Zhao Luoyang stood up and was about to help Xiao Yu pack his luggage, but was pulled back.

"You don't need to worry about it," Xiao Yu said. "Huaiguang has prepared the armor and spear. I will also bring a few clothes. Mother Chen will take care of them."

Zhao Luoyang thought about it and found that apart from these, there really seemed to be nothing special to prepare.

"Isn't this a bit bad?" Zhao Luoyang raised his head and looked at Xiao Yu seriously, "We are getting married, I should take care of these."

Xiao Yu smiled: "Actually, there is still something important that has not been done, and you have to do it."

Zhao Luoyang listened carefully to what was going on. However, Xiao Yu did not continue but suddenly turned around and pressed her on the kang: "There is still an hour and a half before we leave. Come with me to rest for a while."

Zhao Luoyang opened his mouth to speak, but the sound was suppressed in his throat and he could no longer speak.

Huaiguang outside the door quietly led the people out, reached out to tie up the people in the main courtyard, and no one was allowed to disturb them for an hour and a half.

Xiao Yu waited until just before setting off to get up and put on his clothes. He reached out and touched Zhao Luoyang's forehead: "Don't get up. Huaiguang is waiting outside. We are leaving now. There is no need to send him off, so as not to be discovered by spies." .”

Zhao Luoyang nodded.

"Wait until I come back." Xiao Yu bent down and kissed her forehead.

Zhao Luoyang pulled down the quilt and watched Xiao Yu stride out of the house. Then he heard the sound of him talking to Chen's mother outside.

"The princess will have a good sleep in the house and won't go to the banquet. When people ask, just say that I have something to do over there and ask the princess to take care of it."

Mother Chen responded.

Xiao Yu had already left, but then he thought of something and turned around: "Remember to wake her up for dinner."

Mother Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry!"

"Put less sugar in the rice cakes," Xiao Yu said, "It's too sweet and she doesn't like it."

The sound didn't stop until it reached the door.

Before he even walked out of the house, Xiao Yu was already thinking about when he could come back. After getting married, he liked staying at home more and more, and he fully understood the feeling of being reluctant to leave.

"Sir, everything is ready."

Two hundred Qingqi gathered outside the city, preparing to follow the young master to Fengxiang Mansion and meet Xue Ding there.

Xiao Yu got on his horse and was about to leave when he subconsciously looked towards the courtyard of the palace. The moment he glanced over, he saw a figure running towards him quickly.

The corners of her green clothes were blown by the wind, and her bun was slightly messy, but she didn't care at all.

Xiao Yu jumped off his horse, walked quickly towards her, and finally took her into his arms.

Neither of them spoke.

Xiao Yu listened to her rapid breathing, but felt extremely at ease, and a little distressed: "You will catch a cold if you run out in such cold weather."

"I'll watch you go," Zhao Luoyang said, "I will send you off every time I go on an expedition in the future, so that you can feel at ease and come back sooner."

"Okay," Xiao Yu said, "I'll be back soon."

"I'll wait for you at home."

Listening to her gentle voice, Xiao Yu felt a little short of breath. In fact, he didn't care, and the Prime Minister didn't dare to do anything for a moment. Although the Prime Minister was consuming the court's money and rice, Da Qi would not be so quick. After being dragged down, maybe he could deal with it later.

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, and finally tidied Zhao Luoyang's clothes, mounted the horse again, and rode away under Zhao Luoyang's gaze.

"It's cold," Mother Chen said, "Princess, please go back quickly, so as not to worry the prince."

Zhao Luoyang turned around and took Mother Chen towards the inner courtyard. Zhao Luoyang asked: "Is there any news from Beijing?"

Mother Chen lowered her voice: "Not yet, Huaiqing has already gone to ask." Xiao Yu left all matters regarding Xiao Min to Zhao Luoyang. Zhao Luoyang tried to find the old people around Yingbi. There was some commotion there. If there was something wrong with Concubine Ying's death, someone would definitely want to avenge her.

"It should be almost the same day."

It only takes so long to come and go from the capital.

Mother Chen nodded: "I'll ask again."

The Prime Minister sent troops, and Xiao Yu went to Fengxiang Mansion. The only difference now was Xiao Min's attitude. If Xiao Min could take the initiative to help, it would be easier to deal with the Grand Master and the Prime Minister.



At the great court meeting, various places once again reported to the Prime Minister the siege of the vassal territory, just because King Yu's memorials were sent to the capital every day, and the crimes listed above were all the crimes of the Prime Minister.

Also, I would like to ask the court whether the Prime Minister's move was approved by the court. If he sends troops without the court knowing about it, it will be called military rebellion and rebellion.

Whether he should send troops to bring back the Prime Minister or order the King of Yu to send troops to quell the rebellion. After the news of the Prime Minister's gathering of troops came back to the court, the officials quarreled endlessly, and the Grand Master could not make a decision for a while.

Things just dragged on.

Naturally, this was also a method deliberately used by the Grand Master. As long as the court could not make a decision for a day, the Prime Minister could continue to lead the troops.

Civil and military officials were also quite cooperative, naturally because no one wanted to take over this job.

It's very simple. Both King Yu and King Xiang are a serious concern of the imperial court and the Grand Master. Anyone he saves will make the Grand Master hate him, and he will never hope for a prosperous official career in the future.

Furthermore, if you go to the feudal land, you may never return. No one is willing to take the risk, and everyone is passing the blame. The result is that discussions are held every day, but no results are achieved.

Even though Da Zong was requesting to lead troops to the vassal territory, the court rejected the request with the excuse that there were no troops to call upon. At this time, Daqi's borders were all uneasy. It seemed that all the enemies suddenly got the news and sent troops to Daqi together.

Xiao Min, who was sitting on the throne, was frowning more and more. There was no news today. The Ministry of Household Affairs could not mobilize money and food, so he could only evade it and said that he would go back and try to collect military resources.

When the court meeting finally ended, the officials with different political views looked at each other angrily and walked out of the hall one after another. But after leaving the palace, they would get together to have wine again.

Xiao Min sat in front of the desk, preparing to complete his homework. The officials who had recently entered the palace to teach the emperor invariably left a lot of homework for the emperor to complete.

Except for going to court, Xiao Min spent all his time on books and had no time to do anything else.

Today he did not rush to pick up the brush, but looked at the grand master.

"Grand Master," Xiao Min said, "Why are you unwilling to send troops to help King Yu?"

The Grand Master bowed and said, "It's not that I don't want to help, but after the First World War in the Northwest, the King of Yu took away too many elites from the imperial court, and the number of soldiers and horses in the hands of the emperor was actually too few. If the imperial court sends men, there will be soldiers." Ma takes the opportunity to enter the capital, what will the court do then?"

"We have too many things to consider, but the most important thing is to protect the emperor."

Xiao Min looked at the Grand Master: "The Grand Master is afraid that someone will take the opportunity to enter the capital? Is it my brother King Yu?"

In fact, children are easy to coax, but the emperor in front of him is different. Since he is sitting on the throne, there is no time for him to grow up like ordinary children. The way to make a child mature faster is to experience suffering.

Obviously the emperor has experienced enough, so even a grand master will think carefully before speaking.

The Taishi said: "I don't know, but the King Prime Minister raised an army very strangely, and he did not take any action when he besieged the vassal territory. Has the Emperor ever thought about what if all this is fake?"

"The Prime Minister and the King of Yu are not tit-for-tat. They have been in contact with each other privately for a long time, and suddenly they gather together. Who is their opponent?"

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