
Chapter 180 Murderous Intent Hidden Difficulties

Chapter 180 Murderous Intent Hidden Difficulties
An unfavorable young gentleman like Nazan, who works in secret and has no one to help him, should have been unable to move forward...

For some reason, there are many people working under him, and they have nothing to do with the Palace of Eternal Life.

Tong Hua had guessed the origins of these people, most likely it was related to the witch queen back then.

The strange thing is that Queen Wu doesn't have the ability to support so many people for her son. The only possibility is that her mother clan has severed ties with her. Why do you want to help Nazan now?

Tong Hua was curious, but never asked Nazan.

Now Lei Tang bluntly said that Tong Hua kept his face and wanted to hear what Nazan had to say.

"The matter in Southern Border cannot be hidden from Torch Dragon Village. How much do seniors know about my agreement with them?"

"Seventy to eighty percent." Lei Tang showed concern, "Even if you become the Witch King and are restrained everywhere, how can you protect her?"

"Senior, are you afraid that I will tear down the bridge if I cross the river?"

"I don't worry about the people in the Palace of Eternal Life. You have done a lot of things like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges."

"Senior's worry is reasonable. You kept this girl here for three months, because you don't want her to have anything to do with me again?"

Lei Tang froze for a moment, then nodded: "Young Master is unparalleled in strategy, she is of no use to you as a little girl, stay with me for two years, and find a good husband and tutor."

Nazan glanced sideways at Tong Hua, seeing that she had no objection to this sentence, her expression was the same, an unknown fire burst out in her heart, and her tone of speech was not as polite as before: "After all, senior is just an old friend, What path this girl will take in the future, it is not up to Senior to arrange it."

Lei Tang: "That's the case, but with my strength, she can't resist if I insist on arranging it." After finishing speaking, he looked at Nazan carefully, and said, "Including you, you are not my opponent. .”

Hearing the two talking more and more, the smell of gunpowder in the surroundings gradually became stronger, and the protagonist in the conversation said lazily: "I want to go back to revenge, no one in southern Xinjiang can help me, the Palace of Eternal Life, Candle Dragon Village, how can I survive , where I will stay."

Lei Tang fell silent upon hearing this.

For three months, he tried his best, but he couldn't relieve Tong Hua.

Relying on his relationship in Zhulongzhai, he licked his old face and asked for help, but it was all helpless.

He knew that Tong Hua couldn't keep it, so it was okay to force Nazan to say it out loud, but he didn't dare to take it seriously... Tong Hua's temperament was understood, maybe this girl came here to make a move to leave Zhulongzhai She broke the boat and hurt herself in the end, but what a good thing...

Looking at the Palace of Eternal Life and Zhulongzhai, it was the Palace of Longevity that could keep Tong Hua alive.

As long as Ba Song thinks she is useful, he will not activate the Gu worm.

But what about later...

Can Nazan succeed in usurping the throne?

Can Tong Hua be kept after success?
If you keep it, can you come out alive if you enter the forbidden place to obtain exercises?

If he gave Ba Song the exercises while alive, can he get rid of the Gu worms smoothly?

Think about the back road, and kill every step.

Lei Tang stood up with a sigh, took out a tattered ancient book from his pocket, and threw it to Tong Hua: "This is the poison technique that your grandfather left me here. I'm afraid that I will suffer in southern Xinjiang, so let me read it without incident. .”

Hearing that it was left by his grandfather, Tong Hua hurriedly held it with both hands, and there was a missing corner of poisonous characters on the tattered cover.He raised his head and glanced dissatisfiedly at Lei Tang, meaning how could he throw away things belonging to grandpa at will...

"I will figure out a solution to your problem. I don't need to teach you how to delay the time. Don't worry about getting entangled with the little ghosts in the Hall of Eternal Life. As for the Witch King..." Lei Tang used to mysteriously pull Tong Hua away, and whispered behind Nazan's back , "When you clean up the Witch King, do it yourself if you have the opportunity."


"Be obedient, there is no harm."

After explaining, Lei Tang picked up the things that Nazan brought, and waved away.

Tong Hua felt that the back was a little different, with a bit of determination.



It happened to be New Year's Eve when I returned to Nazan Courtyard.

After the accident, all the servants in the courtyard were transferred away. It was not appropriate for Mr. Liang to arrange two more to take care of Nazan.

During the time he was away, Ah Erguan had been in the room pretending that Nazan was still there.

As for Nazan killing the wooden dragon, what did the Witch King do...

After that day, rumors spread all over the world, all accusing Mulong of bullying others, and the occasional two words of pity were quickly drowned out.

The Witch King lost his beloved son and was in a state of confusion. He wanted to clean up Nazan before dealing with the rumors from the outside world. Unexpectedly, the killer hadn't been arranged yet, and the Hall of Eternal Life was blocked by a group of people looking for their wives and daughters.

They are here to ask for people.

It is said that Mulong took advantage of his power before and forcibly took his wife and daughter back.

The big girl with yellow flowers was ruined, even the pretty women who were already wives were not spared.

Because of the young master's name and the protection of the Witch King, everyone dared not speak out.

Hearing that Mulong had no sense of shame, he actually attacked the savior of Nazan Shaojun, and he died under Nazan Shaojun's hands. Everyone seemed to have found support, and they all went to the Hall of Eternal Life to cry for grievances, and did not ask the Witch King for help. A statement, but ask for the return of the family.

Seeing that this posture was not good, the elders all begged the Witch King to calm down and not make things worse.

Under the current situation, the three elders on the side of the wooden dragon did not dare to talk too much. In order not to involve them, they arranged for the women detained by the wooden dragon to leave overnight. As a result...

Ah San had already discovered the time route, and Nazan sent someone to create an accident, but it was discovered without any accident.

The person who shouted at the door couldn't believe what he said. Coupled with witnesses and guilty overnight transfers, the Witch King was powerless to recover.

Mulong was convicted, and the three elders under him were involved in the robbery incident. Except for the position of elder, the whole family lost their names.

On the other hand, Nazan has become a hero.

With the solidarity of the people in southern Xinjiang, the Witch King would not dare to let Nazan have an accident at this time. He has already been accused of protecting Mulong outside, and now he is cautious, for fear of messing with a straw, which will ruin his reputation for many years.

Coupled with the persuasion of Tuxibu and Yuweng, as well as Sang Jiu's persuasion for himself, the matter was completely suppressed, and Nazan won a good reputation for being jealous, and it was the final outcome.

Next, it was the turn of the Tussibs.

The two were greedy for money and mastered the most profitable business in the southern part of the Central Plains.

Tusibu is well-known and important, so he is careful in everything he does, and will never let anyone catch the slightest clue and leave a disaster for himself, but the jade thief is not so cautious.

Nazan's people sneaked into the caravan and deliberately left something to talk about. The little things accumulated over time broke out in the previous New Year's goods, and suddenly pointed directly at the elder Robber Yuweng, which caught him off guard.

There was also that moderate riot, and it was all Nazan's people who did it.Originally, the Jade Robber was not calm and conciliatory when things happened, and he was beaten and trampled on during the riot, so he really went into a rage on the spot.

Although there was Tuxibu who made amends, he couldn't stop the incident from getting to the Hall of Eternal Life. In the past few days, the hall was arguing about whether to remove the elder who stole Yuweng.

(End of this chapter)

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