
Chapter 143

Chapter 143
The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the sky is dry.

For some reason, the chief rudder of the beggar gang suddenly ignited a raging fire.

Although the burning place was far away, it was blown by the night wind, and the fire spread. Gradually, more and more people burned, and it became more and more difficult to extinguish.

In the bamboo forest outside, Tong Hua originally planned to take advantage of the chaos and go in to find Lu Xing, but unexpectedly got a surprise.

Lu Xing ran out and bumped into Tong Hua.

"It seems that Miss Lu is destined to be unable to escape today's catastrophe." Coming out of the dark place, Tong Hua frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "I wonder if Lord Lu has a spirit in the sky and gave me this innocent victim A chance for revenge, for him and for myself."

Lu Xing turned around and wanted to run, but unfortunately it was already too late, Xiao Si's long sword touched her neck, and if she took another step forward, she would be walking on Huangquan Road tonight.

"Isn't Miss Lu a little rude? You and I know each other and have a good chat. Now I have committed the crime of patricide for you. Why did you see me? You didn't even say hello, and you turned around and left." Tong Hua Walking up to Lu Xing, she looked at her with a smile, "Taking a step back, Miss Lu didn't have the urge to jump over and strangle me when she saw me as a father-killer and enemy? Isn't the relationship between your father and daughter very good?" ?”

The moon peeked out from the thick dark clouds, and the moonlight fell on Lu Xing. It was reasonable for her to wear plain clothes, but her clothes were dirty, as if she had fallen in a mud puddle.And this face, the appearance of yesterday is no longer there.

Yesterday the fairy tale called the wasp, but it stinged madly at Lu Xing's face for a long time. Now, the face is full of bumps and irregular black spots. It is so damaged that it cannot be cured. That's all.

Lu Xingben covered his face with a light veil, but just now he fled in a hurry, the road was difficult to walk at night, he accidentally fell down and stained his clothes, and lost his veil.

Seeing Lu Xingwei's panic-stricken look, Tong Hua couldn't understand the girl's tricks any more.Sometimes she is weak and sometimes vicious, making it difficult for people to understand whether she is pretending to be submissive, or she is acting when she walks around behind her and suddenly strikes fiercely.Dare to speak nonsense to testify against Tong Hua for killing Lu Cheng, but now he has no backbone, his legs seem to be weak and he is about to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Lu Xing: "Tong... Miss Tong... I have no other choice, I really didn't mean to target you..."

Tong Hua: "Target? I don't care. But if you ask me to bear the crime of patricide for you, you will have to pay some price, right? I don't like to suffer the most. If someone tramples a bug to death on me, I will take the lives of his whole family." , anyway, I will never suffer."

Lu Xing was trembling, her body showed a terrified look, but...

Tong Hua crossed her arms and looked Lu Xing up and down strangely: "You are so strange. Your body is already afraid of me to death, but there is no trace of fear in your eyes. You are not afraid of me at all. You are acting , you are a master."

Having said that, there is no need to continue to hide some things in the afternoon.

Lu Xing lowered her head slightly, and when she lifted it up, she put on a playful smile: "I ask myself, no one can see through my acting skills, and the Tong girl thinks that I am pretending just by looking at it?"

Tong Hua: "People in the beggar gang, you know them too well, and they know you too well. If you want to act in front of them, you can handle it with ease and without any flaws, but when facing me, you don't understand it, and you can't do it. Your weakness and maintenance Nuo, it was actually played for the dumb slaves around me. You wanted to use them to influence my perception of you, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out as you wished. Yesterday, you saw that Ah Er was indifferent, so you simply exposed your nature and attacked me directly. It failed. Later, when he saw the wind was clear, he repeated his old tricks and made up another set of rhetoric to confuse him. You understand that it was not successful, and I just wanted to clean up Guan Shao, so I let you go. I can't figure it out, why do you want to accuse me of killing Chief Lu?"

Lu Xing looked at Xiaosi, pushed his long sword away with his hands in contempt, and said with a smile: "People who are no longer useful can no longer be left behind. If a leader of the beggar gang dies, someone must be found to bear the crime. It's not that I want you to bear it, it's the decision of the beggar gang elders."

Tong Hua: "I don't even know them. I'm pulled out to bear such a big crime for no reason. I'm afraid it's not because of my bad reputation in the Central Plains martial arts?"

Lu Xing: "I mentioned it a bit, but they all agreed."

Tong Hua: "Those elders wanted to pull your father down and become the leader themselves. I don't know how many years they thought about it. After Qi Jinxuan's incident was exposed, Lu Cheng was already notorious. Why do the elders still listen to you at this time? They treat you normally That’s right, I’m afraid that I’m not even half-sincere when I’m talking about it, it’s unreasonable to think that you’re a junior at this moment…” As he spoke, Tong Hua seemed to think of something, paused a bit, and remembered that Lu Xing’s stories were all false, Qi Jinxuan brought the secret medicine, did she also touch it?
Seeing Tong Hua stop, Lu Xing chuckled twice: "It seems that Miss Tong has guessed why. The leader of the Beggar Clan is always the leader of the beggar gang, and those elders want to be the leader of the clan, but they want to be superior to others in terms of force. , they need the secret medicine..."

According to what Guan Shao said, those masked people attached great importance to the candidates for powder medicine. It is not difficult for Lu Xing to rely on Qi Jinxuan to obtain the secret medicine, but it seems a little unreasonable to say that she has received powder medicine.

Lu Xing: "Let me think about where to start." She stretched her arms, as if chatting with a friend about homework.

The matter started with Qi Jinxuan revealing his identity.

Before Lu Cheng personally experienced the effect of the secret medicine, he sneered at the Three Corpse Pill or the current Yuantian Pill.He is a person who has been responsible for his life, no matter how many people tell him that Yuantian Pill is not the Sanshi Pill of the past, that there are no side effects after taking it, and no matter how beautiful the words are, he will disdain them.

After Qi Jinxuan was exposed, Lu Xing caught Lu Cheng's mood of wanting to find out who was behind the scenes, and tricked him into cooperating with her in acting.The three of them cooperate and there is no fair situation. Lu Xing is not lying, but what she wants is not the result that father and daughter control Qi Jinxuan and follow the vine to find out who is behind the scenes. What she wants is The beggar gang and Lu Cheng are all in their own hands.

Lu Xing: "My father refuses to take the medicine, and if it doesn't work, it will definitely arouse Qi Jinxuan's suspicion, so I pretended to please Qi Jinxuan, quietly revealed to him the news that my father was going to use him, and said that I am not interested in these things, I just want to be his father." Qi Jinxuan has been in the beggar gang for so many years, and I only need to ask a little bit to know what kind of person he is and how to deceive him. Then, we mixed the secret medicine into the tea, and let me know little by little. Father took the secret medicine, and by the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late."

This method is very familiar...

(End of this chapter)

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