
Chapter 144 A More Suitable Choice

Chapter 144 A More Suitable Choice
Lu Xing is not simple.

In front of Lu Cheng, she is a good daughter, a little padded jacket who thinks about her father in everything.In front of Qi Jinxuan was the willful young lady who did not care about her lover for her lover, she pretended to listen to his bewitching, and pretended to stand with him.

In this way, the conflict between Lu Cheng and Qi Jinxuan was provoked, the cooperation was established and the balance in the middle was controlled. The initiative was entirely in her hands.

Tong Hua thought for a while, it is not difficult to deceive the two, but the difficult thing is that these two people are in the main helm, there will always be times when they meet together, and at this time Lu Xing can still keep a secret, playing with the two of them from beginning to end clapping...


Tong Hua is a little admired...

Lu Xing: "Daddy disdains secret medicines. When I experience the benefits, I don't have the backbone... As a leader, as long as he says a word, within a day, he will definitely find someone who tampers with his diet. But he didn't intend to pursue it at all. Maybe he guessed that Qi Jinxuan did it, but in the end, he didn't say anything or do anything. Do you know what he said before I killed him? He said, don't move The purpose of sensuality is to gain Qi Jinxuan's trust, and to find the people behind the secret medicine better and faster." As she spoke, Lu Xing laughed, "My father, the person I respect the most since I was a child, taught me to be upright. In the face of absolute benefits, like everyone else, all righteousness and morality have become bullshit. This transaction, with me alone, can really control the leadership so smoothly? No. It is my father, my father Good father, he voluntarily gave up and flattered him by fulfilling Qi Jinxuan's request, so as to obtain more secret medicines. In fact, I don't need to kill him, and even figured out a way to exonerate him. I can make him pick it up clean Jing... But his words really hurt my heart."

"If you see the ugliness clearly, you will kill him, even if that person is your father. As for it?"

"Do you know what your so-called ugliness is?" Lu Xing asked back, and before Tong Hua could react, she continued, "Tell them in the Kongtong faction that the Three Corpse Pill ten years ago is Do you think they really didn't know about the current Yuan Tian Pill? Bai Jingyan is not the only old fox. Such an inexplicable pill is both magical and weird. If there is no reason for them to take the medicine, these seniors in the world will definitely not know it. Take the secret medicine rashly, because they desire fame and wealth, but are more afraid of death... It's just that compared to viciousness, no one can compare to Bai Jingyan."

At the Kongtong Sect martial arts conference, Tong Hua revealed the truth about the secret medicine in public. She hadn't thought about whether it was the first time for those people to hear about it, or whether they had known it for a long time, she just didn't care.

Thinking about what Lu Xing said is also true, after taking the secret medicine, there are both advantages and disadvantages, and it’s fine to take it rashly without knowing the disadvantages. There has been a three-corpse pill before, and there is another secret medicine that is very similar to it. No doubt?Anyone really dare to take it?
Unpredictable people, always like this.

Tong Hua frowned for a moment, then quickly recovered: "You approached Qi Jinxuan to get close to the people behind him who gave him the secret medicine, and the reason you killed Lu Cheng seemed to be full of disdain and anger towards these villains...I really don't like it." I understand, what exactly are you asking for?"

Lu Xing: "It seems that Guan Shao told you a lot of things. After he came to the Beggar Gang, I tried to find out about the masked man from him, but unfortunately failed. I was afraid that if I pressed too hard, Qi Jinxuan would doubt me, so I didn't Keep pestering Guan Shao."

Tong Hua: "It's not what he said voluntarily. I have the means to dig out the news."

Lu Xing raised her hand and touched her face, her eyes turned cold for a moment: "This is true, you have learned the art of controlling insects."

Tong Hua smiled: "Having said so much, Miss Lu still wants to make up stories to lie to me, right? If you don't want to, you might as well try my method. Like Guan Shao, it's good to know everything without saying anything. .”

Lu Xing: "It doesn't matter, what you want to know, I'll tell you, anyway, who will be able to leave this forest tonight, it's not certain."

Ah San and Xiao Si immediately became alert.

Is it meaningful to speak big in the current situation?Unless Lu Xing is really sure that Tong Hua can't take her words.

Xiao Si secretly let out the bugs on his body. In the middle of the night, it is impossible for a small bug to attract anyone's attention.

Lu Xing stopped paying attention to the two dumb slaves after knocking off Xiaosi's saber, and said to Tong Hua with a smile at this moment: "Guan Shao should tell you how the masked man found them, whether it was contact or sending them off. For medicine, the masked person has always contacted them, but there is no way to find the masked person. I managed to get Qi Jinxuan to relax his guard against me, but he still refused to agree to seeing the masked person. I was worried The way, one night, they found me."

Letting people go out to do business not only completely hides oneself, but also monitors these people doing business on weekdays.

Qi Jinxuan couldn't find out that there was something wrong with Lu Xing, and the masked person may not be as stupid.

Some people are trying to find them, regardless of friends or foes, in view of their shameful situation, it is naturally best to kill the person who is looking for them.

Lu Xing also said that she was indeed going to kill her that night.

Tong Hua: "Why didn't you die, did you join forces?"

Lu Xing: "Thanks to you, Tong girl. From Tianquan Mountain Villa, to Jindingmen, then Kongtong School, and finally Sifang Villa, you alone have ruined how many important secret points they have, and how much they have lost. Opportunity for medicine. The original plan was to let Qi Jinxuan control the beggar gang, and then let the disciples of the beggar gang spread all over the world to help distribute the medicine. It is more appropriate to abandon him and use me."

Naturally, it cannot be said.

The condition given to Lu Xing was that the position of leader of the beggar gang should be completely controlled by her, which was the easiest thing for Lu Xing.Whether it's Lu Cheng, Qi Jinxuan, or the elders in the beggar gang, whoever is the leader of the gang can be controlled by her.Unexpectedly, Tong Hua came to Jingzhou City at this time, and then something happened.

The matter of the secret medicine is done in private and no one will pursue it, but once it is made public, it will be different.

Lu Xing: "These hypocritical seniors are doing sneaky things smoothly, and when they are upright, they start to talk about hypocrisy. Fortunately, Qi Jinxuan is dead, and I have a way to clean up the beggars' gang."

Tong Hua: "In the end you chose to kill Lu Cheng, and then use me to divert your attention. Such a big matter as poisoning the leader of the beggar gang can always cover up the secret medicine."

Lu Xing: "Dad asked for it himself. From childhood to adulthood, everything he taught me became extremely ridiculous in front of the secret medicine, and the last escape lie made me sick... I have seen through this world for a long time... you Do you want to ask me, why do you want to cooperate with the masked people? To restore morality in the world, you need to clean up these villains first. They are seeking their own death, and I will add fuel to the flames and fulfill them."

(End of this chapter)

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