
Chapter 193 Entering the Forbidden Land to Get Treasures

Chapter 193 Entering the Forbidden Land to Get Treasures

Lei Tang persuaded Zhulongzhai to come forward and took this opportunity to cut off Yu's ambition.

Of course, his goal is still to protect Tong Hua and control the ambition of the entire southern border, but he doesn't, and Tong Hua is not interested either.

The identity of the saint is to protect her life. After all, Lei Tang still does not believe that Nazan can protect Tong Hua. With the identity of the saint, Tong Hua will be safer in southern Xinjiang than in the Central Plains.

"So, Zhulongzhai has agreed with me to be the saint?" Tong Hua snatched the meat from Lei Tang's hand and put it in the bowl in front of Mr. Liang. Didn't say anything?"

Lei Tang: "You don't care what they say, it's not something you should care about. How much preparation have you made to enter the forbidden area? Let me test it out."

Tong Hua didn't want to talk to Lei Tang, but he looked at himself seriously, in a trance, the old man in his memory was stacked with him, familiar yet unfamiliar.

Old Liang: "Since it has been decided to open the forbidden area for five days, let's enter on the last day."

Nazan: "Let others go in and feed those weird things first, you'll be safer."

Tong Hua looked around, and asked Ah San to bring some more meat: "I am the one who entered the forbidden area, why are you all more nervous than me? Don't worry, I won't die, even if I can't get the token and exercises , I will come out alive. By the way, is there a way for you to sneak into Chang Chong Mountain and bring a person out without making a sound?"

Lei Tang: "Who is it? Is it important? Bassong won't let him go?"

Liang Lao: "Are you bewitched?"

Tong Hua nodded slightly, and then remembered that Ah Da also had Gu worms in his body, so what's the use of leaving quietly...

Lei Tang: "You know a lot of people in that mountain..." His eyes flicked back and forth between Ah, Er, and Asan, "It's just a chance encounter. You care too much about their lives and deaths, and it's not good for you."

Tong Hua: "There is no sympathy in the Jianghu. Now I understand this truth better than anyone else. You don't need to waste time preaching to me on this matter. Ah Er and the others mean more to me than just the strangers I met in Nanjiang..." They He is the one who witnesses himself going from light to darkness.

Lei Tang has investigated the identities of Ah Er and Ah San. To be honest, he is extremely opposed to Tong Hua continuing to be with them. They are not good people...

Nazan felt nothing about this matter, although Ah San occasionally complained a few words, and his attitude towards Tong Hua was very arrogant, but in the end, Ah Er and Ah San did not do anything that endangered Tong Hua's safety, instead they always got along with each other. protect.Perhaps there is love in the mountains, and there seems to be an invisible thread connecting them. Nazan feels that this is not a bad thing.

After talking for a while, Tong Hua got up and went to the house to get rice wine, and Ah Er quietly followed.

"The news has already passed. There was a mistake in the sacrificial meeting of the Hall of Eternal Life. He will know it in the mountains. The opening time of the forbidden area has been increased to five days. Coupled with the news you sent over, he must be crazy with joy. He thinks he will be able to do it right away." Possess the missing skills, possess peerless martial arts, and become invincible from now on.”

Tong Hua snorted coldly: "The exercises are in my hands, whether he can be invincible or not is up to me."

Ah Er: "The matter of the Gu worm has not been resolved yet, so don't provoke him too strongly."

Tong Hua: "Lei Tang and Mr. Liang asked me to enter the forbidden area to get a token to become a saint. It should be a plan for the Gu worms in my body. The saints in your southern border have much more power than what they told me. Perhaps, the only way to become a saint is to become a saint." , to get rid of the Gu worms in the body."

Ah Er thought for a while, and said seriously: "Girl, no matter what happens next, once you find a way to release the Gu worm in your body, don't worry about others, just protect yourself first..."

Tong Hua immediately shook his head: "As I said, the three of you and I will either survive together by dispelling the Gu, or die together in the hands of Ba Song, and if we become ghosts, we will go back and strangle him together... If there is a way to dispel the Gu, then If we can’t solve it together, I will never live alone.”

"Why bother?"

"I don't know... Maybe it's because I lost too much, and now I don't want to let go of even a grain of sand..." Tong Hua smiled bitterly.

Ah Er was silent for a while, and when Tong Hua went out with the rice wine, she suddenly stopped her: "Afterwards, Ah San and I are going to help Nazan, you won't see us before you enter the forbidden area."

Tong Hua turned around a bit strangely: "Do something for Nazan? What is it? Why do you want to do it?"

Ah Er stepped forward with a smile, stretched out his hand and rubbed Tong Hua's head twice: "Helping the future witch king will definitely be a major event that will lead to great success in the future. Don't worry about it. In short, when we come out of the forbidden area, Ah San and I will stand next to each other. in front of you."



At nightfall, the sacrificial ceremony went smoothly.

The Witch King of the Hall of Eternal Life abdicated, and the next candidate for the Witch King was actually chosen by the Holy Maiden.

The people from Zhulong Village personally explained that everyone was not very interested in who would be the Witch King, and they all stared at the forbidden area, guessing which of the warriors selected by each village would survive.

For four consecutive days, the forbidden area was opened.

The entrance to the forbidden area of ​​the Hall of Eternal Life is different from the deep pit that Tong Bo sneaked into. You can directly enter the forbidden area, avoiding the possibility of being attacked on the way.This is also the reason why Mr. Liang and Lei Tang insisted that Tong Hua get the help of the Hall of Eternal Life before entering the forbidden area. Although, this cannot change the situation of narrow escape after entering...

Usually the forbidden area is opened once a year, but this year it has been open for four days in a row. The people from Candle Dragon Village guarded the door day and night, for fear that it would collide with something frequently, and accidentally let the things inside escape.

On the fifth day, there were still many warriors who came to the Hall of Eternal Life. In the first four days, many people were persuaded to leave, but this once-in-a-century situation still made many people dizzy.

When Nazan took Tong Hua to the entrance of the forbidden area, he saw Yu's people.

"When they got the news of Bai Yuan's abdication, their movements obviously slowed down, and they finally arrived."

"Bai Yuan abdicates, so they can't do anything?"

"That's not true, but the reason for the abdication is the negligence of the Witch King. He voluntarily abdicated because of his dereliction of duty. If Mrs. Yu continues to focus on this point, the target will be offended, so I have to think of an excuse."

"Tired? How easy is it to do it directly?"

"The Yu family has controlled the witch king's line for a hundred years without incident. Even Zhulongzhai can't find an excuse to deal with them. It relies on reasonable deployment and never loses words. You see, Bai Yuan has worked hard for ten years, and it is best not to say , and no one has ever said that he did not do well, and as a result, he was forced to abdicate by everyone to save his life in a sacrificial meeting..."


A word can end life and death, it is the same everywhere.

In the end, Tong Hua followed the warriors from each village into the forbidden area, and Nazan would deal with the group of people who shouted that she was not qualified behind them.

The stone door opened slowly, and the bloody smell that rushed to his face instantly brought Tong Hua back to the villa that night... No, what I am facing now is more terrifying than that night...

I looked up at the sky, wanting to see the blue sky and white clouds to relieve my fear, but I saw dark clouds gathered above my head.

(End of this chapter)

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