The Prime Minister looked at his youngest son and nodded. What he said made sense. If there was any news before dawn, it would be quick.

Xiao Zheng, the youngest son of the Prime Minister, continued: "This battle should not have any bad results. The worst thing is that it will return without success. The war has not officially started yet, but it is just testing each other. My son has people ready, If we lose, we will say that King Yu is threatening a hundred civilians and we have to withdraw our troops. I have already found dozens of civilians and asked them to enter the city to spread the news."

When the people spread the news, they naturally told how they were forced to work by the King of Yu, how many people died while building the army stronghold, how they were pushed out of the human wall to die, and how they were finally rescued by the soldiers and horses of the King Xiang.

The Prime Minister thought for a while and then spoke: "Even if we win, we will let those civilians enter the city to get things done, and arrange for their children to work in our village."

Regardless of winning or losing, the reputation of King Yu's cruelty must be known to the people, so that the people will obediently hand over the food. After all, if they lose and are attacked by King Yu, the people will have no way of living. Those stupid people, talk to them. They will not listen, and will only be driven if it threatens their lives.

The lieutenants and military leaders were good at robbing everywhere, and all they could grab were property. He also wanted to mobilize the people in the city's anger against King Yu and defend the city with them.

As for why the family members of the common people were allowed to go to Zhuangzi in the Prime Minister's Mansion, it was naturally to ensure that they would not dare to deviate.

The Prime Minister waved his hand and asked his youngest son to go down and do his work.

Xiao Zheng walked out of the house, and immediately two women aged fourteen or fifteen came in to serve the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister was used to pampering himself, and he felt tired after working hard for most of the night. He lay on the kang and let his maid rub his forehead before falling asleep.

"Your Majesty, it's not good, the armed guards are here."

"Your Majesty."

The Prime Minister opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a maid holding a lamp, and another maid calling him to get up.

"What happened?" King Xiang was old after all, and he didn't react for a moment. He thought he was in the royal palace in the capital. When his eyes glanced at the look of fear on the maid's face, he suddenly woke up completely.

"What did you say?" King Xiang said.

The maid's eyes were red and she stammered: "Outside... the steward came in and said... said..."

The Prime Minister lost his patience, pushed the maid away, and then shouted: "Let the steward come in and answer."

As soon as he finished speaking, the steward who was waiting outside stumbled into the door. He had just gone out to ask carefully for accurate information. Even if the Prime Minister didn't speak, he would still break through the door.

After all, the manager was cautious and knew that he had to tell the truth as soon as possible so that he could follow the prince and leave this dangerous place: "Your Majesty, the armed guards have defeated Qianyang City again."

"What?" King Xiang's eyes widened.

The steward said: "It's the news sent back by the third master. Two lieutenants escaped from Qianyang City. They came to move reinforcements. They said that this time the city was broken, it was different from last time. The armed guards left without taking anything. Instead, they are chasing and rounding up the defenders we left in the city, and they also say... we are treasonous."

"In order to stabilize the morale of the army, the third master followed them to the military camp and told us to serve the master and go south quickly and stay away from here."

King Xiang couldn't believe it.

"how is this possible?"

It was they who went for a sneak attack, not the armed guards who led troops to attack. Even if the sneak attack failed, they would only return without success. Why was the city still attacked? There are ten thousand troops stationed in Qianyang City, how many troops are there in the entire vassal?

How could this be the result?

What happened in the end?

The Prime Minister said: "Tell the third master to go to Qianyang City immediately and mobilize the soldiers and horses in the city to resist the armed guards. It is impossible for the armed guards to really capture Qianyang City based on the strength of the armed guards in the military stronghold. They are just bluffing. "

King Xiang guessed that the defenders of Qianyang City might have fallen into a trap and were breached again. As long as they reorganized to resist, they would be able to drive out the vassal soldiers and horses.

But who will organize the troops? He definitely can't do it. He is the coach and can't make any mistakes, so he leaves it to the third child.

"Say it to the Third Brother," said the Prime Minister, "I will remember all the achievements I made this time."

After accomplishing great things, he will give some rewards to the third child.

As the youngest son of the royal family, he cannot inherit the title. If he wants to achieve something, he must make great contributions. This is the opportunity for the third child.

The Prime Minister didn't want to go all out, so he could only draw a big cake for his son.

"Bring your things with you," King Xiang said, "We have to defend the next city."

The steward responded and hurriedly went to make arrangements.

After the Prime Minister got on the carriage, the general who was leading the way quickly ran back: "Your Majesty, we can't go south. The gate of the southern city is already crowded with people."

The Prime Minister frowned: "Didn't the Wuwei Army just arrive in Qianyang City? Haven't they come here yet? How come the people in the city got the news so quickly?"

The general couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It's those soldiers who got the news who are transporting property outside the city."

Not long after those generals arrived at Fengxiang Mansion, they acquired a lot of wealth through unknown means. They heard that soldiers and horses from the domain were coming, and they were transporting their property out by the carload in order to protect themselves from losses.

It is the official road blocked by these cars, horses and people.

What's even more ridiculous is that those generals also robbed many women. Some women's families came to find them and planned to take them away during the chaos. In short, various situations occurred frequently, causing chaos in the city.

"Trash." King Xiang shouted.

The defenders in the city are a bunch of useless trash. They don't think about how to hold on to the city, but to protect their own property first. It is conceivable that if the armed guards attack, they will immediately abandon the city.

King Xiang said: "Go to the other gate."

The same goes for leaving the city through other gates before the armed guards arrive.

The general responded and immediately led the people to change direction and go out through the north gate.

The team had not gone far when they heard another noise in front of them.

The general of the Prime Minister's Mansion went to inquire again. Soon after, the general came back with an ugly face and reported: "Your Majesty, the north gate is also blocked, and it is also the people in the city. They also captured the defenders in the city."

"What?" Xiang Wang frowned deeper.

"Get them."

"After they entered the city, they burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes. They said a few days ago that bandits were coming, but they were just pretending."

"If the people from the domain hadn't secretly helped to kill the soldiers who broke into the village, I don't know how many people would have died."

"We didn't dare to say it before, but now that the armed guards are coming, we might as well capture the city gate and welcome the armed guards into the city."

The intermittent sounds reached his ears, and the Prime Minister suddenly shuddered.

The people in the city rebelled. They wanted to fight against the imperial troops and dedicate Fengxiang Mansion to Xiao Yu.

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