
Chapter 104 Unknown Relic

Chapter 104 Unknown Relic

When Song Chang led people to find the cave, they saw the corpse of the worm master, and the others had long since disappeared.

The insect master died miserably, and there were insects lying on his body, eating his flesh and blood.

Tong Hua did it himself, and immediately killed the insect master after the insect technique was removed, and even the insects on his body became food for his own insects.

The method is cruel, leaving the body behind, deliberately demonstrating to Song Chang.

"Villa Master, this Tong girl is not easy to mess with. The superiors know that Sifang Villa has been exposed, and it will be a matter of time before Tong Shi finds revenge. At this time, we are still asking us to deal with her... Isn't this asking us to die?"

"Do you think you don't have to die if you avoid her?" Song Chang said with a livid face, "Now we all know that the secret medicine comes from Sifang Villa, and they asked for it to suppress the matter of the martial arts conference. Dan took it out, and dragged them until they became angry with embarrassment, told the matter, and then united with those people in the martial arts conference, how long will it take to level Sifang Villa?"

"The Kongtong faction is useless, and Bai Jingyan is dead. These people are begging for medicine, so why don't we give them the medicine? Anyway, isn't the plan of the higher-ups just to disperse the medicine?"

Song Chang sighed and left the cave: "I want to give it too, but what can I give it. The secret medicine in the village has long been gone. It has been several days since the delivery came, and there is no news at all. One has been exposed. A pawn whose life is held in the hands of others has no value to the superior."

Now, Song Chang can only obey the order to kill Tong Shi, or get the things left by Mrs. Tong Shao from Nixia Palace. Only in this way can he have a chance to negotiate with his superiors and rely on them to save his life.

He also knew that the Tong family and Nixia Palace were not easy to mess with, so what could he do...

"They must have gone to Nixia Palace, summoned everyone, desperately trying to grab something, and killed Tong Shi."




Nixia Palace.

When Li Nian came back, he immediately ordered people to step up their guard.

"Song Chang will definitely bring someone here, you take the things and leave immediately." Li Nian led the people directly to his room, and took out the wooden box from the hidden compartment in the wall, "It's hard to find insect masters in the Central Plains, you rob people and kill them, Song Chang won't let you off. In my opinion, Hua'er, you'd better go back to the southern border to avoid it."

Tong Hua smiled: "Auntie, it's just a Sifang Villa. I was scared by them and ran back to southern Xinjiang. If word spreads, how can I walk on the rivers and lakes in the future..."

Li Nian said solemnly: "Sifang Villa has more power than you imagined. Unless it is wiped out in one fell swoop, you will be in danger wherever you go. If it wasn't that Nixia Palace couldn't protect you, I would have detained you here... "

The wooden box was opened, and the contents inside looked ordinary.

Books, essays, and pills that even children's paintings know. I don't understand what my mother meant by sending these things to Nixia Palace on purpose.

After handing over the things to Tong Hua, Li Nian urged them to leave quickly.At this time, a disciple came to report that people from Sifang Villa had already entered the mountain.

"Go from the back mountain, Lan Man, take them out."

"Auntie, Song Chang is coming very aggressively. I'm afraid we won't be kind today. Why don't we stay? If we really fight, we can help..."

"No...it's too dangerous, I can't watch you take risks."

Tong Hua wanted to say a few more words, but Feng Qingyang stopped her: "They can't find anything or anyone when they come in, so they shouldn't embarrass Nixia Palace...it's safe here if you're not here."

Li Nian didn't intend to send people out, so he said goodbye casually, asked Chu Lin to take care of Tong Hua, then turned around and went to the door to preside over the overall situation.

Tong Hua called out to her aunt, and suddenly rushed over to hug Li Nian: "I'll come back to you after I clean up Sifang Villa."

Li Nian patted his back lightly: "If something happens, let these young heroes go, don't take any risks."


No matter what happened, Tong Hua, who thought she had no relatives except Chu Lin, now found her aunt, how could she be unhappy.

This heaven-sent joy can't let the two of them feel it for a while longer.

Lan Man led the people away from the back mountain path, then said goodbye, and went back to Nixia Palace by herself.

A group of people left the mountain, passed by the small town, and found an inn to rest.

Tong Hua took out all the things in the wooden box, inspected them one by one, and identified them one by one. They were all old things from Baiwu Villa. The books recorded all the poisonous scriptures. It's Tong Bo's handwriting, nothing special.

There is also the elixir in the bottle, which is several kinds of poisons developed by Baiwu Villa.

This kind of poison has not appeared in Jianghu for ten years.

Tong Huacai's head hurts, and she still doesn't understand why these things are worth taking out secretly by her mother and hiding them with her aunt.

Chu Lin opened the door and came in, calling Tong Hua down to eat.

"Feed your stomach first, then come back and think about it slowly." After approaching, Chu Lin hugged Tong Hua, reached out and rubbed her stomach, "After beating you, you have become thinner and thinner..."

It's normal to run around and be thin.

Tong Hua smiled and said, "Chu Shaoxia's heart hurts?"

Chu Lin: "Of course. After all these things are over, find a place you like to live in, and I will be responsible for feeding you fatter."

"Hey, you won't like it when you get fat, and then you will dislike me, and then you will hang out all day and never come back to see me, a yellow-faced fat woman."

"Are you going to abandon you in the end?"

"You really think so!" Tong Hua turned around, grabbed Chu Lin by the collar, and glared at him fiercely, "I have a natal family now, how dare you try to bully me?"

"How dare I, Master Tong, thank God if you don't bully me." Chu Lin held Tong Hua's small face, kissed it close, and then separated after a long time. Let those two eat it up."

Tong Hua didn't care about these, put his arms around Chu Lin's neck, and kissed for a while.

When they went downstairs, they saw Nazan and Feng Qingyang listening attentively to the speech of the person at the next table.

Walking over, Tong Hua wanted to laugh at their eavesdropping, and then heard the person at the next table talking about Nixia Palace.

"This Sifang Villa can be said to be mobilized by the whole village. People rushed into the Nixia Palace one after another. No matter how powerful the Nixia Palace is, it can't stop so many people."

"Sifang Villa is shameless enough. After arresting the palace master, he didn't ask anything, but..."

"Poor Palace Mistress, don't let a group of shameless villains ruin Sifang Villa..."

As soon as the words fell, a pot of tea fell directly from his head.

The girl with a ferocious expression roared, and the three men around her couldn't hold back.

The gossipers in the inn suddenly fell silent, feeling like the girl was about to jump up and bite someone if I said one more word.

The farce inside had just started, and a few more people came in outside, including Sifang Villa in black robes, and people from the Mighty Escort.

Tong Hua, who was already excited, became even more insane when he saw the people in Sifang Villa.

Chu Lin couldn't stop, Nazan didn't intend to stop, Feng Qingyang reminded the people in the inn to leave quickly.

Children's paintings...

He had rushed over and stabbed one person to death with bamboo chopsticks.

(End of this chapter)

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