Zhao Xuewen was lying on the ground. He couldn't remember where he had seen these people for a while, so he could only muster up the courage to take a closer look.

His eyes fell on the woman.

The woman has a beautiful appearance and looks to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. Her clothes are not complicated, but she exudes a sense of nobility.

He was sure he didn't know such a person.

But between her eyebrows, he did feel familiar, as if he had seen her before, and more than once.

Zhao Xuewen's mind was confused and he couldn't think clearly for a moment, so he had to move his eyes away again. No matter what, he couldn't look directly at a noble person like this. Losing etiquette would lead to disaster.

Zhao Xuewen didn't dare to think about it anymore, and was ready to wait for the noble man to speak. As he was thinking about it, he heard his son's voice coming from behind him.

"Yuan Rang, Yuan Ji, you..."

Zhao Xuewen's eyes suddenly opened wide, and there was a harsh sound in his ears. He raised his eyes again in confusion, this time looking at the two teenagers beside the woman.

Then his expression turned into disbelief.

Really...the two children of his second brother and third brother.

The two children had grown a lot taller, so when he glanced over hastily, he didn't think about them.

They're really here.

Are you moving into the mansion? still……

Zhao Xuewen suddenly remembered something. Someone did bring food to him in the past two days, saying it was a reward from Princess Yu.

Yuan Rang and Yuan Ji are here, so the woman next to them is Princess Yu?

Not only Zhao Xuewen was stunned, but Jiang and Zhao Yuanchang who came over were also stunned.

Mother Chen looked at Mrs. Jiang and scolded: "Why don't you bow to Princess Yu?"

When Jiang and Zhao Yuanchang heard this, they knelt down in a hurry.

Zhao Xuewen's eyes were distracted for a moment, but he finally regained his focus.

Is this really Luoyang? Married to King Yu’s Zhao Luoyang? His mute niece?

Even though he had known this for a long time, seeing it with his own eyes still felt so unreal.

No wonder he couldn't recognize her, because when he was at home, he didn't pay much attention to his mute niece. No matter whose family gives birth to such a child, they will naturally feel unlucky from the bottom of their hearts. I am afraid that she will bring disaster to the Zhao family and delay his future heirs and future.

He originally thought that if he tolerated it for a few years, this matter would be over. Children with congenital deficiencies generally don't grow up, so how could he have expected that his mother and the second child's family would have to support him.

Zhao Xuewen complained to his mother from the bottom of his heart. The Zhao family only had a small amount of land. How could they afford such a loser? It would be fine if he was just a boy. Even if he is stupid, he will still be strong when he grows up. Just like his fourth brother, one person can do the work of three people.

But she is a girl. When she grows up, who will be willing to marry her in the future? To survive for one day, the Zhao family had to pay for one day's worth of money. Fortunately, his father was sensible and secretly discussed with the second child to simply send the girl out. Unfortunately, the second child refused.

He gave his father an idea. On the surface, he would no longer care about it. When the second child was gone, he would quietly take the girl to the mountains and throw her away.

There are many wild animals in the mountains, and a little girl will definitely not survive. Who would have thought that she would be seen by a little mute from the same village. The little mute was young but had many ideas, so he just brought the girl back. After this incident, his mother and his father became estranged, and there would be quarrels every now and then. The atmosphere in the family was getting worse day by day.

Therefore, he was even more disgusted when he saw his mute niece. If he hadn't wanted to study and had several younger brothers to help with the farm affairs, he would have advocated dividing the family.

After enduring for a few more years, he finally found an opportunity. He was drinking in a wine shop with his classmates, and his classmates mentioned that the imperial court was going to relocate the people.

At that time, the news had not spread, so his classmates reminded everyone to make some preparations. If they did not want to leave their hometown, they could collect some money and hand it over to the government office. Then the officials of the government office would naturally avoid his home.

Zhao Xuewen thought that this was a good opportunity, and quietly told his father that his original intention was to let his second brother and his family comply with the imperial court's relocation order.

His father had long disliked his second brother's family, so naturally he felt good about it, so they went to the government office to inquire about the relocation.

It was at that time that they heard that the imperial court would also give Sichuan capital to the people who responded to the eviction order. He and his father both coveted Sichuan capital, but did not want to be relocated. After much deliberation, his father decided to divorce his mother, take away the Sichuan capital from his mother and three younger brothers, sell off the land, and leave with his family.

Not to mention how happy he was to be separated from his mother and three younger brothers. With that money, he and his father would definitely be able to gain fame.

Unexpectedly, this road is not easy to walk.

His father inherited the Liu family, but he had to rely on others to live. The food and clothing were better than when he was at home, but it was also hard to be rejected by others. But after they did that kind of thing, they couldn't go back to look for their mother and brothers, so they had to He carefully coaxed the Liu family, hoping that his father could find a good job through the Liu family.

His father's errand was finally solved, but it turned out to be a trap, and in the end his father never came back.

And he also ended up with this result.

At this moment, Zhao Xuewen had mixed feelings in his heart. If he had not left home and followed his mother and the others to respond to the relocation order, he would now be the uncle of King Yu and could enjoy the glory and wealth in peace.

Zhao Xuewen felt sour in his heart. He made a wrong step and made a mistake every step of the way. Now that Zhao Luoyang is here, he is probably going to investigate what happened to him back then. He still remembers how the steward died. Will they also end up with the same fate as the steward?

Zhao Xuewen's feet felt weak thinking about it, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

"Princess," Mrs. Jiang came to her senses first, "We were deceived before and had no intention of harming the princess. We live in this courtyard and we also want to clean it up and wait for my mother-in-law and the princess to return to Beijing."

"I have absolutely no other intentions. Please forgive us, Princess, for the sake of him being your uncle."

Mrs. Jiang kowtowed on the ground as she spoke. When she saw Zhao Yuanchang still looking at Zhao Yurangang and Zhao Yuanji stupidly, she stretched out a hand to tug Zhao Yuanchang's arm.

Zhao Yuanchang then kowtowed with his mother.

Mrs. Jiang was driven to panic. Seeing that Zhao Xuewen was unreliable, she had no choice but to save herself. She no longer wanted to be hung from the beam in her sleep, let alone be locked in the yard again.

"Princess, you still remember," Mrs. Jiang said, "when you were a child, I coaxed you, Yuan Rang and Yuan Ji. I made cakes for you."

Afraid that Zhao Luoyang would not miss the old relationship, Mrs. Jiang clasped her hands and continued: "It was the old man's idea to leave home back then, and we had no choice... we didn't dare to disobey..."

"Especially for me, a woman with a child, I can only do what they want."

Hearing Mrs. Jiang say this, Zhao Xuewen's eyes suddenly widened. What is Mrs. Jiang doing? In order to survive, put all the blame on him?

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