"Princess," the soldier knelt down and took out a family letter and handed it to Zhao Luoyang, "The prince has already descended on three cities, killed more than 2,000 rebels and captured 5,000. King Xiang fled into the Yongxing Army Road."

Zhang Yao next to him had a look of surprise on his face after hearing this. How long had he been here before he went to three cities? Xiao Yu and Wu Weijun were more powerful than he thought.

Zhao Luoyang asked: "How are you, Your Majesty? How are our soldiers and horses damaged?"

The soldier said: "Everything is well, Your Majesty. We have more than 300 casualties and wounded soldiers, and the wounded soldiers have been properly placed."

This time when Xiao Yu went on an expedition, Zhao Luoyang arranged for eight doctors and more than 20 medical workers to go together. They had high-quality liquor produced in Taozhou. In addition, each doctor had a first-aid kit in his hand. It was Zhao. Luo Yang redeemed it from the system in advance. Zhao Luoyang took out the too conspicuous syringe and left anti-inflammatory drugs and other substances in it. He told the doctors to use her method if the injury was serious, wash the wound first, and then use alcohol Disinfect, then suture, apply and take medicine.

Although these are still hidden from the light, now that the Prince Yu's Mansion in the domain has the final say, no one dares to question her decision, so she can be bolder in her actions.

After the system is gone, they may not be able to make anti-inflammatory drugs, but the wound treatment methods taught in the system, combined with traditional Chinese medicine surgery, can also achieve good results.

"Okay," Zhang Yao couldn't help but exclaimed, his eyes bright and the corners of his mouth raised, "This is a great victory. With this confrontation, the Prime Minister and the others will no longer dare to act rashly."

A stone fell in Zhao Luoyang's heart. Although he had already made arrangements and thought that this battle would be won, the battlefield was changing rapidly, and he still couldn't let go.

Now that she had the news, she was not in a hurry to read the letter written by Xiao Yu, and waited until there was no one around to read it carefully.

Zhao Luoyang said: "With the road open, cotton seeds can be transported, just in time for spring plowing."

If the Prime Minister really knew Xiao Yu, he would have guessed that Xiao Yu would mobilize troops before spring plowing. The opportunity only came once a year, and they would never waste it and spread the crops as quickly as possible.

Within four to five years, we will strive to distribute cotton throughout Daqi.

"The imperial court should reward my nephew with military merit," Zhang Yao said. "If the Grand Master still has people in his heart, he should take this opportunity to stop and help capture the Prime Minister."

What Zhang Yao said was correct, but Zhao Luoyang also knew that the Grand Master would not stop.

Not to mention that there must be a private agreement between the Grand Master and the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister comes up with evidence, the Grand Master will never be able to escape. Even the generals who came to gather troops would never agree. With such a treatment, they would really become rebels and there would be no possibility of turning over.

"Even if the grand master is not good enough," Zhang Yao said, "the emperor can still speak for us. Now that the time has come, why don't we find a few people to play a few books in the court?"

Zhang Yao said and looked at Zhao Luoyang, obviously asking her for advice.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Uncle, do you have a suitable candidate?"

Zhang Yao frowned and thought for a while and then said: "Although I don't know anyone well, I work for the Prime Minister. I know who belongs to the Prime Minister in the court and who is in the Grand Master's party. I will exclude these people." , we should be able to find a few suitable ones among the remaining people and ask for orders for the people in the court."

Zhang Yao thought for a while after speaking: "I'm too anxious. I should wait until Brother Yu comes back. Brother Yu can't think of a more suitable method and manpower."

A hint of disappointment flashed across Zhang Yao's face. Since arriving in Taozhou, he had been idle a lot of the time, and his eagerness to help would always show up.

Several times, Zhang Yao wanted to risk returning to the capital to inquire about the news and see what the Grand Master and the Emperor were thinking. Naturally, Xiao Yu and Zhao Luoyang would not agree. No one wanted to let anything happen to Zhang Yao. Later, Zhang Yao could only ask his subordinates to inquire about some information and help him more or less.

This period of management can be regarded as reconnecting the news network in the capital, and Zhang Yao wanted to try to do something else.

Zhao Luoyang knew all of Zhang Yao's thoughts.

"Just do what my uncle said and try to choose a few suitable officials to test the court's intentions."

Zhang Yao was overjoyed and his eyes lit up: "I will do it immediately."

After saying that, Zhang Yao couldn't wait to go to his residence.

Zhao Luoyang watched Zhang Yao's figure gradually disappear, and then he took Huaiqing and others back to the palace.

Walking into the inner room, Zhao Luoyang took out Xiao Yu's letter and read it. He blushed slightly after reading a few lines. It was almost what she thought, it was all about missing her words.

Later, the details of the war were mentioned. With the cooperation of the people inside and outside, those who followed the Prime Minister could not defend the city at all.

Over the years, party strife has completely corrupted the government. Civil and military officials have their own agendas. The first thing to be organized is Daqi's troops. Are those generals and military leaders really working for the Prime Minister and the Grand Master? They allowed their subordinates to amass money crazily, and it was for their own sake. They wanted to use those things to continue recruiting troops in their own garrison. If left unchecked, a mutiny will occur sooner or later.

This matter is a good start, and it will be much easier later. If the imperial court can cooperate with Xiao Yu, at least half of the military power can be recovered by the imperial court before the end of the year.

Zhao Luoyang put away the family letters, and in the next few days he continued to allocate grain and grass for Xiao Yu and manage the spring plowing of the vassal land.

The fighting was not so frequent in the future. The soldiers simply huddled up and defended the city. Xiao Yu was not in a hurry. The entire Fengxiang Mansion was already in his hands. All he had to do was to strengthen the fortifications and completely stop the thought of counterattack by the Prime Minister and others. .

On the surface, it seems that the two sides have entered into a confrontation, but privately, there are generals who secretly seek refuge with Xiao Yu with their soldiers. The soldiers' thoughts are actually very simple. As warriors, they will respect whoever can lead them to victory, and they will respect the one who can lead them to victory. After several battles, compared with Xiao Yu, the Prime Minister and the generals were too incompetent to win people's hearts.

The spring plowing of the vassal land has also gone very smoothly. More fields have been cultivated this year, and at least half of it has been plowed by livestock. In places like Minzhou and Jiezhou, the amount of cotton grown is no less than in Taozhou.

The vast cotton fields made Mao Jiuzheng extremely happy, but it also cost him too much thought and he fell ill in Minzhou.

When Zhao Luoyang heard the news, he immediately went to look for Mao Jiucheng. Without Mao Jiucheng, cotton cultivation would not have been so smooth. The domain owed Mao Jiucheng too much, and Zhao Luoyang had to try his best to cure him.

Fortunately, half of Mao Jiuzheng's illness was due to fatigue. Coupled with the cold, the fever never went away. Zhao Luoyang gave Mao Jiuzheng the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs exchanged in the system. After a while, the medicine took effect.

At night, Mao Jiucheng woke up.

Zhao Luoyang finally breathed a sigh of relief. She left two more pills and told the doctor how to take the traditional Chinese medicine, and then prepared to take a rest. She had been too busy recently and she felt exhausted.

Maybe she was too anxious when she got up, and her vision suddenly turned black. Zhao Luoyang felt bad and wanted to sit down again. As she staggered, she lost consciousness.

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