Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 656 Seeking Survival

The hairs all over Xiang Wang's body stood on end. His eyes widened in disbelief and he couldn't utter a word, for fear that the slightest movement would cause the sharp blade to pierce his flesh.

The guard guarding the door noticed something strange and immediately turned to look at Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Zheng moved his hand, and a stream of blood trickled down the Prime Minister's neck.

"Don't..." the Prime Minister shouted loudly, "Brother Zheng, please tell me what you have to say. Did someone say something? To drive a wedge between our father and son? Don't be fooled by this."

"Someone is instigating it. Dad doesn't blame you. We, father and son, can just let it go."

Xiao Zheng did not move the blade even half an inch, but looked at the guard and said: "Back off..."

The guard did not dare to disobey, so he had to do as Xiao Zheng said and move back.

Xiao Zhengze pushed the Prime Minister forward.

The Prime Minister listened to the increasingly noisy sounds outside the tent, and his face became more and more ugly: "Who is outside? Who broke into the camp?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Xiao Zheng's face, but at this time, his face was stiff and his smile was particularly distorted: "Father, can you guess?"

"Is it that bitch Ning Fu?" King Xiang said, "He is after your third brother. Don't be fooled. Of all my descendants, you are the most valued. Since the death of the late emperor, I have paved the way for you everywhere. How can you believe what others say and come here to deal with me instead? Brother Zheng, you have disappointed dad so much."

"You are right," Xiao Zheng said with a cold voice, "You have always paved the way for me, even more so after the rebellion, but it was all for others to see. You just want to let people outside know that you want to support me. Ascend to the throne.”

After saying this, Xiao Zheng chuckled: "Father, you don't think I still believe this, do you?"

The Prime Minister's eyes changed.

Xiao Zheng's voice rose slightly: "You have to take me with you wherever you go. At first I thought you were going to protect me, but then I found out... that's not the case. Every time we fight, I will always be left behind. , you said you divided your troops with me to help me lure King Yu’s troops away.”

Xiao Zheng subconsciously exerted force on his hand. King Xiang shivered in pain and felt more blood dripping down.

"Actually, on the contrary, I was the one who led away King Yu's troops."

Xiao Zheng could not forget the feeling of being chased by King Yu. Every time he was about to be caught, but he could escape death, he thought it was his good luck. Gradually, he discovered that King Yu had done this intentionally.

Xiao Zheng still remembered that King Yu's soldiers and horses appeared not far away, and the arrows fell from the sky, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Then he saw the Wuwei Army rushing over. The fast-running horses made his legs and feet tremble, and he lost the courage to escape.

But in the end, King Yu let him go.

After struggling like this several times, he gradually realized that King Yu had no intention of killing him because he was not worth killing at all.

To capture the thief, capture the king first. He is obviously an insignificant role.

He was right. After he was exhausted, King Yu let him go. This was not a gift, but to let him see everything clearly.

He searched for his father tiredly, and all he saw along the way were traces of his father's defeat and escape. His father left, but no soldiers and horses came to meet him, and no scouts came to check on his situation.

He was completely abandoned.

In other words, he was the bait thrown out.

At this point, if he still doesn't understand, then he has really read the military book in vain.

Therefore, he was never the person his father wanted to support. Instead, he was just a pawn in his father's hands. How can a son's life compare to the throne?

After ascending to the throne, all he wanted was to have his son reborn.

Xiao Zheng's eyes were red: "If you hadn't said those words that made me ascend the throne, I would have lived a happy life... But since then, everything has changed. I don't dare to eat in the house, I'm afraid the eldest brother and the second brother I was ordered to poison, but I dared not leave the house, for fear that the grand master would know the news and attack me secretly."

"I'm worse than that caged bird. I've had enough of that kind of life, and now I want to go back to the past."

Xiao Zheng said and took a deep breath: "Now you close the door you opened."

In addition to these, Xiao Zheng also knew that there was another reason why his father chose him, and that was because he looked very similar to his father. If he wore his father's armor and his dirty cheeks, he could give his father a chance to escape.

After figuring this out, when King Yu's people found him again, he had nothing to hesitate.

He doesn't want the throne, he just wants to survive.

"Brother Zheng," the Prime Minister spoke again, "Dad taught you to write when you were a child. Your first bow was also made by dad. Brother Zheng, you are the child who is most like dad. Dad didn't lie to you..."

Xiao Zheng vaguely remembered something from his childhood, but the words of the King of Xiang stopped abruptly. Then the King of Xiang took a big step back, bent his elbow and hit his face hard. Taking advantage of Xiao Zheng's pain, he took the opportunity to use the sharp blade. Escape.

"Kill him..." King Xiang ordered the guards.

The guard who had been waiting for the opportunity took action decisively, and his sword went straight towards Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Zheng raised his long knife to block it.

The Prime Minister's face was full of murderous intent, and he didn't care about anything else. He personally drew the sharp knife from his waist. He wanted to kill Shuzi with his own hands. After killing Shuzi, he would change clothes with Shuzi. Maybe he could escape in the chaos.

King Xiang slashed at Xiao Zheng without any hesitation.

Xiao Zheng's two fists were no match for his four hands, and when he saw the sharp blade, he was about to drop it on his head, but at this moment, a silver light flashed past, and a sharp weapon went straight towards the guard, and then a person entered the tent.

The Prime Minister looked up and saw that the man's face was particularly familiar. It was Huai Guang next to Xiao Yu. Without any pause, he quickly retreated and hid behind the guard.

When Huaiguang comes, Xiao Yu will definitely be nearby.

Although the Prime Minister did not go out to check, when he heard the sound of horse hoofbeats, what appeared in front of his eyes was the cavalry of the Armed Guards. The Wuwei army rushed in and even fought their way into the Chinese army's tent...

Fear enveloped the Prime Minister.

He never thought that he and King Yu would meet in this way. Even his son was bribed by King Yu.

Huaiguang fought with the guard.

The Prime Minister slowly moved outwards. He wanted to take advantage of the chaos and leave. He still had many soldiers and horses, and it was impossible for them all to be destroyed by the sword of the Wuwei army at once. As long as he left with the remaining people, there would still be a chance...

Just as King Xiang thought of this, he suddenly heard Xiao Zheng shouting. Then King Xiang felt a heat on his body, and the heat in his chest suddenly dissipated.

He lowered his head and looked over, only to see the tip of a blood-stained knife piercing through his chest, and blood dripping on the ground. He moved and turned around, and saw Xiao Zheng, who was shaking all over and with blood-red eyes.

Xiao Zheng seemed to have exhausted all his strength and could not speak a word at this moment.

The Prime Minister stretched out his hand and wanted to pounce on Xiao Zheng, but he stumbled under his feet, causing him to take several steps back, and finally collapsed to the ground against the tent.

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