Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 657 Missing

Everything around him seemed to have gone away from Xiao Zheng, and all he could see was his dying father leaning there.

His hands began to tremble, and the blood on them began to become extremely hot, as if it could burn through his flesh.

He killed his father with his own hands.

He had been waiting for this moment since the beginning of planning.

All of them are tied to this sinking ship, and the only chance to save themselves is to kill the person who still refuses to dock.

Now that he had done it, there was no sense of relief.

Instead, his mind was in chaos, and he didn't even notice a few more people coming into the military tent.

Two of them stepped forward to check on the king.

Those two faces were very familiar to Xiao Zheng, but his mind was in confusion and he just stared at them blankly, speechless for a long time.

Until one of them called him: "Fourth brother."

The fog in Xiao Zheng's mind cleared, and everything in front of him gradually became clearer.

The people who came with the Wuwei Army were the Lord of Ningfu County and his third brother Xiao Xun.

Seeing his three children, King Xiang suddenly struggled violently. He pointed his finger at the Ningfu County Lord and wanted to speak, but he spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Then the Prime Minister stared at Xiao Zheng again.

Xiao Xun wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak. At this moment, Xiao Zheng's face looked distorted and crazy, his eyes were blood red, and he didn't know whether it was sweat or tears on his face.

"You did the right thing," the head of Ningfu County said to Xiao Zheng. "In order to rebel, he dragged the entire Prime Minister's Palace into it. If he dies... only then can we live in peace and have a chance to survive."

"What's more, it saves the people from the suffering of war."

Xiao Zheng nodded and gradually calmed down. County Lord Ningfu was right, it should be like this, but he knew better in his heart that he was frightened by King Yu and did not have the courage to face such a situation.

Since he has no ability to be a hero, he can only kneel down and beg for life. Killing his father is equivalent to giving an explanation to the court and King Yu. What happens next is left to his own devices.

The Prime Minister's head hung down, and in the end he was unable to say another word. His eyes were still open, and his gray eyes looked at his children.

The noise outside gradually calmed down.

After the gate of the military camp was opened, the soldiers and horses under the Prime Minister's command were experiencing a nightmare. A cavalry seemed to fall from the sky and suddenly charged in.

The soldiers who took up their weapons in panic were like dead leaves on autumn branches in front of the cavalry. They were rushed away before they could stand firm and were completely vulnerable.

The generals of the Prime Minister's Mansion wanted to gather troops and form a formation, but the armed guards who marched straight in would not give them a chance.

The generals were killed one by one, and corpses were everywhere in the military camp.

In less than two moments, some people in the Prime Minister's army began to surrender, because for them, these armed guards in front of them were existences they could never defeat.

The screams were endless.

The military camp turned into a hell on earth in an instant.

More people began to flee, and they lost their ability to fight.

The generals of the Prime Minister's Mansion finally gathered a hundred elite soldiers. They were determined to fight to the death with the Wu Wei Army. As long as they stopped the Wu Wei Army, even for a moment, they could slightly reverse the situation.

Just when they picked up their weapons, mounted their horses, and prepared to confront the armed guards, the armed guards suddenly spread out to both sides. One man and one horse galloped out slowly. The maroon war horses and the cold-gleaming armor contrasted with his tall and mighty figure. posture.

He stood at the front of the armed guards.

The generals in the Prime Minister's Mansion clearly felt that the morale of the armed guards had been boosted, and the horses under their crotches seemed to become more powerful.

The generals retreated involuntarily.

If they collide like this, they will only lose, because King Yu is here, and King Yu is the backbone of the Wuwei Army. It can be seen from the warm eyes of the Wuwei Army that they will be invincible and will not let anyone hurt their Yu. King half point.

The generals of the Prime Minister's Palace really wanted the emperor in the capital to see this scene. If the emperor saw it, he would be afraid, suspicious of King Yu, and worried that one day he would be killed on the dragon throne by King Yu. It's a pity that the emperor can't see it.

"Charge." The general shouted, but it didn't have the power he wanted, and instead had a bit of sadness.

This was their last stand, and it was also the last attack by the troops of King Xiang.

The cavalry collided.

Almost instantly, the general felt that their military formation was being rushed away, and he watched helplessly as the people around him were penetrated by spears.

Although it was expected, it was still too fast.

Wherever the Wuwei Army goes, it can crush everything.

The family was about to fight with a spear, and it was at this moment that he discovered King Yu, and then... his vision went dark, and the man had been chopped to the ground by the long knife in King Yu's hand, and then a horse's hoof fell hard on him.

Almost all the generals in the Prime Minister's Mansion had this experience. Their failure made more soldiers decisively give up their struggle.

So when Xiao Zheng and Xiao Xun came out with the dead Prime Minister, the Wuwei Army almost stabilized the situation.

Xiao Zheng was stunned for a moment and thought of what he should do. He knelt down together with Xiao Xun and Ningfu County Lord: "The guilty minister Xiao Zheng kowtows to King Yu."

After kowtowing three times, Xiao Zheng continued: "The traitor Prime Minister has been executed. We will obey King Yu's decision."

As soon as Xiao Zheng said his words, those soldiers who were still willing to resist felt that their last glimmer of hope had completely collapsed.

The torch in the hands of the Wuwei army shone on the face of the dead Prime Minister. In just this moment, everyone confirmed the identity of the Prime Minister.

"Your Majesty." Someone cried sadly.

As if they expected that nothing good would come of it, at this moment, the generals in the Prime Minister's Mansion all chose to die with their swords.

Looking at the fallen soldiers, Xiao Zheng felt even more cold all over. He should have chosen that result, but he did not have the determination and courage.

After the death of King Xiang, Xiao Zheng and others surrendered to King Yu. Those who did not want to surrender committed suicide. The remaining people discarded their weapons and knelt on the ground with Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Yu looked at Huaiguang: "Bind them up and send them to the capital. Pray for surrender and incorporate the soldiers into the army."

Huaiguang responded.

Xiao Yu looked at the surrendered soldiers kneeling on the ground. He didn't want to say anything, so his hand brushed the tassel around his waist. It was the peace knot that Luo Yang had knitted for him before the expedition.

Thinking of Luo Yang, his expression seemed to soften a little, and his heart was inevitably a little more joyful. He also did not hesitate to bless others.

Xiao Yu said: "You are committing treason by following the Prime Minister to raise an army. If you can kill the enemy on the battlefield and achieve military exploits, I will write to the court to intercede for you."

King Yu pointed out a way to survive.

The soldiers kneeling on the ground were all filled with joy. Just like Xiao Zheng said, who doesn't want to live? Given a chance to survive, they will fight for it.

"Thank you, King Yu, thank you, Your Majesty, long live your Majesty."

There were shouts and shouts.

King Yu stood astride his horse, and in the sound, a ray of rising sun greeted him.

When King Yu was bathed in the golden light, his majesty made it difficult to look directly at him.

No one knows what King Yu is thinking at this moment.

He looked in the direction of the capital, maybe wanting to eradicate the traitors early and restore peace to the great Qi Dynasty.

They guessed wrong.

King Yu was just thinking about his little Hui Hui.

I don’t know how big the little Hui Hui’s belly is. He has to go home before she can no longer see her toes.

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