Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 634: Invite the Grand Master

The entrance of Taishi Mansion.

Every day before dawn, there would be students of the Grand Master waiting there with lanterns outside the door, but in the end they all bowed their heads and returned. The door would not open, and the Grand Master would not go to court with them.

"How many days has it been?"

"I wonder if the teacher can see us today."

"If we can see the teacher, we must persuade him carefully. The court cannot do without the teacher..."

The words stopped suddenly. When the first student knocked on the door, they who had no hope saw the two doors slowly opening, and they swallowed the words that followed.

Everyone immediately became excited and subconsciously rushed forward. If the teacher does not appear in the court, they will not be at ease. This is related to their future career.

If the teacher really leaves, those of us should not even think about moving up the ladder.

There is nothing wrong with the Taishi and the Emperor being angry, but they are afraid that someone will take advantage of it.



As several people shouted, they saw the servants of the Taishi Mansion carrying a sedan towards the door.

Their master's wife had died a long time ago, and the only one who could come out of the Grand Master's residence in a sedan chair was the teacher.

The Grand Master has been "seriously ill" for so long and is finally showing up.

The students bowed their heads and saluted from a distance: "A student has seen a teacher." In the court, they were officials, but in front of the grand master, they were always students.

Usually at this time, the Grand Master would slowly say: "Everyone, get up.

You might even blame someone: “What are you doing here?

But today there were no words.

Everyone was about to raise their heads to look at the Grand Master when they first heard someone take a breath, and then someone said in surprise: "Who is that?

The servants of the Taishi Mansion stepped forward and opened the curtain of the sedan. Someone looked over and saw a woman about fifty years old sitting in the sedan.

The woman's face was pale, her eyes were lowered, and she looked very weak.

Who is this?

I haven’t heard of the teacher renewing his relationship. Where did this woman come from?

Everyone looked at each other. They had not heard any news before and could not figure out what was happening in front of them.

"Teacher, he..."

Seeing the steward of Taishi Mansion, several students came up and asked.

The steward said: "The grand master has something important to report to the emperor, so he will go into the palace with this palace servant."

As soon as the steward finished speaking, he saw a warm sedan being carried out from the main entrance.

The students saluted again and wanted to say something, but at this moment, a hand stretched out from the sedan and waved. Everyone immediately did not dare to speak. They only walked a few steps quickly and followed the sedan to the palace entrance.

Meng Gongren on the carriage coughed from time to time. She finally fell asleep last night. As soon as she closed her eyes, she would see the cold face of Prince Yu.

She couldn't help but shiver in horror.

From the beginning to the end, King Yu only said a few words to her, but she felt that it was more terrifying than anything else. Compared with it, being carried to the palace gate now seemed like nothing.

Although she knew something big was going to happen today and she would lose her life if she didn't do it, she didn't want to think too much about it. After all, this was the only chance she had to survive.

While Meng Gong was thinking, the people in Taishi Mansion were also looking around. It was still dark, and only the lanterns in their hands were glowing yellow in the darkness.

It was all a little too normal.

The steward of the Grand Master's Mansion had a calm eye and did not let down his guard at all. The document that the Grand Master wanted to enter the palace was delivered to the palace yesterday. As usual, the emperor specially ordered the servants around him to deliver the message. He agreed that he would wait for the Grand Master in the palace today. division.

If the Grand Master hadn't known about the plans of the Emperor and King Yu in advance, he really wouldn't have noticed anything wrong. He would have only wondered why the person who came to deliver the message was not Cao's servant.

As the Grand Master's spy, Cao's servant will definitely come to the Grand Master's Mansion when he gets the chance, but he doesn't always get what he wants. In view of this, the Grand Master will not vigorously pursue the investigation.

In the final analysis, the emperor and King Yu’s plan was really thorough.

The only flaw was that they did not expect Meng Gongren to seek refuge with the Grand Master. The steward can understand Meng Gongren. Meng Gongren has been in the palace for such a long time and knows the Grand Master better than King Yu. In her heart, no one is more powerful than the Grand Master, so she will carefully guard against the Grand Master. This is one of them.

Then there is the anger and resentment that Meng Gong people feel towards the emperor.

Meng Gongren's spy assassinated Princess Yu. Meng Gongren did not order this thing, but King Yu held on and made Meng Gongren suffer. If Meng Gongren wanted to get out of prison, he had to do it. The merit will be exceeded.

Meng Gongren suffered so much and carefully planned for the emperor, but in the end she ended up with this result. How could she be reconciled? He simply rebelled against the emperor and took refuge with the grand master.

If she can really save the Grand Master, she will have made a great contribution to the Grand Master. In the future, the Grand Master will be in charge of the court, and her benefits will be indispensable.

Just as the steward was thinking about it, he saw someone approaching quietly. The steward slowed down and listened.

The spy reported: "Two teams of forbidden troops have been added at the city gate. Three lieutenants in the camp outside Beijing left last night."

Sure enough, there was movement.

The steward frowned, planning to wait until the Grand Master's sedan entered the palace before taking action.

"You should also be careful," the spy said, "I found people from the imperial court walking around."

The soldiers and horses from the government offices were nearby pretending to be hawkers. You can imagine why.

The steward nodded and the spy slowly retreated.

As the group approached the palace entrance, there were more and more unusual situations.

"Why are there so many soldiers patrolling the streets?"

Some students began to find clues.

"Yes, the Forbidden Army has been slacking off over the years, but today it finally shows some signs of success."

"Were you impeached by those censors?"

Everyone was talking.

The steward of the Grand Master's Mansion clenched his hands, and beads of sweat began to form on his palms. He had walked this road with the Grand Master so many times, but it had never felt so long.

He took a few steps forward and approached the grand master's sedan chair. At this moment, two groups of forbidden troops suddenly walked out from the palace gate. The forbidden troops came straight towards the grand master's group.

When they arrived, without saying anything, the Imperial Guards separated into two teams and surrounded the Grand Master and his group from the left and right.

The steward's heart sank, but he still pretended to be calm: "What are you going to do?"

The Imperial Guards all had solemn faces, and no one answered the steward's questions.

Now even the students following the sedan noticed the difference.

There was another sound of footsteps, and when the stewards of the Grand Master's Mansion saw the palace, they checked the hilts of their knives at their waists and walked straight towards them.

Obviously these people closed the net under the instructions of the emperor and King Yu.

As long as the Grand Master comes here, don't even think about going back.


The steward suddenly raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a strange smile.

The grand master knew in advance that he had mobilized troops and horses to fight.

"My lords, what are you doing?" The steward stepped forward and said, "The Grand Master has already handed the brochure to the palace. Why are you trying to stop me from meeting the Holy Master today?"

Everyone in front of the palace checked and said, "We have been ordered to ask the Grand Master to get off the sedan chair."

As he spoke, the Imperial Guards around him grasped the hilts of their knives, and suddenly the surroundings became more murderous.

Several students looked at each other in confusion, and one of them was about to step forward to speak. The people in front of the hall were obviously not giving him this chance, so he said decisively: "Please invite the Grand Master."

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