Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 635 Changes

I checked in front of the hall several times and spoke several times, but the sedan chair in which the Grand Master was sitting was silent.

The steward standing next to the sedan had a joking smile on his face.

It was getting brighter, and the officials who came to attend court all stood at the gate of the palace.

Everyone was checking and looking around in front of the palace. If it is not said that it is going to court, what is the difference between this and forcing the palace?

"Why is the Grand Master like this?" The people in front of the palace reminded in a low voice, "The Emperor knew that you were going to enter the palace and asked us to come to greet you. Doesn't the Grand Master's doing so betray the Emperor's wishes?"

"Isn't it correct to say so because of the inspection?" said the steward of the Grand Master's Mansion, "Who has ever experienced such a battle before entering the palace? I'm afraid that if you accept it, you will be guilty of trespassing."

Du Quan'an's face froze. What he saw in front of him was obviously not what he expected. He stood frozen for a while before he came back to his senses. Instead of looking at the matter, he stared at the sedan chair: "What the Grand Master means is that we Are you deliberately trying to frame the Grand Master?"

In the eyes of the stewards of the Grand Master's Mansion, the inspectors looked very panicked as their purpose was suddenly exposed.

"The grand master should know the emperor's feelings for you. You must not... listen to the instigation of others," Du Dianjian said, "We are accompanying the emperor in the palace and we can clearly see that the emperor misses you very much. Grand Master, I hope that Grand Master will be healthy soon."

"Then why don't the inspectors go to that sedan and see who is sitting inside?"

Seeing that there were enough people gathered, the steward of the Grand Master's Mansion looked at one of the Grand Master's students.

This student is Wei Xian, an official of Zhongshu Province. He was the number one scholar during the late emperor's reign and had quite a reputation in the court. He had to come forward for today's matter, and he was willing to go.

Wei Xian thought very clearly. Based on his relationship with the Grand Master, if something happened to the Grand Master, even if he couldn't retreat, he would definitely be implicated. The Grand Master would also regard him as a betrayal and would like to kill him quickly. After all, He knows too much.

Rather than leaving the choice in the hands of others, it would be better for him to give it a go.

Only he standing here can best convince other court officials.

However, he was not unprepared. Last night, the Grand Master's post was sent to many people, and he discussed it with them. If the Emperor listened to the treacherous words, they would rise up to defend the Grand Master, advise the Emperor, and never let the Emperor die like this. The great rivers and mountains of Daqi.

All he needs to do is to make the officials understand the current situation clearly. The emperor wants to be unfavorable to the grand master.

In the first step, they made the emperor and King Yu think that they had been fooled, so the court followed the plan and sent troops and horses to surround the grand master's sedan. The emperor's hand was pressed on the sharp weapon. Everyone could see this. .

The second step was to use Meng Gongren's mouth to explain clearly how King Yu framed the Grand Master.

Since the Grand Master has been in the court for so long, most of the officials in the capital are related to the Grand Master's mansion, and the gentry and merchants are also related to the Grand Master's interests.

If the grand master falls, they will also worry about their own safety.

Wei Xian also wanted to thank Xiao Yu. How much military resources and food did Xiao Yu mobilize for the imperial court during the war? Every time a grain of rice is transported to the army, if someone delays it, it will be a dead end. The future and interests of many people have been blocked over the years. No one wants to let such a murderous god take charge of Daqi.

After the Grand Master's posts and letters were sent out, most of them stayed behind. They did not come forward now, but would wait and see around. These stewards of the Grand Master's Mansion informed Wei Xian.

Not only were there more people going to court, they also attracted many generals.

You must know that these people all go to court in turn, but now they are gathered at the entrance of the palace. They are preparing to stop the emperor at the critical moment and meet the grand master.

It is the best solution to prevent the monarch and his ministers from getting involved in bloodshed.

The capital inspector had discovered another sedan a long time ago, but he never mentioned it. In the eyes of the Taishi Party, this was originally part of the design of the emperor and King Yu, but now Meng Gongren’s confession has changed. , the results are naturally different.

The inspection envoy didn't know this, so he waved his hand naturally and asked several forbidden troops to go forward to check the situation. The curtain of the sedan chair was opened, and Meng Gongren who was sitting inside stood up tremblingly. She dragged her frail body and slowly walked out of the sedan chair until she stood in front of the people.

"You are..." Du Dianqian's expression changed, and he was about to step forward, but Wei Xian reached out to hold him back, "Since everyone is here, isn't it too late to stop them now? Why don't you let everyone know? Know the identity of this palace man."

As soon as Wei Xian finished speaking, Meng Gongren spoke weakly: "This servant was once a servant serving the Empress Ying, and then she entered the palace with her. After the Empress passed away, I stayed in the palace and took care of the emperor secretly."

Meng Gongren's unusual identity immediately made the surrounding atmosphere more solemn. Since he is someone close to the emperor, how can he get out of the palace? Why was he sent to the palace gate by the Grand Master now? What happened?

"Everyone must be very curious," Meng Gongren continued, "Why am I standing here like this?"

Meng Gongren lifted up his sleeves, revealing the scars on his arms.

"I am suffering from this physical pain," Meng Gongren's eyes were slightly red, "I have endured all this suffering just to tell the truth, so that the emperor will not be deceived by traitors again."

Meng Gongren attracted the attention of most people, and some people kept staring at the Grand Master's sedan chair.

A gust of wind blew, gently blowing the curtain of the sedan chair. The steward of the Grand Master's Mansion immediately stretched out his hand to close the curtain so that no one could find out whether it was true or not.

But it's no longer important. As long as you listen to Meng Gongren's words, everything will come to an end.

At this critical moment, Wei Xian learned the news.

"The location of King Yu has been found. King Yu is in the city."

Wei Xian breathed a sigh of relief, and the joy in his heart almost showed.


The spy responded: "I'm sure, he is in a house in the east city. There are not many people guarding the outside. It is not difficult to conquer."

The Grand Master does not have many soldiers and horses, but there are also these officials present, and they will do their best to prevent this civil strife.

"Have you informed the generals?" Wei Xian said, "Tell them not to wait until the game is opened before placing bets. It will be too late."

The emperor and King Yu could surround the Grand Master's sedan chair, but couldn't the Grand Master mobilize troops and horses to capture the King of Yu? When King Yu entered the capital, he threw himself into a trap, and closing the city gates cut off his own escape route.

In addition to the imperial troops in the capital, the soldiers and generals of the imperial court were quietly making preparations. Just waiting for the capital to take action, there would be troops outside the capital to respond.


In a small courtyard on the east side of the capital, Xiao Yu indeed settled here.

He was looking at the family letter in his hand. The family letter was handed to him yesterday, but he had read it many times. He could memorize every word on it when he closed his eyes.

"Sir," Huaiguang came in with his scouts, "there is something strange happening in the capital."

After Huaiguang finished speaking, the scout next to him immediately reported: "Someone has mobilized troops and horses and is coming towards us. We see there are forbidden troops, soldiers and horses from the Beijing camp and the government office, and the largest number are from various residences." Guards and generals."

Suddenly so many people came, it was obvious that someone was tampering behind the scenes. The one who has this ability now is the Grand Master.

Huaiguang frowned: "Will the situation change?" If something goes wrong, it might be too late to stop it.

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