Chapter 202
After a while, Song Jingyun finished the article, picked it up and looked at it carefully, and when the ink stains were all dry, he handed it to Jiang Mixia, "My lady, come and see how my article is written?"

"Just now when you wrote it, I took a quick look at it. The words are pretty good, and the meaning is very precise. I just want to know, why are you thinking about writing such an article?"

Jiang Mixia was curious, "Are you going to show Master Xun?"

Xun Yuanbai lived next door during this period of time, and there was no movement on weekdays, but as soon as the meal time came, or if he bought something to eat here, he would definitely show up at the door immediately.

In Jiang Mixia's view, Xun Yuanbai is the same foodie as Song Jingyun.

Still very authentic.

"I want to show Master Xun how well it is written, and how he will judge it if it is an answer to current affairs policy." Song Jingyun replied earnestly.

Jiang Mixia, "..."

Which year's current affairs policy can take this test?
No matter how dizzy the emperor is, I'm afraid it won't work.

But when this article was shown to Xun Yuanbai, Xun Yuanbai laughed for a while, "It's very well written. I think if you take this exam this year, your article will definitely come out on top."

"Master Xun is also used to him, how can Shi Wu Ce test these things." Jiang Mixia helped his forehead helplessly.

"This can't be guaranteed." Xun Yuanbai stroked his beard, "Food is the most important thing for the people, whether it is royal nobles or ordinary people, the most inseparable is the word eating and drinking. If you talk about it carefully, this can be considered It’s a matter of livelihood.”

"From my point of view, there may not be such a topic this year."

After all, he is a very lucky young gentleman, with him, everything is possible!

Jiang Mixia, "..."

Well, as long as you two are happy.

I don't know if it was because Xun Yuanbai and Song Jingyun discussed the article too loudly and was overheard by others, or because of others, Song Jingyun guessed that this time the current affairs policy was going to be released and the news about food spread like wildfire.

But within two days, most of the scholars who came to participate in the Qiu Wei in the whole city knew about it.

When everyone heard the words, they were surprised at first, then half-believed, and finally doubted Song Jingyun's talent and knowledge.

If it is said that the border defense test last time was a bit of fantasy, the so-called food test this time is simply nonsense.

It seems that this Song Jingyun really has no real talent and learning, but is just a swindler.

But some people say that Song Jingyun is probably a strange person, who can think of things that ordinary people can't think of, can jump out of all rules and regulations, solidify his thinking, and dare to speak out.

Ruan Gaofei laughed when he heard this.

For this sake, it is really ridiculous to believe Song Jingyun, the so-called person who was admitted to the scholar by intuition and luck.

But that's fine too, the more you brag like this, the more you will be able to fall from the clouds and taste the pain when the ranking is announced.

Ruan Gaofei was full of self-confidence, and only carefully read and recited a few articles he had written about government affairs and floods.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of Qiuwei.

Qiu Wei has to take three consecutive exams, each for three days, and each exam has to enter in the afternoon of the first day, and get up in the morning after the exam is over.

Like the previous exams, the Qiu Wei exam is still to check the identity information and search the body to prevent cheating.

The Gong Yuan in Xingnan Mansion is not too small. This time, the Qiu Wei will accommodate more than [-] candidates. Therefore, the candidates at this time are all lined up in a long line, waiting to enter.

The government yamen and yamen are all patrolling back and forth to make sure that no one is causing trouble, or to help deal with various emergencies.

The sound of footsteps swishing, and the voice of chanting fame loudly at the gate of the Gongyuan reverberated on the ground, appearing solemn and solemn.

It can be said that the surrounding atmosphere is extremely tense before entering the Tribute Academy.

Some people with poor mental quality were already sweating profusely, and couldn't help wiping their foreheads with their sleeves. Rao, those with better mental qualities had serious expressions at this time, for fear of making any mistakes.

Jiang Mixia came with Song Jingyun today, but the people who sent him for the exam had to stop a hundred meters away, so Jiang Mixia could only watch Song Jingyun line up and walk in from a distance.

The speed of the team was not too fast. After a cup of tea, Song Jingyun only advanced 40 meters.

But seeing that he was about to enter the door, Song Jingyun turned to look at Jiang Mixia.

There were quite a lot of people seeing him off, but Song Jingyun was able to spot his wife at a glance in the crowd.

Song Jingyun looked at Jiang Mixia from a distance, grinned, and gestured "OK" to her.

This is what Jiang Mixia taught him before, and he remembers it clearly.

Jiang Mixia saw it clearly, and shook his arms hurriedly, indicating that he had seen the message he conveyed.

Candidates around Song Jingyun, who were about to enter the venue, saw Song Jingyun's strange posture, first looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked at their own palms.

Could this be some kind of ritual to pray for good luck?
With such doubts, everyone also tried to compare the same gestures.

All of a sudden, all the people present said "OK".

Jiang Mixia, "..."

Quite spectacular!

During the few days of Song Jingyun's exam, firstly, Jiang Mixia couldn't get used to it because the little son-in-law was not around, and because he was worried that the little son-in-law was a little restless, so he stayed in the inn most of the time.

Xun Yuanbai couldn't sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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