
Chapter 194

Chapter 194
Inside the Tianji Pavilion.

As if seeing everything with his own eyes, Bu Zhi made it clear what Tong Hua had done in southern Xinjiang for ten years.

Chu Lin's complexion was not good, and she had heard Tong Hua mention the matter before, but in order not to worry herself, Basong's persecution and escape from death were all mentioned in one sentence, which was easy and indifferent.He knew that these things were not easy, and he understood how difficult it was for children's paintings in the past ten years, and after listening to Bu Zhi's words, he was so distressed that he almost couldn't breathe.

Tong Hua's complexion was also not good. Bu Zhi knew too much, and the method of Tianji Pavilion shocked her.

There is also Feng Qingyang, halfway through speaking, he was already staring at Tong Hua in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

The rest of the dumb slaves put their hands on their weapons and stared at Bu Zhi who was telling the story.

From Nanjiang's point of view, this person is very dangerous, the entire Tianji Pavilion is very dangerous, they know too much, can any movement in the Hall of Eternal Life escape the eyes of this Tianji Pavilion?
From Tong Hua's point of view, the ten-year trend is clear. In other words, they are aware of any weaknesses of Tong Hua. Once these weaknesses are known to the enemy, it will be harmful to Tong Hua.

The dumb slave wanted to kill Bu Zhi, but was stopped by Tong Hua's eyes.

Tianji Pavilion is not just Buzhi, killing him is useless.

Talk all the way.

Bu Zhi led everyone to open the door and entered a room, which was covered with canvases from top to bottom.

If you look carefully, what is painted on the canvas is not a landscape, but a portrait, with some text underneath, either long or short.

Bu Zhi: "Chu Shaoxia asks, and I will definitely help. You are investigating the origin of Yuantian Pill and its relationship with the Three Corpse Pills back then. Tianji Pavilion knows all about these things."

Feng Qingyang: "Do you also know the origin of the secret medicine?"

Unexpectedly, Bu Zhi shook his head: "At present, we only know that the secret medicine comes from the west, and we have the information of a few people. As for the origin of the secret medicine, it is still unclear."

Tong Hua sneered: "Is there anything else you don't know?"

Bu Zhi turned his head and rolled his eyes: "The further west you go, the more complicated the situation is. The various ministries in the Western Regions are complicated and scattered. They seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in fact they are secretly connected. Tianji Pavilion has long wanted to break into the Western Regions, but unfortunately it has not been able to find effective ones. Different from the southern border, each tribe in the Western Region has its own way of governance, habits, and beliefs. They are all different. Even if you successfully break into a tribe, it is difficult to gain insight into the affairs of the entire Western Region."

Tong Hua also rolled her eyes: "If you talk so much, it means you have no skills..."

When the two stared at each other, Chu Lin noticed something.

Calling Tong Hua, pointing to the person on the canvas, Chu Lin said, "Is this the masked man from Black Snake Valley?"

Isn't it him...

At that time, it took a lot of effort to knock off the mask on this person's face, and he saw his face clearly, it was the person on the canvas in front of him.

Tong Hua moved his eyes down and read the text below the portrait: "Gu Sha, one of the twelve evil spirits in Tianchi, after the Tianchi Sword Tomb was destroyed, the twelve evil spirits scattered without a trace. When he appeared, there were many traces of Gusha, which was suspected to be related to the Three Corpse Pills... After the Baiwu Villa was destroyed, the Three Corpse Pills and Gusha disappeared without a trace. "

Feng Qingyang: "So, this person is very likely to be one of the culprits who scattered the secret medicine to the Central Plains."

Looking at the portrait, Tong Hua thought he knew this a long time ago, and would kill him if he said anything in Black Snake Valley.She looked at the "Tianchi Sword Tomb" and "Twelve Demons of Tianchi" and asked what they were.

Hearing this, Bu Zhi raised his eyebrows, and looked at Tong Hua like an idiot: "Don't Master Tong Shao know? Back then, Tong Ze and You traveled westward, broke the Tianchi Sword Tomb, seriously injured the Tianchi Twelve Demons, and shocked all the Western Regions. That day the Chi sword The tomb is the birthplace of martial arts in the Western Regions, and the fact that his hometown was kidnapped naturally attracted many people to join forces to hunt him down. It is said that his friend died in the Western Regions, and Tong Ze was rescued but broke his legs... You, don’t you know?”

Tong Hua: "..." She really didn't know.

When I was young, I was ignorant and asked about legs. Tong Ze was fooled every time. When I grew up, I understood that this is something that shouldn't be asked, so I never asked again. Or did I learn from others later that my father's legs were It was broken while traveling west.

Why did father go to Po Tianchi Sword Tomb?
Seeing that Tong Hua was frowning, Chu Lin knew that she couldn't figure it out, and started to think too hard, so he reached out and stroked her brow gently: "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. When you find this lonely man, maybe you can know that Uncle Tong went to Tianchi back then. s reason."

Tong Hua nodded, and rubbed his face against Chu Lin's hand, watching Bu Zhi grit his teeth.

"I see that there are other information about the Twelve Demons of Tianchi here." Feng Qingyang diverted the topic in time, "Isn't there any trace of anyone else in Tianji Pavilion except Gu Sha?"

"Gu Sha was captured by us when he came to the Central Plains. As for the others, there has been no news." Bu Zhi opened the canvases of several other twelve evil spirits. It is related, it should be that they took refuge in the new master and came to work in the Central Plains. As for other people, whether they took refuge in the same master, or went to another way after the sword mound was broken, is not known. You are looking for someone related to the secret medicine People, but there are still two people who showed their faces and were captured by us."

Bu Zhi walked through a pile of canvases, and flipped through two of them: "This one is the old owner of Xiuya Villa in 24th Villa."

"Xiuya Mountain Villa?" Tong Hua looked at the person on the canvas with a righteous face. He looked about sixty years old, and he must be the kind of old-fashioned person who speaks sternly.Under the canvas is his name, Xu Zheng.

Bu Zhi: "I can tell you clearly that Xiuya Villa has nothing to do with secret medicines. They have nothing to do with the affairs caused by these secret medicines in the rivers and lakes. It is always the well-behaved Xiuya Villa. He was charged with standing on the sidelines without saving his life. As for Xu Zheng...he used to be the owner of the villa, and he kept himself in self-denial and reverence all his life, but he didn't expect to grow old and start rebelling."

Xiuya Villa is famous for their rules. In terms of martial arts, it can barely be regarded as a second-rate school. It's not that the martial arts in the villa are not good, but in the past three generations, there has not been a martial arts genius in the villa. Gradually, martial arts have fallen behind up.

Xu Zheng was considered the most talented person of the three generations, so he became the owner of the villa.In his life, he took revival of the Xiu Ya Sword as his mission, and his hair turned gray, and he ended up with a result that was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing.Probably someone did it deliberately, Xu Zheng got the Three Corpse Pill, and was pleasantly surprised by his rapid progress in martial arts. Unfortunately, at that time, he was catching up with the sudden death of taking the Three Corpse Pill in various parts of the Central Plains.

The people of Xiuya Villa talk about rules and etiquette, how can they tolerate a villa owner who relies on strange secret medicine to revitalize the Xiuya sword... Several elders decided to pull Xu Zheng from the position of villa owner, in order to cover up this scandal. He wanted to kill him, but it was a pity that Xu Zheng ran away.

The whole matter was hidden by Xiuya Villa, which announced that Xu Zheng died suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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