Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 671 Cause and Effect

Chapter 671 Cause and Effect (Part )

Cries came from all directions.

"Princess Yu, help."

"Princess Yu, help."

The armed guards at the front had to stop in front of the people.

When the two armies are fighting, the people should not be implicated, but the imperial court is now using the lives of these people to attack.

Huaiguang reported: "The soldiers of the imperial court are mixed among the people."

" want to must kill those people together."

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold. He turned to look at the camp. If he got closer, the call would reach the camp. They not only wanted to use your people to open a gap, but they also wanted to use this to slander Xiao Hui Hui. They knew Xiao Hui Hui Hearing the sound will make Hui Hui nervous.

He couldn't let Xiao Hui Hui hear it.

"The King of Yu has killed someone, the King of Yu has killed someone..."

There was a louder shout.

It was a woman's scream.

Even Huaiguang's expression changed this time.

Xiao Yu looked at Huaiguang: "Go and guard the princess. When the princess asks, she says it's the court's trick and tells her not to believe it."

At this time, after he killed the prisoners, what would Zhao Luoyang think if he heard about it? Xiao Yu couldn't think about it. Even if she didn't believe it, her emotions would inevitably fluctuate.

The doctor said that now the little Hui Hui can't stand any trouble.

Whether you take the little Hui Hui away or make her nervous, it will aggravate her illness.

She just got better these past two days.

Xiao Yu stepped forward on his horse with a spear on his hip. His soldiers and horses had already started shooting arrows to try to disperse the people. The people fled in panic, but the shouting still did not stop. It was obvious that there were many soldiers among them, forcing them to act.

The imperial infantry followed closely behind.

Xiao Yu's eyes turned blood red. Why were you forcing him?

"King Yu killed someone."

The cries of women came again. They were being carried forward by the soldiers and horses of the court. They were really crying, because the ones being driven to the front were their relatives.

I don’t know how many people the imperial court arrested and came here. There were at least several thousand people who heard the news.

The sound of crying and howling filled the field, like the ghosts of injustice who came to seek their lives.

It's too close.

If these people get to him, he will not be able to stop the army behind him.

Why are everyone forcing him?

Knowing that he could not retreat at this time, he used such a method to prepare to kill the little Hui Hui and distract him.

A smile suddenly appeared on Xiao Yu's face, and then he coldly ordered: "Kill." They all deserved death.

——When he arrived here, Xiao Yu gained a brief moment of clarity and realized that he was already in the system. At this moment, what he was thinking of should be his past life experiences.

Xiao Yu looked at his other self, waving the spear in his hand, piercing the flesh and blood, and the lives disappeared in his hands, but at this moment he had no other emotions except anger and bloodlust.

His eyes went dark for a while.

Too intense emotions enveloped his soul, making it impossible for Xiao Yu to tell which one was his true self.

Everything is too real, as if you are experiencing everything personally.

That "self" has gone crazy.

No, that's all in the past, he's not crazy, he took another path, and his little Hui Hui and their baby are fine. But soon Xiao Yu fell into darkness again.

The sound of fighting and fighting became clear again.

Xiao Yu saw endless killing before his eyes.

More and more people are dying, but the anger remains the same. He wants these people to taste fear and make them regret this plan.

Those cries were indeed covered up by the screams.

now it's right. When a person dies, he can no longer make any sound.

If they can plot against him, he can naturally kill them all.

The imperial court was in ruins this time, and the general leading the army was quite capable. Unfortunately, he still couldn't escape from his gun, and there was an old face under his head.

He spit out blood from his mouth and stared at him with a pair of eyes: "Bring the people here, I don't want to live, but unfortunately I still can't kill you..."

A veteran planned this war, but he himself fought fiercely, sacrificing so many innocent lives, and he had no way out.

At this moment, everyone is going crazy. Either you die or I live.

"Your Majesty, the camp..."

A shout made Xiao Yu recover from the killing. He immediately turned around and saw a group of soldiers and horses heading towards the camp while they were not paying attention.

"Buzz" Xiao Yu's mind was shaken. There was no clarity at all, and all his emotions were replaced by killing.

When Xiao Yu came to his senses again, the imperial troops were completely defeated.

Dead bodies were piled at his feet, and those people failed to enter his camp after all.

Although this battle was difficult, it was still won.

However, something seems wrong.

Xiao Yu's eyes slowly gathered, and then... he saw a figure slowly walking towards him. Her body was too thin, as if she would fall down at any time.

That's Xiao Huan.

After so many years, she is still the same little girl as before.

She seemed to have no change at this moment from when she first saw her in the village.

Those eyes were always clear, and although she couldn't speak, he could tell what she was thinking from her expression.

She was walking towards him, with a happy expression on her face, just like when she was in the village, she would always run to him quickly, reach out to pick him up, and take him to various places.

Xiao Yu raised his feet to greet her, but for some reason, as they gradually approached, the brightness and smile in her eyes disappeared, and her face became cold and distant.

A pair of eyes glanced at him blankly, filled with disappointment and pain.

The pain was like a dagger, stabbing into his chest.

A gust of wind blew, carrying a strong smell of blood.

Her eyes fell on the corpse on the ground, and then she suddenly smiled, as if she was finally relieved.

If she could speak, she would definitely say: This is all retribution.

Losing a child is the retribution for killing.

This bloody thing will follow him forever, but she has long been tired of it, and finally she no longer has to endure it.

In front of him, she was like a dead leaf on a branch, falling suddenly. He stretched out his hand to catch her, but she closed her eyes forever.

When pain comes, it is silent.

He knelt on the ground and looked at the person in his arms. He held her hand tightly, but no matter how hard he tried, her fingertips were still cold and could no longer be warmed.

She would never smile at him again, never again lead him to the stove and stuff him with dark wild vegetable cakes.

He always wanted to cure her illness, listen to her voice, even call him once.

But in the end, not only did he fail to hear her voice, he even lost her gaze.

She has obviously gotten better...

Obviously everything will be fine.

But in the end he couldn't keep it.

He couldn't keep his little one.

Gradually, the anger and pain seemed to go away from him. It was as if he had never experienced those tortures before, and his whole person suddenly became extremely calm.

"The order is given to advance southward," Xiao Yu heard his cold voice without any emotion. "If there is any obstruction, they will be killed. If the people in the city do not surrender, kill them! If the government officials do not pray for surrender, kill them! Defend the city and resist. Kill the city!"

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