Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 210 A Good Thing

"How to say?" Jiang Mixia was a little puzzled, "Before the announcement of the list, this person started to declare to the outside world that you have already got to know Yuan, isn't he just putting you on the fire?"

"But if I really understand Yuan, this person helped me celebrate today and spent so much money. Isn't it just icing on the cake and saved us a lot of money?" Song Jingyun laughed.

Jiang Mixia, "..."

That's right.

But, can the little son-in-law really pass the exam?
Although the little son-in-law is indeed very talented and lucky, but it is not so easy to get rid of the provincial examination.

But, again, it's a good thing that the little son-in-law is confident.

Because Song Jingyun felt that this incident was not a bad one, so Jiang Mixia didn't go out of her way to find out who was behind the scenes.

This farce came to an end temporarily because of Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun's silence.

It's just that ordinary people don't mention it, but those candidates who are anxiously waiting for the results of the rankings do mention it from time to time.

After all, for all the candidates, they don't have confidence in this provincial examination. Even if there are a few confident ones occasionally, they don't want to appear too arrogant, so as not to affect their reputation, so they behave very modestly.

Also because of this, seeing Song Jingyun proclaiming with such fanfare that he would win Jieyuan, he was quite disdainful.

"This Song Jingyun is really boastful. There is not even a shadow of the release of the list, and even the words have been released."

"It's not just about letting out words, even about Xiqian."

"I'm afraid that when the list is released, let alone Xie Yuan, he is simply not on the list. If it is released, it will become a slap in the face, and the face will hurt."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, I have been honored in the past, and I have heard so many good things. It is not a loss."

"Hey, don't be so stubborn about what you say. What if this Song Langjun is really admitted to Xie Yuan? I was not far from him during the exam. He never stopped writing articles. I want to come here to take the exam. The subject suits him very well."

"If he is really talented and capable, he must be very humble and polite, so why would he publicize it to the outside world like this? In my opinion, this Song Jingyun is just a boastful person. How can such a person concentrate on it?" Studying, how can you have such a good talent?"

"That's wrong, I think, since Song Jingyun said that, there's a reason for it..."

"What's the reason, it's just grandstanding!"

The examinee had finished the exam, and had nothing to do while waiting for the results to be released, and because he was anxious about waiting for the result, he became more enthusiastic about talking about Song Jingyun.

As a result, the popularity of this matter among the candidates has not diminished. From the date of this matter to the few days before the release of the results, there is almost no pause.

Seeing this, Ruan Gaofei was very happy.

The hotter this topic is, the more people discuss it, the more people will pay attention to this matter, and when the ranking is released, more people will pay attention to Song Jingyun.

If Song Jingyun loses his name to Sun Shan, he will really become the laughing stock of the whole city.

Just thinking about it makes me happy!
In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the list was released.

In the morning when it was just dawn, before the list was posted at the entrance of the Gongyuan, there was already a huge crowd of people around the entrance of the Gongyuan, which was so crowded that the Gongyuan could not get through.

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