Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 613 The crime is unforgivable

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, the soldiers kneeling on the ground immediately became frightened.

They thought that surrendering would save their lives, but they didn't expect that this would be the end result. Many of them had done things to oppress the people, could it be possible that they would all be killed?

A military leader kneeling in front spoke first: "I have never killed, I have never touched a hand, many things were done by my men, I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, the military guard next to him had already raised his sword.

Blood spurted out, and a human head rolled to the ground.

Xiao Yu said coldly: "It is an unforgivable crime to allow your subordinates to commit crimes."

The armed guards did not hesitate, and quickly dragged out several deputy generals and military leaders from the prisoners, forced them to the ground, and raised their swords again.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people came over carrying farm tools and sticks. When they heard that King Yu was coming to make decisions for them, they all looked excited. They first thanked King Yu, and then went to look for the soldiers who had oppressed them among the prisoners.

When the soldiers saw the fate of the deputy general and the commander, they were trembling with fear, praying in their hearts that no common people would remember his appearance...

"It's this beast, he killed my daughter."

"They were the ones who stole my family's food."

"This person... is this person..."

More and more soldiers were identified, and some among the soldiers began to cry, begging Xiao Yu for his life.

"I'll pay back the money."

"I will take out all the stolen property. Please, as long as you don't kill me, Prince Yu..."

But it was no use, and they were dragged to the city and beheaded.

In a short time, rivers of blood flowed under the city, but none of the people were afraid. Many of them cried with joy and shouted the names of their relatives, finally avenging them.

The soldiers who did not harm the people all turned pale. It was not that they had never exploited the people, but they were nothing compared to the soldiers who harmed people, so they were not remembered by the people.

"The remaining people are imprisoned in the government office. People who have been wronged can go to the government office to identify them at any time."

The prisoners thought they had escaped, but when they heard the words behind them, they thought again that if they were recognized behind them, they would be killed at any time.

No one can relax because they may be mistaken and lose their lives in vain.

"Prince Yu, this is unfair," one of the soldiers said with courage, "Convicting someone without trial. What if there is something wrong?"

Xiao Yu looked over and said, "The moment you extended your hands to innocent people, you had no right to say this. Even if you didn't do it, you didn't stop it. You should be guilty of the same crime."

The soldier was still dissatisfied, but he could only look pale and shut his mouth. King Yu was right. How many people looked on coldly and didn't reach out to snatch it. Maybe they didn't have a chance, maybe they had a little conscience, that's all.

The identification and killing continued, and some civil servants came to plead for mercy, so that Xiao Yu's hands would be less stained with blood, which would definitely be good for him in the future, but Xiao Yu waved his hands and had people drag him away.

Xiao Yu looked at the corpses thrown aside, which were somewhat similar to the scene he had experienced in his dream. At that time, he also ordered the killing of prisoners.

But it is completely different, because this time he is not doing it because of violence, but because he knows what he is doing.

Everything he did in Fengxiang today will soon spread. The soldiers who follow the Prime Minister should restrain themselves and not dare to attack the people at will. This is enough.

Although these people don't know how to fight, they know how to save their lives.

"Where is the Prime Minister?" Xiao Yu asked Nie Ping.

Nie Ping said: "Go out through the south city gate."

"Don't worry about him," Xiao Yu said, "Continue going south to the next city."

... The Prime Minister and the two guards walked all the way south. They didn't dare to rest on the way. They just wanted to get to the next place where soldiers and horses were stationed as soon as possible.

Until daybreak, the county seat is right in front of us.

To be cautious, the guards went to inquire about the news before, and only after ensuring that the city was safe would the Prime Minister enter the city.

Another guard brought water and asked the Prime Minister to moisten his chapped lips.

King Xiang took a deep breath, and now he finally felt like he had escaped from death. If Xiao Yu knew that he was almost able to capture him, he would definitely feel very regretful.

Once he recovers, he will definitely lead an army to avenge last night.

"Your Majesty," the guard came back in a panic, "the people here are also going to open the city gates to welcome King Yu. They are already making a fuss at the gate of the government office."

The local officials here have surrendered to the Prime Minister and secretly acted deaf and dumb to the soldiers' oppression of the people, which has long made the people resentful. They have been prepared in private for a long time, hoping that the King of Yu will uphold justice for them, otherwise the Fengxiang Mansion will also They will not capture the city gate and welcome King Yu's army into the city.

Although the people in the city here are not aware of the latest situation in Fengxiang Mansion, they have spontaneously thought of fighting.

"Keep on going, don't go into the city."

The Prime Minister was afraid that he would be blocked in the city again. This time he had no family around him to open the way for him.

Until now, King Xiang has not figured out when King Yu colluded with the people in the city? The defenders in the city didn't notice at all.



Zhao Luoyang was standing on the field ridge, watching farmers prepare for spring plowing.

I hope it will rain in the next two days so that the seeds can germinate more smoothly in the fields.

She even hoped that the news of the little mute's victory would come earlier.

"Is there any news about Brother Yu?" Zhang Yao also found Zhao Luoyang and asked her for news.

Zhao Luoyang shook his head: "Not yet."

Zhang Yao was a little anxious: "The Prime Minister doesn't know how to fight, but he can scheme with people. I'm always afraid that Brother Yu will fall into his trap. Brother Yu is kind and can easily be coerced by others' weaknesses."

"Prince Xiang is a man who doesn't even care about his own daughter."

Zhao Luoyang comforted Zhang Yao: "Uncle, don't worry. Conspiracy and conspiracy will never come to the fore. The prince and the armed guards have experienced hundreds of battles. How can they compare with those rabble."

"I hope so," Zhang Yao said, "Last night I dreamed of Brother Yu's mother, asking me to take good care of you."

Zhang Yao was a little sad as he spoke. After a while, he calmed down and said, "Is there any letter from Beijing?"

Zhao Luoyang shook his head.

Zhang Yao said: "The interval this time is a bit long, won't something go wrong?"

Zhao Luoyang found that Zhang Yao didn't trust Xiao Min, probably because he knew that the person who really controlled the government was the Grand Master. Thinking about this, Zhao Luoyang became a little distracted.

Just as Zhao Luoyang was thinking about it, a fast horse ran along the official road, and the soldiers on the horse shouted loudly: "Great victory, great victory, Prince Yu has captured Fengxiang Mansion."

The soldier did not go straight to the government office, but looked around. When he saw Zhao Luoyang, he immediately got off his horse and stepped forward quickly with joy on his face.

The prince has ordered that after returning to Taozhou, he should first find the princess to report that she is safe.

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