Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 649 The Past

Several people flashed through Zhao Luoyang's mind. Normally, she would not meet these people, but it was different now. She needed a lot of charm points, and all of them were big charmers.

The prisons in the capital were like huge fish ponds. All the fish in them were fattened, so she naturally wanted to collect them. If allowed, she would like to go for a walk once a day.

"Let's go and see Princess Yu first," Zhao Luoyang said. "Now that Prince Yu's palace has been handed over to the prince, it is logical to meet her. She must be thinking about the prince and the child she raised with all kinds of hardships."

"Go and ask someone to bring some food to Uncle Zhang. Maybe he has something to say to me."

These should have at least a hundred charm points.

She also wanted to see how the cloth they brought was selling.

Then there is Zhao Xuewen and his wife, who have been left in the capital for so long, they should come to an end.


Xiao Min has become much more relaxed since Princess Yu came to the palace to help take care of the affairs. He was particularly happy today because his aunt and several of Princess Yu's brothers also came to Beijing.

"Aunt." Xiao Min greeted Princess Changle and immediately saluted.

Princess Changle looked at the nephew wearing a dragon robe in front of her. Although Sister Luo had told her that the emperor was shorter and thinner than other children of the same age.

But when she actually met Xiao Min, Princess Changle couldn't help but be surprised. The emperor was eight or nine years old, but he looked like a six-year-old child.

Fortunately, his mind has always been beyond his years, otherwise he would not have been able to deal with the Grand Master and the Prime Minister together with Xiao Yu.

Princess Changle's eyes were a little moist. Whether it was Xiao Yu or Xiao Min, these two brothers had a rough life since childhood, which made people feel distressed.

Princess Changle stretched out her hand, and Xiao Min immediately handed her hand over.

"Fortunately," Princess Changle said, "My hands are not cold."

Xiao Min smiled shyly and said: "Listen to my sister-in-law, now bring a heater morning and night."

The weather has been warm for a long time, but the little emperor is different. He is thin and frail, so he can feel more comfortable with a heater on his body.

Princess Changle looked at Zhao Luoyang who was standing aside. Sister Luo could do everything properly. Without people like the Grand Master and the Prime Minister, the emperor had won the crucial years. When the emperor grew up, he would secure his power. Hold it firmly in your hands and everything will be fine. The important thing is to find a few good courtiers with upright hearts for Xiao Min, and let them teach and assist him carefully to help Xiao Min become a good king.

Xiao Min said: "The Xingle Palace where my aunt used to live has been sorted out."

Princess Changle nodded and followed Xiao Min. Looking at the situation in the palace, it seemed that everything had not changed. It was still the same as when she got married. Unfortunately, those who should have stayed behind were gone, so this place became The cold palace wall was not the place she missed in her memory.

Princess Changle said: "I remember the two magnolias in the palace, which grew so big in a blink of an eye, and the osmanthus tree..."

Princess Changle's eyes brightened slightly.

"Is it the one my aunt mentioned to us?"

Zhao Luoyang's voice came, and Princess Changle nodded: "That's it. It was there when the palace was built, and it has been there until now. I liked to enjoy the shade under this tree when I was a child. If I don't prune its branches and leaves, I can They covered everything around them, and the queen took me to collect sweet-scented osmanthus tea." Princess Changle didn't want to go back to Beijing, but now that she saw these, she felt so kind in her heart.

During the days when Wu Songjie and Wu Songqi were forced to stay by her side, she missed Da Qi and resented Da Qi and her father. She thought she would never be able to let go, but now she found that apart from the initial emotional fluctuations, what was left behind They are all good memories of the past.

Zhao Luoyang did not disturb the gathering of Princess Changle and the young emperor's aunt and nephew, and took Mother Chen and others out of the palace.

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji had been waiting at the palace gate for a long time.

The two brothers came to Beijing with Princess Changle and were full of curiosity about the bustling capital. However, they still knew what was important and what was important. They had to wait until their sister was fine, then they could go shopping in the market carefully.

Zhao Yuanrang had thought about it. He wanted to buy more books and take them back to his husband, and he also wanted to see the shop where his third uncle stayed in Beijing.

"Sister," Zhao Yuanji couldn't help but say, "this capital is indeed different. The city walls and houses are much larger than ours in Taozhou."

"I see there is a market over there. There is a war going on right now, but it is still crowded with people doing business. I don't know how the goods we brought from Taozhou are selling in Beijing."

If it weren't for Sister A, they might not have the chance to come to the capital. No wonder Mr. Song said that he would come to Beijing to study in the future.

"We'll go to the market tomorrow," Zhao Luoyang said. "We still have something to do today."

Zhao Yuanrang and Zhao Yuanji didn't know what Sister A was going to do with them, but they didn't ask any questions and helped Sister into the carriage. The two of them drove along, looking at the scenery of the capital along the way, until the carriage stopped at a In front of the house.

Zhao Yuanrang looked at the plaque "Zhao Mansion" on the door of the house. There was a group of soldiers guarding the house. When he saw Zhao Luoyang and others, the leader Du Yuhou immediately stepped forward to salute.

"See Princess Yu." General Huaiqing sent someone to inform him that the princess might be coming soon. Marquis Duyu who was guarding there saw the carriage and the military guards and immediately guessed who was in the carriage.

Zhao Yuanrang guessed what this house was about, but Zhao Yuanji next to him said in a low voice without knowing it: "Is this a house awarded to our family by the imperial court?"

Zhao Yuan gave way: "Yes, and no." It is true that the house was awarded to the Zhao family, but I'm afraid it was the grand master's idea, and there are people living in it now.

The door was opened, and the Wuwei Army and the Forbidden Army entered first.

It may be that no one has entered or exited the house for a long time. The people inside heard the footsteps and hurriedly came out to check. When they saw a group of soldiers, the man kneeled down subconsciously. He seemed to be frightened and kept kowtowing: "Spare my life. Please forgive me, we didn’t go out, no one went out, please show mercy to the emperor, please show mercy to Prince Yu... please ask Grand Master..."

Zhao Xuewen half-crouched on the ground and shivered. He wanted to get out of here, but they seemed to have been forgotten. Apart from someone delivering meals every day, he had no idea what was going on outside.

The only news I heard from outside recently was that the Grand Master rebelled and made too much noise. From then on, Zhao Xuewen was in panic all day long. He was afraid that the Master's arrest might implicate them, and he was also afraid that the Grand Master's rebellion would succeed. , sent people to get rid of them.

In short, no matter what the outcome is, they will probably be killed.

Zhao Xuewen waited for a long time, but did not hear a reply. He clenched his fingers, raised his head tremblingly and looked around, only to see three people standing not far away under protection.

Zhao Xuewen was horrified and hurriedly looked away and continued to beg for mercy. As he kowtowed, his mind gradually came back to his senses.

Those three people looked very familiar, as if...they were people he knew.

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