Nongmen Xianggong is a koi

Chapter 248 Give it a try

Chapter 248 Give it a try

A few days after arriving at Guanghua Garden, Song Jingyun and Jiang Michia gradually became familiar with the place, and gradually got acquainted with several students who also came to Beijing to take exams.

Discuss knowledge, ask Master for advice, search for books and seek knowledge...

Song Jingyun has been very busy these days.

When I get busy, I don’t have time to stay with Jiang Michia in the Bahao courtyard.

Jiang Michia was not the kind of person who only knew how to stick to her husband and was frightened by the new environment, so she also took advantage of this break to go shopping outside.

Buy some daily necessities, take a look at the specialties of the capital, and figure out what to bring back to your family when you go home.

In addition, Jiang Michia also focused on seeing if there was any business to be done in the capital.

Song Jingyun is very talented in reading. Even if he cannot come out on top this time, being on the list is almost inevitable.

If he is retained in the capital, it will not be easy to settle down in the capital based on the salary of an ordinary official who has just become an official.

Everything depends on assets and operations!

With this idea in mind, Jiang Michia wandered around the capital for several days.

The capital is the administrative power and economic center of the entire country. It has a large area, a large population, and a complete range of businesses, whether it is what Jiang Michia can think of or what he can't imagine.

Moreover, the wisdom and craftsmanship of the ancients far exceeded Jiang Michia's imagination.

Take the bamboo weaving skills that the Jiang family is good at. The bamboo weaving craftsmanship here is more sophisticated, and can even reach the level of painting with bamboo weaving.

Bamboo strips are soaked in dye and woven into paintings, which are exquisite and pleasing to the eye. Either as a screen or as a bamboo curtain, both are beautiful and exquisite.

Jiang Michia thought it was pretty good-looking, so she simply bought some smaller bamboo paintings and took them back to show Song Jingyun, "They look good."

"Yes." Song Jingyun nodded repeatedly, "The bamboo strips are thin enough, the work is fine enough, and the ability to weave the dyed bamboo strips into paintings is something that cannot be accomplished overnight."

Song Jingyun sighed with emotion for a while, then tilted his head and said, "If we can use this technique on the bamboo silk fans we make at home, I think it will be even more beautiful."

"Indeed." Jiang Michia agreed, but then smiled, "As you just said, weaving dyed bamboo strips into paintings is not something that can be done overnight. If you want to weave them into fans again, I'm afraid it will be even harder. Now, I’m afraid it’s better to take a long-term approach.”

"I will write a letter back in the next few days to talk to my parents about this matter, and then I will try to find a master with such skills in the capital to see if I can combine the two."

If this can be done, the bamboo weaving business at home will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

Jiang Michia was thinking about business matters, but Song Jingyun carefully looked at one of the bamboo paintings and said after a while, "It doesn't seem to be that troublesome."

"What should I say?" Jiang Michia was interrupted by Song Jingyun and asked.

"I think this bamboo weaving doesn't seem to be that troublesome. I think I should be able to try to weave it." Song Jingyun said, eager to try, "Tomorrow I will go to the street to buy some bamboo and bamboo strips. , Madam, please help me buy some dye, let’s give it a try.”

Jiang Michia, "..."

Song Jingyun was taught bamboo weaving skills by his parents at home, but Song Jingyun took the bamboo weaving skills at home to a higher level, especially the extremely lightweight bamboo fan, which was made by Song Jingyun.

(End of this chapter)

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