Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 670 Cause and Effect

Chapter 670 Cause and Effect (Part )

King Yu left the military guards to guard the vassal territory, and returned all the remaining troops to the court for disposal. King Yu himself entered the palace to participate in the palace banquet. It cannot be said that everyone was happy at the banquet, but it was also a rare harmony between king and minister.

Several old ministers even secretly wiped away their tears because of this, as if they had experienced a nightmare. If King Yu hadn't stepped forward to quell the civil strife, the dynasty might not have been able to sustain itself. How could the peace now exist?

Xiao Yu didn't pay attention to this because he was concentrating on picking up food for his little Hui Hui. There were many dishes at the palace banquet, but the dishes became colder and colder as they ate. Prince Yu's brows slowly furrowed. He finally couldn't bear it any longer. He put down the chopsticks in his hand and was about to speak, but Zhao Luoyang stretched out his hand to hold him back.

Xiao Yu said: "It's getting late, it's time to go back now." He wanted to go back to his home and make some good meals for the little Hui Hui, but he really couldn't afford these things in the palace.

"I'm full." Zhao Luoyang has always had a good appetite these days and is rarely picky about food. A banquet in the palace involves a lot of preparation, testing, and serving, especially during banquets. It is inevitable that it will be a bit flashy, but it is not fussy.

Hearing this, Xiao Yu's brows relaxed slightly.

When the banquet was finally over and the courtiers had retired, Xiao Min stood next to Xiao Yu, obviously wanting to talk to his elder brother.

Zhao Luoyang accompanied Princess Changle to temporarily leave the main hall to wait.

Xiao Min looked at the dragon chair in the main hall, he had something to say but hesitated. After a while, he said: "Brother, can you stay in the capital for a while?"

The Grand Master's rebellion meant that Da Qi was in trouble, so Xiao Yu, the vassal king, came to the capital. Logically speaking, he should return to the vassal territory after the war, but Xiao Min was reluctant to let him go.

Xiao Yu said: "I promised Cha Shuo to help him solve the matter in the Tubo royal court."

Xiao Min was a little anxious: "Brother, are you leaving soon?" His eyes were full of expectation and longing, and he was afraid that Xiao Yu would nod.

Xiao Yu said: "Wait a few more days and I will help you sort out the Zhongshu Province."

Hearing the result he wanted, Xiao Min smiled on his face.

"I'm tired today," Xiao Yu stretched out his hand to straighten Xiao Min's robe, "Let's take a rest. We'll talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do."

After saying that, Xiao Yu resigned and walked out. When he stepped out of the hall, Xiao Yu looked calm. Maybe many people would think that it was not easy for him to give up the throne.

This is not the case.

This country once fell into his hands, and he also sat on the dragon chair, which gave him a bad feeling...

Xiao Yu frowned, he didn't want to feel it again.

Even if those things hadn't happened in the past and Xiao Huanhui could be by his side, he wouldn't have felt so comfortable sitting on the dragon chair.

I have gotten everything, and I know what I really want.

Since something he doesn't want has no meaning to him.

Seeing the figure waiting not far away, with his slender body and beautiful face, Xiao Yu couldn't help but smile.

After walking a few steps, Xiao Yu reached out and grabbed Zhao Luoyang.

"Let's go home and eat."


Prince Yu's Mansion.

Xiao Yu looked at the side face of Zhao Luoyang in his arms and gently shook the fan in his hand. As long as the little Huan Hui was by his side, he would always smile unconsciously.

Thinking that the two of them were alone just now, and he was half-coaxing and half-cheating to make her eat a lot of food, the corners of his mouth curved even wider.

There are no major issues in the court, and now only the system needs to be solved.

Hearing Zhao Luoyang's breathing become even, Xiao Yu lay next to Zhao Luoyang, preparing to return his consciousness to his system.

I don't know if it's because I haven't done this for a long time, but this time it doesn't seem to be as smooth as before. Xiao Yu's eyes can't help but darken.

The next moment, he seemed to have forgotten where he was. When he came to his senses again, it was as if he had returned to the palace, and his little one was still lying on the bed.


Little Hui Hui is still little Hui Hui, but she looks extra haggard, her cheeks are pale, and her whole body is unusually thin.

Xiao Yu's heart suddenly sank, and he immediately went to take a look. As soon as he took a step forward, the little Hui Hui who was lying down turned his head slightly.

"Your Majesty, please take a moment to speak."

There were voices coming from behind. Even though Xiao Yu just wanted to stay with Xiao Huanhui, his body followed the doctor out of the tent uncontrollably.

"We have used the best medicinal materials, but... the princess is still extremely weak. Judging from this, the princess will no longer be able to withstand any travel."

Xiao Yu looked at the doctor. The doctor was so horrified that he couldn't help but take a step back, but he still said: "The princess is having a hard time getting over her heart. In addition, she has an old illness that she was born with. Even if she recovers safely, there is still no guarantee that she will be cured. Not to mention that now, the prince should make arrangements early."

There were five doctors in the army, all of whom were found by Xiao Yu. The one left behind was called Zheng Yi. He was a doctor in the army who treated horses. However, he taught Zhao Luoyang medical skills and he was Zhao Luoyang's husband. He really knew how to diagnose and treat people's illnesses. After Zhao Luoyang fell ill, Zheng Yi followed several doctors to nurse Zhao Luoyang back to health.

Xiao Yu felt particularly at ease with this gentleman because Zheng Yi treated Zhao Luoyang as his junior, but Zheng Yi had a lot of resentment towards Xiao Yu. In addition to Xiao Yu killing too many people, in the heart of the old gentleman, Zhao Luoyang Xiao Yu is also the culprit for his illness.

What he said just now, if it were another doctor, Xiao Yu would inevitably kill someone, but facing Zheng Yi, he had to endure it. He didn't want Xiao Huanhui to be sad again.

Xiao Yu said: "Is what you said sir true?"

Zheng Yi's face was as dark as water: "I will not make up lies and curse my disciples."

Xiao Yu bowed and saluted Zheng Yi: "Sir, please do your best to cure Luo Yang."

Zheng Yi stopped talking and took the doctor to boil the medicine.

In the following days, he stayed by Xiao Huanhui's side.

The days passed extremely fast, but Xiao Huanhui's illness still did not improve. On this day, her spirits improved slightly, and she got up and drank more than half a bowl of corn porridge.

Xiao Yu felt the joy in his heart.

This joy did not last for a moment, and Huaiguang brought news: "The imperial court's troops were found in the east, south, and west. There are more than 20,000 troops. They are divided into at least three groups and are surrounding us."

Xiao Yu frowned. The imperial court, which had been silent all this time, suddenly sent troops...

"They got the news."

Huaiguang said: "We have been standing still, and the court will definitely be suspicious. In addition, we sent people around to look for doctors before, so we must have made some guesses."

Xiao Yu nodded.

Huaiguang said: "Why don't we take advantage of the fact that they haven't arranged it yet..."

The best way now is to break camp, but Xiao Yu did not hesitate: "Order Huaiqing and Huaizheng to lead eight thousand cavalry each to fight."

Xiao Yu knew Xiao Hui's condition and must not let her suffer any further harm.

War is coming again.

Xiao Yu blocked the flames of war outside his camp.

However, this time, the imperial court decided that it was the best time and sent reinforcements continuously. The armed guards want to guard the camp, as if their hands and feet are trapped and cannot be used for a while.

But with him here, this battle can still be won.

But on the fourth day of the confrontation, the court began to drive the people away to charge.

The people shouted: "Princess Yu, help me."

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