"People who study originally want to gain fame by themselves, how can they rely on these?"

Ruan Gaofei sneered, "I'm afraid that only people like Song Jingyun who rely on luck for their living want to cling to one or two."

It's just a matter of luck, and he won the first place when he was lucky. After all, he couldn't stand the test of time. After a long time, he would naturally have no choice but to bow down.

Let's look at Qiu Wei this time, when he ranks first on the list, it's good to see that Song Jingyun's name has fallen to Sun Shan, then it will be called happiness!

When Ruan Gaofei said that, Yang Anning next to him rubbed his nose and smiled.

The words are so high-sounding, who doesn't know what kind of person you are, so pretentious, it's disgusting.

Speaking of which, in the past two days, I always feel that many things are going well, and I feel that my wishes come true. Even when I suddenly wanted to eat wontons in the evening, when I tried my luck to go out for a stroll, I happened to meet a The people at the wonton stand are full of food.

I don't know if it has something to do with talking to Song Jingyun a few days ago.

Regardless of the others, it is better to get in touch with Song Jingyun more in the future.

Even if he didn't have the so-called good luck, since Song Jingyun won the first prize in the past, his strength should not be underestimated. This time, he must be able to win in the middle of the autumn. If he gets in touch with him more, he will be able to strengthen his contacts.

The big contest is just around the corner, so it can be said that everyone has their own thoughts, but at this time, everyone is very unanimous in staying behind closed doors, only concentrating on reading in their respective inn rooms.

Although it is absolutely impossible to cram for exams, especially for exams like Qiuwei, it is not that you can read two more pages of books temporarily and read a few more pages of words to help.

But since the exam is just around the corner, it is unavoidable to feel flustered. Reading and meditating makes people feel that they are busy every day.

The same is true for Song Jingyun in the past two days.

The purpose is the same as others, it is also for meditation.

Read and write more, think more about poems and songs, and current affairs, so that you can get rid of the thought of going to bed earlier with your wife every day.

Besides, I also suppress my thoughts of going out to find delicious food all day long.

The city of Xingnan Prefecture was originally very prosperous and prosperous, and because of the tribute courtyard, there are often people coming and going from south to north, so there is naturally a lot of food in this city.

Especially in those small streets and alleys, there are often unexpected and unique foods, and occasionally there are very common ones, but the taste is different, and each of them is very attractive.

But when it comes to food, the policy at this time has always been to study national affairs, not taxation and land, the selection of imperial examinations, the integration of officials, and the disaster relief and infrastructure in various places. It is true that there have been no issues related to food.

It is said that food is the most important thing for the people, and this food is considered the top priority. Why not do it last time, so as to avoid the candidates who will just write empty words during the exam?
The more Song Jingyun thought about it, the more interested he was, he didn't even read the book, and just took a pen to impromptuly write an article about food.

Jiang Mixia saw that Song Jingyun's writing was very smooth, and the whole person was looking high-spirited, so she came over and took a look to see what inspiration the little son-in-law had.

Waiting to see the mutton steamed buns written by Song Jingyun at the beginning of the chapter, and the raw pan-fried buns in the middle, followed by hot dry noodles...

Jiang Mixia, "..."

As expected of a little son-in-law, writing articles is also eaten!

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