Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 247 Time is running out

Chapter 247 Time is running out

Although full of hostility, the smile on Xun Yuanbai's face did not diminish at all, "That's not the case, but I just found that His Highness the Crown Prince's blessings are getting deeper and deeper, so I came here to tell His Highness the Crown Prince to get close to young talents who can help the country and the country. In this way There will be great success.”

How close are you to those young talents who can help the country and the country?

Could this be referring to Song Jingyun?

But how did Xun Yuanbai know this?

If there may be people keeping an eye on other places, but in Guanghua Garden, which is managed by Jiang Junli, not to mention a famous but powerless heavenly master like Xun Yuanbai, even his father, the current Holy Emperor, cannot Do whatever you want in Guanghua Garden.

Now, Xun Yuanbai knows about this...

Is it possible that he really has some ability, can read fortune and fate, and understands real Tianxiang divination?

How can it be!

The prince immediately rejected this ridiculous idea and only glanced at Xun Yuanbai, "The Heavenly Master really has hands and eyes that can reach the sky. This ability actually surpasses that of my father."

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is ridiculous." Xun Yuanbai still disagreed, "It's just that His Highness the Crown Prince doesn't have to be so hostile to me. If we talk about it in reality, His Highness the Crown Prince and I are the same people."

The same people?

The prince was stunned for a moment, then twitched his lips.


He is the current prince and the future emperor. He is a person who will do his best for the country, the country, and the people. Xun Yuanbai is just a stickman. How can they be the same person?

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of the prince's lips, "The Heavenly Master really knows how to show off his status."

"Whether it's self-proclaimed or full of nonsense, it's just that since His Highness the Crown Prince has faith and revenge, he still needs to stick to his heart. In addition, he has to hurry up. Time is running out."

Xun Yuanbai said, "Your Highness, the Crown Prince, should prepare for what needs to be done as soon as possible." After saying that, Xun Yuanbai stood up and handed over his hands to the Crown Prince, "I also made some arrogance today and bothered His Highness the Crown Prince for a long time. It is the fault of the old man, the old man. If His Highness the Crown Prince is willing to listen to what he said, you can listen to it. If you don't want to listen, just wait until the old man has said it."

"It's just that I'm old and I still say the same thing. You don't need to talk too much to irrelevant people. You also need to get in touch with the talents recognized by His Highness the Crown Prince."


Before the prince could reply, Xun Yuanbai threw off his sleeves and strode away with his hands behind his back.

The prince watched Xun Yuanbai's figure gradually go away, and was stunned for a long time. It was not until the servant next to him lit all the candles in the room one by one, and the whole room suddenly became brighter, that he came back to his senses and sat down. On the chair beside.

Time is running out, what does it mean...

What exactly does Xun Yuanbai want to say?

As a prince, what should he prepare in advance?

After pondering for a long time, the prince raised his hand and said, "Send someone to Zhangge's mansion to send a message that I will pay you a visit tomorrow evening."

"Yes." The people below responded and went about their business.

Song Jingyun and Jiang Michia had dinner together in the evening.

He didn't go to the canteen of Guanghua Garden, but in the No. 8 courtyard where they lived together, he used a small charcoal stove and used pork bones and chicken racks as a base to make a fragrant but light soup and cook it. Some white and tender tofu, refreshing radish and cabbage, and finally some handmade noodles that I brought with me when I came to the capital.

The taste is light and delicious, and it is made by yourself. It is warm and comfortable to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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