"I don't know." Jiang Mixia shook her head.

At this time, the list has not been released, probably not because of high school.

"I guess someone has a wedding event." Jiang Mixia guessed.

Generally, in the second half of the year, there will be more weddings, especially in the lukewarm days of autumn, which are most suitable for weddings.

As for the entrance of the inn...

Maybe the bride is from out of town, so she wants to get married here at the inn.

Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun guessed like this, while standing at the door of the inn, preparing to grab a wedding cake and candy later, they were considered happy.

As a result, the pancakes and candies were really obtained, but after careful questioning, they knew that this was not a happy event for marriage, but a happy event for winning the first prize in high school.

Jiang Mixia was suddenly very curious, "This has not been released yet, how do you know that you must be in high school?"

"Little lady, you don't know that." A middle-aged man who distributed wedding candies and money said cheerfully, "My employer never fails to be listed in the imperial examination. Let's talk."

"It's so powerful?" Song Jingyun also became interested, "I think he must be someone who is very knowledgeable and talented, so he is so confident about the exam?"

"It's natural." The middle-aged man smiled, "My employer is really a Wenqu star descending from the sky. He is very knowledgeable at a young age. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as talented and well-educated. The most important thing is Yes, my employer is also very lucky, so he can be on the list every time."

"Speaking of which, in just two or three years of studying, my employer has gone from being a mere white man to a talented gentleman. This time the township examination is also full of confidence, and he will definitely be able to win Jie Yuan."

"That's really amazing." Song Jingyun nodded again and again, "Then say congratulations first."

"Same joy, same joy." The middle-aged man saw that Song Jingyun's words sounded nice, so he stuffed some happy money into the hands of Song Jingyun and Jiang Mixia, and said, "You look like a candidate for an exam, Mr. Xiaolang. I also hope that Mr. Xiao Lang can be on the list."

"I would like to borrow your good words." Song Jingyun smiled all over his face, "I just don't know, who is the head of your family?"

Before the township examination, the candidates in the city also gathered many times to study knowledge and discuss the examination questions. Basically, even if they didn't know each other, most of them had a face-to-face meeting.

Song Jingyun really had never heard of the kind of person the man mentioned, and was quite curious for a while.

"My employer is Song Jingyun from Fengyang County." The middle-aged man said triumphantly, "Mr. Song has won a small three yuan before, and his reputation is very famous. Mr. Xiaolang must have heard of it. "

Song Jingyun, "..."

Jiang Mixia, "..."

I never thought that one day I would eat melons and eat my own head!
"Is there some misunderstanding about this matter?" Song Jingyun scratched his head, looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Misunderstanding? What do you mean?" The middle-aged man became more and more surprised.

"What I mean is, isn't Song Jingyun the one who hired you to distribute money and candies?" …

"How can it be? The employer is very generous, and he made it clear to us that he is Song Jingyun from Fengyang County, Mr. Song Lang. I chatted with him for a while, and I saw that he is a good character. A scholar who speaks humbly and politely leads others to take over this job, how can there be any fault?"

The middle-aged man looked Song Jingyun up and down, "Who are you, why did you say that my employer is not Song Jingyun?"

"Because..." Song Jingyun scratched his head again, "Because I am Song Jingyun from Fengyang County."

Middle-aged man, "..."

"It turns out that you are our employer." Another young man who was giving out happy money there came over.

"What nonsense." The middle-aged man reached out and knocked his head, "Our employer is not this person."

After all, he looked at Song Jingyun, "Your name is Song Jingyun too?"

"Exactly." Song Jingyun nodded.

"Isn't it, people with the same name and surname?" The middle-aged man was extremely surprised, "A county is not big, but it is not small. It is not impossible to have the same name and surname."

"But Fengyang County is full of scholars, and I am the only one named Song Jingyun, and with the little Sanyuan you mentioned, it is even more impossible to be someone else." Song Jingyun answered affirmatively.

"Ah?" The middle-aged man froze in place for a moment, "What's going on..."

The person who hired him to do Xiqian claimed to be Song Jingyun from Fengyang County, and the person in front of him also claimed to be Song Jingyun from Fengyang County.

What is going on here?

"Uncle, in this world, is there anyone willing to spend their own money to make a name for others?"

On the way back, the young man asked the middle-aged man in puzzlement.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "It's not about making a name for yourself."

"What's wrong? This kind of thing of sending money to people, anyone who receives the money and hears about it will definitely praise this person for his generosity and generosity, and his reputation will definitely spread loudly. How good is the money?"

"Then have you ever thought that before the list is released yet, someone let us spread the news about Song Langjun's solution to the Yuan Dynasty, and spread it out with such fanfare. If Song Langjun High School is fine, if Song Langjun is not Xie Yuan, even if he is not on the list, what should others think of Song Langjun?"

"That would definitely say that Song Langjun is blindly arrogant, boastful, and shameless."


It's not that someone wants to help Song Jingyun.

It was someone who wanted to harm Song Jingyun!

He wanted to completely ruin Song Jingyun's reputation.

That's why I didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to invite them to make such a fuss.

And they, without checking clearly, continued the job.

Even if they really didn't know about it, they were still very responsible for Song Langjun's embarrassment at that time.

Scholars are most concerned about reputation and reputation. If Song Langjun is a dead end...

The consequences could be disastrous!

The person who hired them to do this is also very hateful, in order to harm others, he actually came up with such a sinister trick!

People like this will end badly!
Also angry was Jiang Mixia.

I was so angry that I couldn't eat any food.

"Mistress, calm down." Seeing this, Song Jingyun only put the freshly cooked small wontons in front of Jiang Mixia, "Eat some wontons, calm down."

Jiang Mixia didn't refuse the little son-in-law's kindness, and took a spoon to scoop up wontons, but she really didn't have any appetite, so she just held her chin and sighed, "I really don't know who would do such a thing."

"Depending on who he is, it's his money that was spent anyway." Song Jingyun said with a smile.

"It's his own money, but it's your reputation that's bad."

"Is there?" Song Jingyun scratched his head, "Why do I think it helped me?"

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