
Chapter 218 The inscription on the stele is as heavy as a mountain

Chapter 218 The inscription on the stele is as heavy as a mountain
Speaking of which, Lei Tang was also a ruthless character back then, in order to become the owner of the villa, he fought to the death with his brothers and used all means.

Afterwards, he went through life and death, and stayed in a secluded place like Zhulongzhai for so many years, and his youth and frivolity disappeared long ago.

He is actually very easy-going, so he has a very good relationship with the people in Zhulongzhai. He has behaved well for many years and never stepped outside the range of Zhulongzhai, which made the juniors very curious about him.

As he got older, the juniors called him Leilao.

The previous village head of Zhulong Village went wrong when he was researching the secret technique, he went crazy, his six relatives refused to recognize him, and his own son wanted to kill him.Fortunately, Lei Tang arrived in time to rescue the child. This child is now the village owner.

Unlike in the past, Zhulongzhai now has no guard against or rejection of Lei Tang's attitude, and everyone turned a blind eye to the matter of him taking Tong Hua back.

"For Zhulongzhai, Lei Lao has long been a family member. His old friend was wiped out, and his orphan fled to southern Xinjiang and suffered again. He said that we can't ignore it. We all understand. Candlelongzhai has thought a lot about the poison in the saint's body. There is no method that can guarantee the safety of the saint. Mr. Lei dare not and will not easily undo the Gu. In order to ensure the safety of the saint, he can only start with Basong, but Basong has also involved the charm... "

Tong Hua wanted to miss one thing.

Bassong taught her the Charming Technique, others don't know the reason, but Zhulongzhai knows it.

In order to prevent the threat of Bassong getting bigger, the best way is to get rid of Tong Hua immediately, or abolish her martial arts.

On the one hand, Lei Tang protects Tong Hua, and on the other hand, he persuades Zhulongzhai to support her to become a saint.

The Witch King is still controlled by others, but the most powerful person in southern Xinjiang is using favoritism. If this continues, southern border will be in chaos.

Before it was Bassong, now it is Bai Yuan, who might do what in the future.

The saint is here to check and balance this situation, but people from southern Xinjiang, who has no interests behind them?
Lei Tang lobbied for a while, and no one could refute Tong Hua as a saint, but everyone knew that no matter how good the words were, she might not be able to get out of the forbidden area with a token.

So on this matter, Lei Tang made an agreement with the village owner.

As long as Tong Hua can take out the token, she is the Saintess of Southern Xinjiang, and Zhulongzhai has to use all resources to help her stand firm.

Tong Hua blinked and blinked: "That's it?"

People from Zhulongzhai: "The matter of the saint has been settled in this way, but the enchanting skill on your body will be a trouble after all."

Lei Tang can flicker to determine the identity, but Meiming Gong cannot determine the world with a single mouth.

He knew that Tong Hua needed Meiming Gong to go back for revenge, and he said that the abolition of the martial arts was also for the sake of safety, and there were ways to eliminate the disadvantages and retain the martial arts, so he, a grandpa, naturally wanted to win over it.

Tong Hua: "What would he give in exchange for Zhulongzhai's nod?"

People from Candle Dragon Village: "For you, a native of the Central Plains, to use the secrets of southern borders to obtain the Charming Technique, and to leave Candle Dragon Village to help you in the Palace of Eternal Life... All these things add up, and the price paid by Mr. Lei is heavier than his life. "



Tong Hua returned to Nazan's small courtyard, but turned into the mountain on the way.

Nazan buried Lei Tang in the mountain, nothing was written on the tombstone, facing neither the Zhulong Village nor the Central Plains, the scenery is pretty good.

Tong Hua knelt in front of the tombstone and remained motionless for a long time.

Then, the girl cried loudly, like a child, crying at the top of her throat.

Nazan had already found him, and he walked over slowly when Tong Hua's crying voice became quieter.

"It's his own decision." Nazan softly comforted him by putting his arms around his shoulders and pulling the girl's body towards his chest slightly.

The wind in the mountains brought some coolness.

Tong Hua went from crying loudly to crying silently, and finally trembling and sobbing. After regaining his composure, Tong Hua asked Nazan: "The people in Zhulongzhai did not leave to help you become king, but... what does this have to do with him... "

Nazan: "I think, senior is worried about your safety in the southern border. Having a Witch King to watch over you, coupled with the status of a saint, is truly foolproof."

In the end, it was for her.

Tong Hua got up, walked to the tombstone with nothing written on it, exercised his kung fu and adjusted his breath, gathered his inner energy, and stroked the surface of the tombstone, leaving a line of words from top to bottom...

The benevolent Lei Tang, the unfilial grandson Tong Hua respects Li.

Facing this line of writing, Tong Hua laughed at himself: "When I escaped back then, I failed to collect the corpses of my grandparents, let alone set up a monument... If you see my grandpa and hear him scold me for being unfilial, then let him go... "

The kindness is too heavy, and there will be no reward in this life.

Originally, I lived for revenge, and now I can't die easily, otherwise, if I go to hell, how can I have the face to face him...

Nazan whispered a few more words of comfort. The two were about to go back when Ah Erxun came.

Seeing Nazan hugging Tong Hua, Ah Er came up first and knocked off that hand.

"What's the matter?" Tong Hua saw Ah Er's expression was wrong, "What happened?"

Dumb slave dumb slave, a servant who can't speak, even if he can speak, Ah Er doesn't know what to say, so he can only take Tong Hua to the Hall of Longevity.

Nazan followed behind, seeing them go around the main hall and enter a side path, and walked for a while before confirming that the place Ah Er was going to was the Pit of Sinners.

This is the first time for Tonghua to come to this place. I passed by before, and I felt uncomfortable when I heard the wailing inside, so I never went in to see it.

Right now, as soon as he entered the sinner's pit, the first thing he saw was the people from Zhulongzhai.

"What are you doing here?" Tong Hua walked around the people in Zhulongzhai, and met Ah San and Ah Da.

At this time, Ah San's long sword was drawn out of its sheath, facing Ah Da in front of him.

In desperation, Tong Hua yelled first, and then realized something was wrong with Ah Da.

His eyes were red and he opened his mouth to show his teeth, his eyes kept rolling in his sockets, and there was a whining sound from his throat, which didn't sound like a human voice... Tong Hua thought for a while, it seemed to be the sound of a bug.

"What's going on!" Tong Huayu stepped forward and was stopped by Ah Er again, "What's wrong with Ah Da?"

Nazan, who followed, was confused and didn't know what happened.

It was the people from Zhulongzhai who came out to explain.

"Back to the saint, the Gu worms in the young master's body are out of control, if this continues...you will definitely die..."

Tong Hua reached out to grab the person who was talking back, but Nazan held her tightly in her arms.

Tong Hua: "Ba Song is dead, why does the Gu worm still attack!"

The person from Zhulongzhai: "I'm afraid the Gu worms in the young master's body have been activated by Bassoon long ago. He used the forbidden technique to suppress the Gu worms. Now that the forbidden technique has failed and Bassoon's dead Gu worms are out of control, that's why..."

Tong Hua didn't listen to these words at all, she just wanted to know what to do now.

"It's too late to think about it. If you delay it any longer, the young master will definitely die. Now I can only try it with the method of torture. I hope..."

"Witch God bless the young master, nothing will happen..."

After realizing it, Tong Hua had a worry and a question in his heart.

The worry is that this method is all about luck, and no one can guarantee that Ah Da will be fine.

The question is, why are they called Ah Da Young Master?
(End of this chapter)

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