
Chapter 148 Fengdu City Daytime Walks

Chapter 148 Fengdu City Daytime Walks
The moon climbed above the head, the sound of the stream was mixed with the screams of insects, and the night wind blew slightly, and it was peaceful and peaceful.

Chu Lin pressed Tong Hua under him, comforted her weeping softly, and kissed away the tears from the corners of her eyes lightly.

One night, there were arson and fights, and there was a night run at the end. Tong Hua really didn't have so much energy, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Chu Lin tidied up his clothes, hugged him tightly in his arms, and enjoyed everything contentedly.

The next day, Tong Hua woke up and was in the carriage.

I heard that Ah Er snatched the carriage halfway...

Tong Hua remembered that there were still questions to be asked last night, so she grabbed Chu Lin by the collar and continued to "interrogate".

"When I was young, I saw you fight the Seven Injuries Fist. How can it be as powerful as last night?" Ever since Chu Lin learned swordsmanship, he has never used the Seven Injuries Fist. How powerful is it now?
"The martial arts of the Kongtong faction lies in a strange word. The Qishang Boxing is a set of changeable boxing methods, and it is powerful and injurious. However, after the loss of the mind of the Qibing, many masters began to focus on revitalizing the Qibing. , Gradually lost interest in other martial arts, because Qishangquan has become an introductory exercise, and it has become Huaquan and embroidered legs."

When he was a child in Baiwu Mountain Villa, Tong Bo once told the two children how powerful the Qishangquan was. Chu Lin remembered it. After returning home, he secretly studied and practiced it quietly, thinking that he would call Tong Hua to see how powerful he was. Tell, it turned out to be a big secret.

Tong Hua pursed her lips, looked at Chu Lin and said that she couldn't afford to provoke him now: "The swordsmanship is already good enough to know all over the world, but now he knows how to use strange soldiers, and he also hides the secret that the Qishangquan is so powerful... If you bully me , I can’t even pay it back!”

Chu Lin immediately feigned grievance: "Young lady is invincible in the world with poison, and also has insect skills and dumb slaves. How dare I bully you."

Tong Hua: "How dare you do without these?"

Chu Lin: "Of course not, I can't bear it."

The affairs of the beggar gang became more and more troublesome outside, Lu Cheng was poisoned to death, Lu Xing disappeared again, and the rumors against Tong Hua became more and more outrageous.Occasionally, she heard other people discussing, but she herself seemed to be a normal person, swaying with Chu Lin all the way, and the dumb slave opened the way to Fengdu.



Fengdu, also known as the capital of ghosts in the rivers and lakes.

People walk during the day and ghosts pass by at night, without interfering with each other.

This is the end point of escape, there is no good or bad, no morality, everyone has it.The heinous, the cruel, and the inhumane are all things that cannot be tolerated in the world.

On the surface, there are no rules in Fengdu, but a few taboos gradually formed after a long time. For example, the saying that people walk during the day and ghosts pass by at night refers to the fact that people in Fengdu cannot be killed during the day, but after nightfall, ghosts come out. Nest, if you don't want to be dragged into hell, don't go out and wander around.

Walking on the street, traces of old blood and weapons can be seen everywhere, Tong Hua thought, the night in Fengdu City is probably more lively than the market in broad daylight now.

Vendors hawking along the street, mistresses who are hospitable to customers, and even children running and playing all over the street, when night falls, one does not know what kind of rakshasa noodles it is.

No one cared about who the person passed by, no one talked about all kinds of things in the world, what Tong Hua saw and heard along the way were all the little things of life, the worries and complaints of ordinary people.She grabbed Chu Lin's hand and said with a smile that this kind of life is not bad, at least for now... Chu Lin doesn't have to hide for fear of being discovered, and can brazenly walk on the street with her fingers interlocked.

Then, met an acquaintance.

Tong Hua: "If I'm not mistaken, the Taoist who turned around and entered the alley just now is Feng Qingyang, right?"

Feng Qingyang probably didn't notice them, and he didn't seem to be wandering around. It seemed that he entered the alley for a purpose.

Tong Hua hurriedly asked Ah San to catch up, and then asked strangely, "Why is he here?"

Chu Lin: "Have you unlocked the secret medicine on his body?"

Tong Hua nodded: "The solution is solved, but..." The time is too tight. Although the antidote Tong Hua made can relieve the secret medicine Yuantian Pill, she didn't have time to study the conflict between the drugs, and she failed to understand the conflict caused by the conflict. Hazards are minimized.

Feng Qingyang didn't have to die from the side effects of the secret medicine, but his life was shortened a lot, so it is uncertain how long he can live.

He knows the problem, but Tong Hua doesn't understand, he's already in this state, it's not good to stay in Wudang to recuperate, try to live a few more years, why don't he come down to the mountains...

Chu Lin: "The investigation of the secret medicine is partly because of Master's death, and the bigger reason is because I also took the secret medicine and wanted to find a way to avoid the final sudden death, but I always feel that he came down from the mountain not only to investigate Secret medicine."

Tong Hua nodded, she felt the same way.

Turn into an alley and walk one by one for a while.

Ah San waited at the exit, and pointed to a shop in front of her.

To say that this shop is incompatible with its surroundings, and even this Fengdu city.

A magnificent three-story building, with a lot of jewels and jade on the outer walls and eaves. Not only is he rich, but he has to let others know that he is rich... and the surroundings of this shop are very clean, no blood, no scratches... Anyway, from scratch To the feet, there is no feeling of Fengdu.

Ah San said, Feng Qingyang went in.

So Tong Hua and others went in too.

It was only when I got closer that I realized that there was a plaque hanging on the shop - Wuxiaxuan...the plaque seemed to be carved from jade.

Tong Hua: "Flawless beautiful jade is quite expensive, Shaoxia Chu, have you brought enough money? Don't go in and you won't be able to get out."

Chu Lin: "Buy what you like, isn't there still Feng Qingyang? If you don't have any money to pay, you'll put him here."

After entering, no one came up to greet him, and the things in the front hall were ordinary, and Tong Hua looked down on him.

"anyone there?"

Xu heard the sound, and the boss came out from behind.

The boss looked about forty years old, thin and tall, with a businessman's harmless smile.

"Welcome, welcome. What would you like to buy? The jade in the small shop, no matter the quality or craftsmanship, can definitely be called the best in the world."

Flower sellers all praise the fragrance of flowers, but if you say that you are number one in the world, aren't you afraid of being tongue-in-cheek?

Tong Hua saw that the things in the front hall were so-so, and it was far from the best in the world. Just as she was about to say something to the boss, she looked up and saw him looking at her strangely.

Just now, someone outside looked at Tong Hua and the others like this, but in their eyes, it was mostly habitual vigilance towards strangers, and it disappeared soon.And this boss, from head to toe, from top to bottom, kept looking back and forth at Tong Hua, his eyes were not vigilant, but a kind of...unexplainable strangeness.

Chu Lin dodges to block Tong Hua: "Boss, we are with that person just now."

"Just now?" The boss thought for a while, tilted his head and looked at Tong Hua again, "Guest officials, please follow me."

Ah Da and Ah Er followed, and the other dumb slaves retreated consciously, scattered and surrounded Wu Xiaxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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