
Chapter 149 1 Family Talk Chapter [-]

Chapter 149

Go around the screen, through the corridor, and into the innermost room.

Feng Qingyang was sitting inside, holding a jade pendant to observe carefully.

"Good jade!" Tong Hua yelled, Feng Qingyang was almost frightened and threw the jade away.

Seeing the girl rushing over to snatch the jade, Feng Qingyang was stunned for a while: "Why are you here?" He looked up and saw Chu Lin again, "Why are you here too?"

Chu Lin: "What are you doing here again? Buying jade? Master Feng still has such interest?"

Tong Hua saw that Yupei liked it so much, she turned to the boss and said she wanted to buy it.

Feng Qingyang glanced at Tong Hua, then turned around and reminded Chu Lin: "You should ask the price first."

Chu Lin whispered, "How expensive?"

Feng Qingyang: "That means selling the entire Kongtong faction..."

Chu Lin: "..."

Regardless of its fineness or handicraft, this jade pendant can really be called the best in the world. No wonder Tong Hua has such a picky eye, and he is reluctant to let go after picking it up.

The boss came over and still looked at Tong Hua with strange eyes. Seeing this, Chu Lin dodged to block his sight again, and asked the price of the jade pendant.

Boss: "Jade is flawless, and jade is priceless. I sell jade to see fate."

Feng Qingyang waved his hand: "Boss, you also saw that this girl likes this jade pendant very much, so don't talk about the useless ones, just tell me why you are willing to sell it."

Boss: "Then you have to ask the girl a question first."

Tong Hua: "I want to answer and it's the answer you want, can you give it to me for free?"

The boss smiled and did not answer directly, but clapped his hands suddenly, and poisonous smoke spewed out from all over the room: "If the girl can cure the poison, I will give the jade pendant to the girl."

Tong Hua is not afraid of poison, Chu Lin is not afraid of poison with Taiqing Ling, the dumb slave has a pill made by Tong Hua on his body, which can resist poison in a short time, only Feng Qingyang is more troublesome, in such a small room full of poisonous smoke, No matter how high his martial arts are, it's useless.

Tong Hua first turned around and grabbed Feng Qingyang, pried open his mouth and threw the pill in, then waved his hand, and the poisonous powder scattered on his body.The powder collided with the smoke, and within a few breaths, everything disappeared.

Then Tong Hua yelled, Ah Da and Ah Er immediately started to control the boss from left to right.

"Where did you get this poison?" Tong Hua's expression was serious.

The boss smiled and looked around: "As expected of a person from Baiwu Villa, most people can't identify the poison so quickly. Besides, the antidote...his poison is not so easy to cure..."

Ah Da stretched out his hand to grab the boss's neck, and Tong Hua said at the same time: "It's not easy to understand, and it's not easy to get it. Tell me, what is your relationship with Baiwu Villa?"

Boss: "Are you Tonghua?"

Tong Hua: "I am Tong Hua, so what?"

Boss: "Sure enough, when I see you, I think of your mother...but you don't look like your father at all..."

Before he finished speaking, Tong Hua strode forward, quickly drew out the dagger, and pressed it against the boss's neck. With a little more force, he could insert it into his neck: "To mention my parents, I have to see if you have this qualifications."

The boss clicked twice: "That's the temper, no one will follow..."

Tong Hua: "..."

Chu Lin came over and pulled the person away, clasped his fists and asked, giving the boss enough face: "Senior, since you recognized Hua'er and mentioned her parents, why should you tell me, who are you?"

Boss: "I have been here in Fengdu City for decades, and my name doesn't matter anymore, but if you want to talk about the relationship between me and Tong Ze, then you can tell me something." He looked at Tong Hua and said with a smile, "Xiao Hua Son, when you were born, I went to congratulate you. I was looking for a longevity lock. Your father said it was ugly, but he didn't allow me to put it on for you. Because of this, I went to the yard with him and had a fight. Woolen cloth."

The more I listened, the more I wondered who this person was.

In Tong Hua's memory, no friend of his father's had ever visited the door... Thinking about it carefully, it is also strange, why no friend came to the door?

Feng Qingyang: "Senior is an old friend, why did you suddenly release poisonous smoke?"

Boss: "This is the best way to judge whether she is Tong Hua or not. Alright, I've finished asking my questions and got the answers I want to hear. This jade pendant is for you."

It feels strange, and the ending is nothing to worry about, at least judging from the attitude of the boss, whether his relationship with Tong Ze is good or not.

It is a happy thing to get something you like, but right now, Tong Hua doesn't care about the jade pendant anymore, he just wants to know the relationship between this person and his father.Let Ah Da and Ah Er let go and come back, and he stepped forward to salute awkwardly.

The boss called them to another room and chatted slowly. While he was making tea, Chu Lin asked Feng Qingyang again what he was doing this time.

Feng Qingyang: "Buying news, if you want to find someone in Fengdu City, but you don't know how to find someone, then come to Wuxia Xuan to buy news."

Guan Shao mentioned Tianji Pavilion, and Feng Qingyang also felt that it was impossible for everyone to be killed during the encirclement. If he wanted to hide, Fengdu City was a good place. After he broke up with Tong Hua in Jingzhou City, he got up and went to Fengdu.

Feng Qingyang: "Although you can buy news here, it's not easy to get in. I've been waiting for three days, and I planned to lose it. I burned this Wuxia Pavilion after nightfall..."

Tong Hua: "What do you mean it's not easy to come in? There is no trap at the door, so why don't we just walk in?"

Feng Qingyang: "Come in to buy jade and come in to buy news, can it be the same? For the specific situation, please ask your uncle."

Seeing the boss coming back with tea, Tong Huahuang sat down quickly.

Unexpectedly, the two whispered close to each other and were heard clearly by the boss outside.

Tong Hua and Feng Qingyang stared in disbelief, listening to the boss retelling their words.

The boss smiled: "I used to be obsessed with qigong when I was practicing, and I fell into a problem. My ears are very good."

Tong Hua also smiled: "I knew a person who also had good ears, and then I killed him."

Boss: "That must be what he deserves."

Feng Qingyang rolled his eyes and took a sip of tea: "Since we are a family, we don't need to beat around the bush...Senior, we are here today to find out, is there anyone from Tianji Pavilion in Fengdu?"

The boss nodded: "Yes."

Feng Qingyang: "Where is it?"

Boss: "Don't worry, it's getting dark, and wandering ghosts have come out to move around. You guys are staying here tonight. If you have anything to do, wait until dawn."

Tong Hua pursed her mouth at Chu Lin, saying that she wanted to go out and see the ghost town of Fengdu at night.

The boss stopped immediately: "They can go out if they want to, but you can't."

Tong Hua: "Why?"

Boss: "In Fengdu City, there are ordinary people who want to live a good life during the day. They don't care who you are, but at night, all the ghosts and ghosts staring at you come out."

Tong Hua: "It's the first time I came to Fengdu, I didn't provoke anyone, why are you staring at me?"

Boss: "Because you poisoned the leader of the beggar gang."

Tong Hua: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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