
Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Tong Hua stayed here for three months.

Lei Tang would not let her out of the hut during the day, and in the dead of night, he would blindfold her and take her back to the Poshan Temple to guide her in practicing.

Still tonight.

There is a huge statue of the mountain god in the mountain temple, and Tong Hua can stand firmly on the shoulder of the mountain god. At this time, a large group of insects gather together, like a huge black sword hanging in the air, and rush towards Tong Hua on the shoulder of the mountain god.

These are not ordinary bugs, Lei Tang found all the bugs raised by Zhulongzhai himself, and the bugs outside couldn't compare in various abilities.

Forget about the other side, but above the poison, Tong Hua didn't expect that he would suffer a big loss.

Lei Tang said that Tong Hua's poison technique was not as good as Tong Bo's [-]% and Tong Hua acquiesced to this statement.It is said that she is talented and is the future successor of Baiwu Villa, but in fact, she has not even fully mastered the poisonous art of the villa. Tong Bo originally planned to wait for her to grow up, to grow up... Originally, with this time of……

The special training in the mountain temple not only improved Tong Hua's skills, but also made breakthroughs in poison and insect control.

Outside the temple, among the dead branches and rotten trees, Lei Tang was setting up a cleaned pheasant, lit it on the fire, roasted it slowly, and then sprinkled a small handful of seasonings on it, the aroma soon wafted out.

Tong Hua, who was being chased by insects in the temple, was jumping up and down. After smelling the smell, he quickly raised his hand to touch the saliva that fell: "Old man, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Lei Tang outside laughed twice: "It's almost ready to eat, but if it's too late, it will be gone!"

Deliberately inciting the fragrance to drill into the temple, Lei Tang smiled like a fox.

At this time, someone pushed aside the weeds that were as tall as a person, and walked over on the rotten wood.Lei Tang glanced back, then continued to stir up the fragrance, not interested in the person coming.

"Put some more chili, she likes it spicy." Nazan put down the things he brought, and leaned over to smell it.

"What do you know, this kind of roast chicken needs to be eaten in its original flavor, just add a little salt, it's even more absurd to add chili." Lei Tang didn't even raise his eyes, "Young Master came to Zhulong Village, no one came out to greet you? "

"You are making small moves on the site of Zhulongzhai, how could they not know... I am also curious, why do you know but don't care?"

"Her grandfather is a good friend of the witch god, and before the real threat to southern Xinjiang, Zhulongzhai didn't dare to do it lightly."

"Speaking of the witch god, was that person the witch god?" As the witch god of the southern border, he rescued a Central Plains man as soon as he showed up, it doesn't make sense...

"It doesn't matter." Lei Tang waved his hand, "We won't suffer from the consequences now, so don't worry about whether the previous causes are reasonable or not."

Nazan nodded, saying yes.

While the two were talking, a big stone flew out of the mountain temple and hit the fire directly. Fortunately, Lei Tang reacted quickly enough to take the chicken away in time.

"Ouch, take it easy, I won't go out to find new ones if I don't have to eat." Lei Tang carefully blows away the dust on the chicken.

"I brought bacon, seniors?" After asking, Nazan turned his head and looked at Tong Hua who came out of the temple with a smile, "I haven't seen you in three months, your strength has grown a lot."

The big rock that Tong Hua threw was actually the head of the mountain god, about the same height as hers, a big head that couldn't be fully hugged by the arms around it.

"It's done?" Lei Tang looked behind Tong Hua, the bugs that had been assigned to practice for her had already calmed down, and they did a good job today, "Let's eat."

Seeing Nazan, Tong Hua was taken aback for a moment, and randomly asked if something happened.

Nazan searched here and there, he forgot to put his food in that bag, he raised his head and smiled: "You have been missing for three months, even though you have been summoned for safety, it is still unsettling to see people alive or dead. Don't worry. I'm free now, so I'll come here with my big head to look for it. Oh, yes, I have someone make two new clothes for you. It's Chinese New Year. Wear new clothes and try them on later to see if they fit."

Big head, Nazan's big spider.

When Tong Hua left the Palace of Longevity Nazan, she asked the spider to follow her to ensure her safety, but Tong Hua took care of all the dangers on the road by herself, and the only way to follow her obediently was with a big head.

Later, an old man appeared in the mountain temple. The spider had no choice but to watch him take Tonghua away.

Nazan saw that the spider came back by himself and knew something had happened. Fortunately, Tong Hua sent the message in time, otherwise Nazan would have brought Ah Er Ah San to find it.

Tong Hua took the new clothes but was not interested, and asked about Nazan's situation: "At this time, you are not staring at the Hall of Eternal Life, what are you doing running out?"

The matter of Jade Robber's use of power for personal gain has just been revealed, so if you don't strike while the iron is hot, when he recovers, will all the arrangements be in vain?

Nazan: "Don't worry, Sang Jiu is already watching. I am grounded and can't interfere with the affairs of the Palace of Longevity. I can't do anything except to let people spread rumors outside and make things bigger. The Jade Thief is an elder, so you have to move him." Only the Witch King can let go. Tusibu's status is particularly sensitive, and the only person who can make Abba talk about him is Sang Jiu."

Tong Hua thought for a while and said, "That's fine, only the fisherman can benefit from the fight between the snipe and the clam." It would be better if Sang Jiu fights with the jade thief, and it will save them from fighting.

After finishing talking about the Palace of Eternal Life, Nazan sized up Lei Tang who was gnawing on a roast chicken: "This is the very powerful... old man you mentioned?"

Tong Hua: "My original words are a very powerful old man."

Lei Tang glanced at Nazan who was smirking, and snorted: "Stop being hypocritical, the girl mentioned me to you, you must have inquired about me. I heard from the girl that there is a good old man in the Palace of Eternal Life who treats her well. good?"

Nazan: "Now there are ten members in the Presbyterian Church. Only Elder Liang always insists on the fairness and justice of the elders. He is very concerned about the matter of the witch god appearing to save the grandpa girl. He is good to her, and he is good to me in her light... …I heard from Mr. Liang that when the owner of Tong’s village came to Southern Border, he was with one person, imprisoned in the Palace of Eternal Life, and fled to Zhulongzhai together, but when he left in the end, he was the only one, and the person beside him was nowhere to be found.”

Tong Hua didn't make it very clear in the letter, but the old man has made it clear that he is good to himself.

On the site of Zhulongzhai, there is no way for a strange old man to be kind to Tong Hua for no reason. To Liang Lao's words, Nazan guessed that this person is the one who disappeared after coming to southern Xinjiang with Tong Bo back then.

Lei Tang threw away the chicken bones, took the things that Nazan brought, and buried himself in looking for something to eat: "Bai Yuan's three sons, those two have abilities, but they are nothing to be afraid of. Without the support of Bai Yuan, the witch king, The elders stood in line to plan, and died in your hands long ago, and because of this, it cost you a lot of effort, right?"

Nazan smiled: "It doesn't matter, the result is the same."

Lei Tang: "The result is the same. What is the price you paid? If the Witch King didn't intervene, you would kill him. Now that the Witch King is involved, you can't avoid alarming the Witch King. In order to make the plan go smoothly, you have to pay more." A price...to the Queen Mother Clan."

(End of this chapter)

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