Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 611 Occupying the City

The Prime Minister calmed down. Even if a group of unarmed mobs really wanted to cause trouble, how could they be a match for the imperial soldiers and horses holding sharp weapons?

As long as they dare to make trouble, kill a few of the leaders to intimidate them, and then throw the blame on King Yu's head.

King Xiang looked at the general: "Take some people to find the defenders in the city and help them deal with the spies sent by King Yu."

The general understood as soon as he heard that, since he was a spy, he could kill him casually without having to persuade or ask, and he could suppress this wave of rebellion with the force of thunder.

The family general took the people to the government office, and the Prime Minister ordered the others: "Keep an eye here. If there is any looseness on the city gate, we will rush out of the city immediately."

The ginger is still old and the fox is naturally the most cunning. At the critical moment, King Xiang knows that saving his life is the most important thing. Whether the chaos in the city can be calmed down is a trivial matter.

It's also a good thing that some generals are missing, so as not to make them look too conspicuous.

When the Prime Minister came out, he did not wear his dazzling princely clothes to avoid being recognized. He also abandoned the gorgeous carriage and horses and ordered people to change to an ordinary mule carriage. He put on a commoner robe and shrank into the carriage. , waiting for a turning point.

But what Xiang Wang didn't expect was that more and more people gathered at the city gate. People who didn't know where they came from all rushed over at once.

"Someone is coming from the Yamen."

Someone shouted, and there was a commotion all around.

Then the person who reported the news rushed over: "The Yamen has brought hundreds of people over. Let us disperse immediately, otherwise we will all be considered guilty of treason."

Conspiracy would involve the whole family. Everyone had a bit of fear on their faces when they said this, but soon someone asked: "Are they the soldiers who entered the city a few days ago?"

The messenger nodded.

The person who spoke before immediately became angry: "If it were them, even if they were charged with treason, I would fight them."

As he spoke, the man clasped his fists at the people around him: "Many people here should recognize me. I opened a flat food stall in the West Market. I left early in the morning and came home late to earn enough money to survive. That group of soldiers came to my stall the day they entered the city. Not only did those beasts not give me any money when they ate flat food, they also molested my wife. When we resisted, the stall was smashed."

"My wife couldn't bear the humiliation, so she committed suicide that night. Now that my family is ruined, I'm not afraid of being accused of any serious crime of treason."

This man's words once again ignited everyone's anger.

"Bah," someone else said, "I've heard about all the rebellion. It was the Prime Minister who conspired to rebel. These soldiers and horses who entered the city were basically gathered by the Prime Minister to launch a rebellion."

"Otherwise, why did our parents disappear when they entered the city? If you want us to retreat, we can just let our old parents speak out and make decisions for us."

"Yes, yes, let the old parents come out."

The shouting grew louder.

It was a normal request for the people to see their parents in the city, but King Xiang couldn't satisfy it because Fengxiang's parents had been placed under house arrest by him, just because that person questioned his intention of gathering troops. No matter how he defended, that one All the officials asked him to produce the official scriptures of the imperial court.

It proves that he came here to rebel.

In anger, he put the person in the government prison and prepared to hang out for a while. By then, even the toughest bones would become soft, and now people are thinking of this.

King Xiang felt that the matter in front of him was becoming more and more troublesome.

"Ever since those soldiers entered the city, we haven't been able to live in peace for a day. Many families have been harmed by them. There is no shop in the West City where they have not collected money."

"It was collected more than once. We just finished collecting it yesterday, and they came to the door again today. In just a short time, more than half of the shops in the West Market are closed."

"The front of a car at the south gate is filled with the property they confiscated."

The people all saw how many carriages and horses were crowded in Nancheng. Now that it was exposed, everyone understood.

"In addition to money, they are also thinking about our fields. I have seen many people looking around and asking where we will plant cotton. It is conceivable that when the cotton is harvested, they will start to rob it."

"If these people don't leave, there will be no way for us to survive."

"They said that the King of Yu was rebellious and harmed the people in the vassal area. Among other things, the King of Yu asked people to pass on the method of growing cotton to us, and he helped us find a living in the winter. How many people did he help? Such a person would harm the people. , do you believe it?" "No."

"Do not believe."

"If we just break up like this, can those people really let us go?"


"Since we are all going to die no matter what, why don't we all fight together."

"Open the city gate to welcome the King of Yu and the armed guards. Please ask the King of Yu to make the decision for us."

While everyone was talking, the soldiers and horses from the government office had already arrived.

Someone picked up the farm tools in their hands and said, "Fight with them."


The angry crowd picked up sticks and farm tools and rushed forward.

The Prime Minister saw with his own eyes the "rabble" fighting with the soldiers and horses sent by the government office.

"Your Majesty, let's get ready. When the court gains the upper hand, we'll take the opportunity to leave."

The Prime Minister nodded. Although he wanted to stay and correct these unruly people, he was too important to make any mistakes.

King Xiang calculated that in about half an hour, the turmoil in the city would turn around.

A turning point did appear, earlier than the Prime Minister expected.

However, it was not the unruly people who were beaten back, but Fengxiang's defenders.

"The farm tools those people are holding are solid," the general who went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to help finally managed to escape and came to the Prime Minister's side to report, "These people should have been prepared."

Are farm tools solid?

If the origin of farm tools can be traced to King Yu, then the intentions of King Yu can be questioned.

But at this time, who can take care of this matter? Where do you find the time to investigate the case?

"Your Majesty," said the general of the Prime Minister's Mansion, "we can only force our way out of the city. If it's too late, I'm afraid the city tower will be completely captured by the people. It will be even harder to get out by then."

As long as he can get out of the city, the Prime Minister doesn't want to fight hard. Even though he has many soldiers and horses gathered, most of them are secretly arranged by the Grand Master. Those people are not trustworthy, and they may not listen to his orders at critical moments. He is the most reliable. The only ones he has are his own generals. Losing too many personal guards and generals will be detrimental to him in the future.

But now there is really no choice.

"Fight a way out." The Prime Minister took a deep breath and ordered.

If there is too much oppression, there will be resistance.

The people in the city had indeed suffered too much, and they were particularly fierce when they resisted. There were also many King Yu's spies among them.

The Prime Minister can see that those people are very organized and lead the people to do something.

If it weren't for these people, the Prime Minister wouldn't be in such a mess.

"Close the city gate."

After the city tower was captured by the people, someone immediately gave the order.

The city gate was just around the corner, and King Xiang almost turned red at this moment.

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