
Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Sifang Villa chased into Nixia Palace, but found neither Tong Hua nor anything.

Song Chang, who became angry from embarrassment, even ordered the massacre of Nixia Palace.

The people in the Sifang Villa are not upright and gentlemen. The group of women in the Nixia Palace were all ruined by these shameless people.

Seeing this, Song Chang didn't stop him, and actually grabbed Li Nian as well...

When the news spread, Nixia Palace still used this method to destroy the sect...

Tong Hua doesn't care what other sects in the world think about it and how they plan to deal with it.

Now she just wants to kill all the people in Sifang Villa, especially that Song Chang.

In the inn, as soon as the people from Sifang Villa and Weiwu Escort came in, they asked Tong Hua to kill one, and before the others could respond, three more fell down one after another.

When they came back to their senses and prepared to fight back, Tong Hua's eyes were already red, even whether it was Sifang Villa or Weiwu Escort, if they saw one, they would kill one.

The people in the inn had already run away, only Tong Hua, four people, and a pile of corpses remained.

Chu Lin went up to hug her, not knowing how to comfort her, but felt the girl in her arms trembling.

In broad daylight, in the inn, the murder in public quickly attracted other people.

Coincidentally, it was Song Chang who came.

He brought the people from Sifang Villa to follow Tong Hua, and on the way he met the mighty escort.

Feng Qingyang leaned against the window and saw many people following Song Chang: "It seems that the owner of the Song village is really leading the whole village out. Miss Tong, what do you plan to do?"

How to do it?
Of course they were all killed!
Tong Hua raised her head, her eyes were red, and she was about to go out from the inn to start a killing spree, and Chu Lin naturally accompanied her.

Feng Qingyang stopped him: "The people in this town are innocent. Give me some time, and I will send the people around me away."

Tong Hua didn't answer, but her footsteps stopped.



Song Chang brought people to this small town and ordered them to search for Tong Hua's whereabouts, and then heard someone shouting to kill someone.

When he came to the inn, he saw that Tong Hua and Chu Lin had each moved a chair to the door and sat there waiting for him to come.

"Master Song, have you figured out how to die?" Tong Hua said, her voice was so cold that it seemed to freeze everything.

"Tong girl, at the Sifang Villa, if you stayed obediently and said a few words to the palace master for me and asked her to hand over the things, how could it be like this now?" Song Chang knew that he was going to die, so he did everything Don't be afraid anymore, "After all, you are the one who harmed Nixia Palace."

Tong Hua understands that she has a great responsibility, so it is more difficult to extinguish her anger.

"Master Song Zhuang, I have something to ask you, do you plan to tell me honestly, or do you plan to tell me after being tortured to survive or die?"

"If I tell you, can I live?"


"Then why should I tell you?"

Tong Hua directly took a small teapot to drink water: "Lu, there are only these two things. I must know what I want to know. Don't you have insect masters under your command? Ask them, what methods insect masters use to torture people?" .”

Song Chang has a worm master under his command, and he understands worm master's methods better than most people, and he understands that Tong Hua is not trying to scare him: "Tong girl is not sincere in negotiating terms, I will give you what you want, and what I want, Tong girl will not." Should I give it too?"

"Who is negotiating with you?" Tong Hua stared straight at Song Chang with eyes like flying knives, wishing to see holes in his body, "You must die."

Song Chang's men couldn't bear it, and came up and pointed at Tong Hua and scolded the bitch.

With a flick of Chu Lin's hand, the flying dragon's claws rushed out, directly piercing the man's neck.

"Master Song's dog really doesn't know how to behave." Chu Lin withdrew his paws and fiddled with them, "In front of the owner, come forward in such a hurry to die."

Song Chang glanced at the corpse in front of him indifferently, and said with a smile: "Nephew Chu Xian, everyone in the Kongtong sect is now shouting for beatings. I advise you to keep a low profile. Don't think that you can sit back and relax by abandoning the shadows and turning to Tong's side in the martial arts conference."

Chu Lin: "What about the owner of Song Zhuang? Is this presumptuous because other people want something from you? Compared with the sneaky cooperation with the Kongtong faction before, now you are showing things out and being open-minded. Stuck? I would like to see, who can, who dares, who will protect you regarding the matter of Nixia Palace."

No grudges in the past, no grudges in the present, bringing people to the door to provoke, destroying the door, destroying the door, doing that kind of thing to a group of women, Song Chang is completely blocking his escape route.

Tong Hua: "Master Song, don't you think that if you catch me, everything will be wiped out? After the martial arts conference, everyone said that Baiwu Villa was wronged. Is it useful to use Tong's remnants to get rid of the crime?"

Song Chang looked left and right, but he couldn't see Feng Qingyang, and the two people in front of him seemed to be delaying time.

Nights are long and dreams are many, no matter what they are planning, it is always a disadvantage to start first.

What Tong Hua needs to know has not been said yet, Chu Lin will not kill Song Chang, nor will he let him think that he has a chance to win.

The flying dragon's claws stretched out again, allowing Song Chang to open it easily, and Chu Lin followed suit.Song Chang took two steps back in shock, then fought Chu Lin, and was captured without three moves.

The people in the villa who followed and the members of the mighty bodyguard bureau did not dare to act rashly when they saw Song Chang was captured.

Chu Lin broke Song Chang's arm and made him kneel on the ground: "Back then you said that no matter who, no matter what the past, as long as they are willing, they can enter Sifang Villa, and they will not be controlled by you, the owner. Sifang Villa has its own affairs, no one can control others, you, the owner of the villa, are just a decoration. But what I saw today, it seems that these rumors are very different."

Tong Hua got up, walked slowly to the street, and approached Song Chang: "I see, there should be something very important about the owner of Song Zhuang, otherwise they wouldn't be so nervous." She squatted in front of Song Chang, Lower your voice, "Since the Three Corpse Pill, the secret medicine has existed in the Jianghu for ten years. Now these sect forces, if you want to find someone who has never taken the secret medicine, I am afraid it will be very difficult. The people behind you use the secret medicine Infiltration is almost controlling the entire Jianghu. I am not interested in his plan, I just want to know who framed the Baiwu Villa back then, who is my enemy, who I want to kill."

Song Chang waited for Tong Hua's words to let him go, but unfortunately, no.

"As I said, you must die." Tong Hua walked around Song Chang, stood in front of the people he brought, smiled, and made people feel cold, "Thank you, Master Song, for bringing everyone here, and save me Go find them one by one and kill them one by one. If you want to come to Nixia Palace, all the shameless people will participate, so please go and bury my aunt with you."

After finishing speaking, nothing happened, and Tong Hua remained motionless.

In the crowd, some people heard rustling noises from around them. After hearing the sound, they looked for it and saw something moving in the backlight of the street.

Holding the weapon, he slowly leaned over to check, and saw the shadow getting higher and higher.Before he could yell out, the shadow suddenly rushed towards him.

Countless bugs surged up from all directions, drowning the crowd in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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