Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 632 I want to harm you

When asked about Meng Gongren, the jailer looked slightly ugly and lowered his head with twinkling eyes.

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment were heartbroken. Could it be that Meng Gongren was dead?

"Is there anyone left?" an official from the Ministry of Justice asked.

The jailer hurriedly waved his hands: "That's not true, but... the injury must be very serious. We sent meals to the prison, but Meng Gongren didn't move for two days, and Nie Ping didn't allow us to check. What he meant was... …We don’t need to take care of it. Once the person is dead, we will drag him out and bury him.”

The eyes of the officials of the Ministry of Punishments jumped. King Yu's people were really lawless. They knew clearly the origins of Meng Gong people and knew that the emperor had relied on Meng Gong people, but they deliberately wanted to put people to death.

They did not directly kill anyone. Meng Gongren himself fell ill and died. Even if it was investigated, it had nothing to do with them. Anyway, Meng Gongren was alive when Nie Ping left.

"Really..." The official from the Ministry of Punishments was furious, wanting to say that King Yu was just a treacherous sycophant. "I had known this for a long time, so why did I have to admit it? Why did he suddenly become the heir of the late emperor and Queen Zhang? Even if there is evidence... It is inevitably a deceptive trick.”

The jailers did not dare to scold him. King Yu's reputation could intimidate many people.

The official from the Ministry of Punishment said: "Take me quickly to see Meng Gongren."

The jailer did not dare to neglect, and led the punishment department officials all the way to the innermost cell. A foul smell mixed with the smell of rot hit his nostrils, and the punishment department officials couldn't help turning their heads and taking two steps back.

It's not like he has never been to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, but it doesn't look like this. You can imagine how the prisoners inside were tortured.

"Open the door." The official from the Criminal Department covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

The jailer hesitated slightly.

The official from the Ministry of Punishment said: "I am holding the document, so if something goes wrong, the blame will not fall on you."

The jailer hurriedly said: "That's not what I meant."

The jailer knew that his words might not be useful, but at the moment, he could not disobey the superior, so he took out the key and opened the cell door.

Another jailer handed over an oil lamp, which illuminated the prison a little.

The official from the Ministry of Justice suppressed his nausea and looked over. He saw a man huddled in the corner. His clothes were in tatters and he could see bloody scars. They made such a noise, but the man was motionless, as if he had been there for a long time. Died there.

"Meng Gong." The official from the Ministry of Justice called out, but the figure still showed no reaction.

Seeing this, the jailer also shouted loudly: "Meng Gongren, the Lord from the Ministry of Punishment is here and he has something to ask you."

Meng Gongren remained motionless.

The official from the Ministry of Justice's heart sank and he looked at the jailer: "Go and have a look." Don't let people really die.

Although a dead person can arouse the anger of the emperor and the court, a dead person cannot speak and cannot accuse King Yu of a bigger crime.

The jailer came forward with a lantern. After a while, he raised his head, a little happy and a little relaxed: "He is still angry."

The officials of the Ministry of Justice did not care about anything else and immediately waved their hands: "Carry the person out and let the doctor treat the injury. Quickly... take him to the second hall of the Ministry of Justice."

This place is not far from the Ministry of Punishment, so this arrangement is the most appropriate. He really doesn't want to be here. What if Nie Ping and the others come, how will he deal with it alone? He took the person to the Ministry of Punishment and his errand was relieved. The worst thing was that the Grand Master was still there to take care of him.

Everyone worked hard to get the Meng Gong people out, and also called the doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The official from the Ministry of Punishment took a closer look with the doctor and almost vomited.

There was nothing good about Meng Gongren's body. His legs were red, swollen and deformed, and his bones were exposed in some places. How much hatred could he do this?

Coming out of the room, the official from the Ministry of Punishment angrily said to his colleagues: "Even the famous cruel officials of the previous dynasty were nothing more than this. What is this? Beating him to a trick?"

Another person said: "We haven't even seen the confession."

"So Prince Yu and those people are deliberately torturing?"

"We must rescue the person and ask questions carefully."

The officials were filled with indignation and were ready to write a memorial to impeach King Yu after listening to Meng Gongren's words.

"What's the use? Even if the impeachment is successful, Prince Yu's palace will introduce a general to take the blame?" "Will Prince Yu be willing to let go of the general? In the end, it will be settled."

"It's better to let more people know about this matter..."

The Taishi Party slowly leads to the result they want. Regardless of whether Meng Gongren can be saved or not, this matter will become one of the crimes of King Yu.

They slowly defeated the Feng family in this way. Are they still afraid of King Yu?

Being a vassal king is inherently suspicious, and with these actions, the word "rebellion" is not far away.

The officials of the Ministry of Punishments increasingly felt that their work was almost done.

When the imperial doctor and the doctor came out of the house, officials from the Ministry of Justice came up and asked, "How is it?"

The imperial doctor looked solemn: "Fortunately, the treatment was timely. If we delay it for another two days, there will be nothing we can do."

"What about now?" asked the official from the Ministry of Justice, "Can it be cured?"

The imperial doctor said: "If she gets better within three days, she may be able to save her life, but her right leg is too seriously injured and she will definitely not be able to return to normal."

"This person is a palace attendant of the Emperor," said the official from the Ministry of Justice. "Please do your best to save her life."

The imperial physician and doctor responded.

Officials from the Ministry of Punishment immediately reported the matter to the Grand Master.

The Grand Master is a suspicious person, and he has been carefully investigating the Meng Gongren incident, and will not completely believe the information obtained by his informants.

When he learned about the miserable situation of Meng Gong people, most of his doubts were gone. If all this was arranged by King Yu, he would not have tortured Meng Gong people like this.

The Grand Master said: "Tell me immediately when you wake up. I want to ask questions in person."

Those whom the Grand Master needs will naturally receive the best care.

Aunt Meng's injuries improved with the best medicine and stone treatment. She woke up early the next morning, but she didn't have the strength to open her mouth and speak.

While being tortured in the prison, she seemed to have shouted out all the voices in her life. There were so many times that she wished she could die immediately.

Until the moment when she finally fainted, she thought she was finally free, but she didn't expect that she would wake up again.

She could feel that she was not dead, her body was in so much pain, the feeling of her skin and flesh being torn apart and her bones breaking was so familiar.

"Meng Gong people."

Aunt Meng turned her head blankly and saw an unfamiliar face.

"Meng Gong, I am a member of the Criminal Department, Wai Lang. I heard that you were tortured by the armed guards to extract a confession, so they took you out of the prison. Do you have any grievances to say?"

Aunt Meng did not speak, but moved her chapped lips slightly.

"If you are really wronged, just tell the truth and I will make the decision for you."

Aunt Meng still didn't make a sound.

The man continued: "The Grand Master is here."

Upon hearing the word "Grand Master", Aunt Meng's eyes suddenly widened, and then she immediately looked around, her mouth humming subconsciously, and a vague voice came out of her throat.

After a while, a familiar face appeared in front of Aunt Meng.

Aunt Meng stared at that face blankly, then suddenly stretched out her hand and scratched randomly in the air, as if trying to grab a life-saving straw.

"Grand Master..."

Aunt Meng finally spoke out: "Save me... Grand Master... King Yu... wants to harm you."

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