into place, so her efforts are as usual.

Zhao Luoyang also gained a lot of charm points by presiding over this marriage. Now her obsession with charm points is no longer what it was at the beginning. There are some things she must do that have nothing to do with charm points. Speaking of contact, it should be that the system gave her some guidance along the way.

Xiniang and others left, and Xiao Yu also walked into the house.

Zhao Luoyang stood up and was about to help him undress, but Xiao Yu took his hand and sat back on the kang. Then he cleaned his hands skillfully, added tea to Zhao Luoyang, and brought the cakes to her mouth.

Not long after they got married, Prince Yu became more and more skilled in serving his wife.

Zhao Luoyang was eating snacks, and Xiao Yu reached out and took off the hairpin from her head. The gold hairpin was quite heavy in his hand. Zhao Luoyang didn't like to wear these on weekdays.

"We have to go out soon." Zhao Luoyang said after swallowing the rice cake.

"Wear it then," Xiao Yu said with a smile, "it will take a while for the banquet to end."

After saying that, he crossed his legs on the kang and hugged her into his arms, letting her lean against him to feel more comfortable.

"Is there any news from the Prime Minister?" Zhao Luoyang went to get another piece of rice cake and put it towards Xiao Yu's mouth, but Xiao Yu didn't pick it up. Instead, he took her other hand and bit her in half. He brought it to his mouth, adding a deeper impression.

Xiao Yu said: "This is indeed more delicious."

Zhao Luoyang simply stuffed all the remaining rice cakes into his mouth. After fussing for a while, her cheeks turned crimson.

"The soldiers under the Prime Minister were looting property everywhere," Xiao Yu said. "The Prime Minister intended to use these to tie up the soldiers, so he let them do whatever they wanted."

Zhao Luoyang frowned: "It seems that the Grand Master is not ready to intervene."

"Well," Xiao Yu said, "He still wants to hide in the dark and find ways to bring out all the Prime Minister's abilities."

Zhao Luoyang said: "Because the things that King Xiang can do are exactly what he cannot do. The idea of ​​Master Yi should have been taken action before you came to the vassal. It is a pity that the internal affairs of the court are unstable and there is no extra money and food." If there is a civil war, many courtiers will definitely oppose it if he proposes it. If he goes against all opinions, if the civil war brings about a border crisis, his reputation as a wise prime minister will be lost."

"Now that the imperial court does not get enough rice, there is only one way to support the war, and that is to rob the people of their property. This is the inevitable result of forcing a war."

But this time the Grand Master will not be responsible for all the mistakes.

Xiao Yu said: "There are also government officials who are resisting. I have asked people to interact with these people in private and prepare to go to Wang Yicheng first."

Zhao Luoyang looked at Xiao Yu: "When?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I'll leave tonight."

Zhao Luoyang didn't expect it to come so suddenly, but if he thought about it carefully, such a big movement in Taozhou would spread quickly. Even if the Prime Minister's eyes couldn't spy too closely, they would definitely know that Xiao Yu was there. Taozhou. They didn't expect that Xiao Yu would suddenly send troops.

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