
Chapter 150

Chapter 150
No one cares, it doesn't mean there is no news.

The people I met during the day were not interested in avenging the beggar gang in exchange for benefits, but at night, the situation would be different.

Chu Lin: "When we came, someone should have seen it."

Boss: "It doesn't matter, the rules of Fengdu City, you don't go out at night, and ghosts don't get in, and besides, with me around, no one in the city dares to touch you."

However, there were rumors outside that Tong Hua poisoned and killed the head of the beggar gang, and it seemed that the trouble was getting bigger and bigger.

On the night when the main rudder of the Beggar Clan caught fire, Lu Xing suddenly disappeared. The elders who were counting on her to get the secret medicine and other benefits frantically searched everywhere, but there was no news.

Tong Hua has been blamed for Lu Cheng's death before. No one thought that the witness Lu Xing disappeared, and there is no evidence to prove Tong Hua's crime. Now everyone is in a dilemma... If you don't want to offend Tong Hua, you have to overthrow the previous slander. What's the face of this move.If you continue to insist that the person was killed by Tong Hua, without evidence and without Lu Xing's support, you will be like a clown, and your reputation will be damaged...

These Tonghua didn't care, and even wanted to laugh when they heard their difficulties.

What is it called?deserve it.

Closer to home.

Boss: "The Tianji Pavilion you inquired about is indeed hidden in Fengdu City. People have come to inquire about them before. According to my rules, I have told what I can, but I still can't find anyone when I search the door. "

Tong Hua: "Rules? Predestined... the rules? What exactly is a predestined relationship?"

Boss: "Simply put, it's just as good as it looks to me."

Everyone: "..."

There are many people in Fengdu City, and many people want to find someone here. It is useless and troublesome to search by yourself, so there are many businessmen who buy and sell news in the city.To do business, it is natural to charge fees.The conditions charged by each merchant are different. They can ask for money, life, or anything.Wuxiaxuan is the most gentle one, I will give you news as soon as I see you, and I don't want anything else.

I heard from Feng Qingyang that there are many people who come to Wuxiaxuan every day just to let the boss see him, maybe one day he will feel that he is pleasing to the eye...

Then Tong Hua didn't understand, pointed at Feng Qingyang and asked the boss what he liked.

The boss replied with a smile: "Extraordinary in appearance, fresh and elegant, [-]% similar to me back then."

Speaking of Feng Qingyang's appearance, it is indeed that kind of handsome that is particularly attractive, but his lazy temperament and habit of not doing things right, give people a very unreliable feeling.

Shaking his head to look at him and the boss, Tong Hua was blind when he saw it, and he probably couldn't find the seven points similar to each other...

Chu Lin leaned over and whispered, "This personality is so far from Uncle Tong's, I really can't tell they are friends."

Tong Hua nodded.



The boss said that the people in Tianji Pavilion don't see outsiders now, and if they go to the door, they will be rejected.

Thinking about it, those who survived the catastrophe that year either swore to wash their blood, or hid themselves and never dared to see outsiders again.

Tong Hua belongs to the former, and the people in Tianji Pavilion seem to belong to the latter.

Boss: "You are looking for Tianji Pavilion, what do you want to ask?"

Tong Hua: "Secret medicine."

Boss: "The secret medicine used to destroy the village in Baiwu Villa?"

Tong Hua: "The people who slaughtered the villa now have their lives in my hands, and I can kill them as soon as I want... But I still don't know who was behind the plot to frame the Baiwu Villa and provoke the Three Mountains and Five Mountains Tuzhuang. Who. The secret medicine was made by them. Following this clue, their identities should be found, but... There are many clues in the secret medicine, but none of them can be successfully found out to the person behind the scenes. Those people seem to be afraid Tianji Pavilion, maybe Tianji Pavilion really knows something, so I want to try my luck."

Then the boss was silent for a while.

He waited until a cup of tea was finished before he spoke again: "Before the accident in Baiwu Villa, I hid in Fengdu City because of my own affairs. If I want to get the protection of Fengdu Ghost City, I can't leave. You can leave if you want, but come back later." People who live here are no longer ghosts in the ghost town, but like ordinary passers-by, they become the rations of demons and goblins, and they can no longer be protected by the ghost town."

In the city of Fengdu, there is a soul-inducing lamp hanging in front of every household. After nightfall, the lamp is lit to prove that this is the territory of the ghost city. The ghosts are against each other, and the next ghosts will fight back. Whether they can resist and survive depends entirely on their own abilities.

Back then, the boss didn't dare to step out of Fengdu.

Tong Hua said calmly: "Actually, even if you go, nothing will change."

Boss: "I want to take revenge. What are the three mountains and five mountains? In those days, I couldn't even look down on them. After all, I have no choice, so I dare not leave."

After talking for a long time, Feng Qingyang and Chu Lin became more and more curious about the identity of the boss.It is not easy to dare to say that you don't put the three mountains and five mountains in your eyes, and you have the courage to say this.

The boss went on to say: "I heard from people who came to Fengdu later that you escaped from Baiwu Mountain Villa, but... why did you come back to take revenge alone? Three mountains and five mountains, the secret of the secret medicine, how do you, a girl, deal with these things? Come."

Tong Hua looked at Chu Lin: "Who said I'm alone."

The boss turned his head to look at Chu Lin and Feng Qingyang, comparing them from side to side.

It's too late today, according to the boss, several people can't leave here to go outside.After the sky completely darkened, all the dumb slaves outside also came back. Xiao Ba gestured and said that there were many people gathered outside, but none of them dared to come in.

Ada was afraid of accidents, so he took his dumb slaves to guard by the window behind the door.

Tong Hua, who had gone back to the room to rest, got up again, touched the door of the boss's room, and was thinking about how to speak.The door in front of her suddenly opened, and the boss invited her in with a smile.

We had a good chat before, but he didn't mention this person's relationship with Tong Ze, his own affairs, and why Tong Ze's old friend no longer visited Baiwu Villa.Several times when Tong Hua opened his mouth, he cleverly avoided talking about it.

This is even more curious.

"Want to know what?"

"Just the things you don't want to talk about."

"Since I don't want to, why do you bother to ask?"

"I'm not interested in your affairs." Tong Hua snapped his fingers, lowered his head, like a child who made a mistake, "Ten years is too long, so long that I can't remember many things... Sometimes I dream, I dream of grandpa and dad And mother, I am very happy, no matter what I do, I am very happy, but... when I look back, I gradually can't see their appearance clearly, and I can't remember the past. "

The happier you are in your dream, the more disappointed you are when you wake up.

Tong Hua wants to hear the boss talk about the past, no matter how young he is.

When I met my aunt and lost my aunt again, the suppressed thoughts in my heart gushed out like a flood, and I could never go back.

The boss thought for a while: "Then let's start with the time I met your father. At that time, your father was resurrected from the dead..."

(End of this chapter)

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