
Chapter 219

Chapter 219 The New King Succession
The insect punishment was dangerous, perhaps it was the blessing of the witch god, Ada survived after all.

Accompanying him all the way, Tong Hua also understood why Nazan didn't let him try the worm torture to cure the gu... The demons in his life and death appeared, and he didn't want to live at this time, he only wanted to die, and he had no thoughts of life.

If it weren't for the actions of a few people from Zhulongzhai, Ada would not be able to pass his own test.

After lying down for three days, Ah Da opened his eyes and saw Tong Hua, seeing the girl's tired expression, he thought she hadn't slept for many days.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?" Tong Hua helped Ada up, "Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to get some food."

Ah Da woke up, and soon understood what happened to him, he raised his hand and gently rubbed Tong Hua's head, which was a comfort to her worry.

Seeing that his face was ashen, Tong Hua couldn't speak harsh words, and told him to have a good life: "You are my dumb slave now, Nazan said, the life and death of a dumb slave is decided by the master, no matter what happened before, now I have you , no one will try to take you away."

Ah Da sighed, guessing that Tong Hua knew about his past from the person from Zhulongzhai.He could not speak and did not know how to comfort the little girl.

At this time, Nazan came back.

"Yo, wake up." Nazan came over to take a look, waved his hand, and said it's all right, "It's good to wake up, the Gu under Basong is all right now, the insect punishment in the Palace of Longevity recognized the girl as the master, from now on In the end, you will be her dumb slave... I think that even if you kill the master, this girl will not activate the Gu insects to kill you, but I will, I don't care what kind of young master you are from Zhulong Village."

Tong Hua turned his head and glared at Nazan.

Nazan could only change the subject: "Those from Candle Dragon Village came to me and wanted to take him back after talking about it. What do you say?"

Tong Hua: "My dumb slave, don't give it!"

Nazan: "Okay, I'll let Mr. Liang talk about it."

Tong Hua: "Sang Jiu is still waiting for the opportunity to attack Mr. Liang, don't let him run around."

Nazan: "Don't worry, the game is done, just wait for Bai Yuan to start."

Tong Hua: "Bai Yuan?"

Nazan smiled, with hatred in his eyes: "I said before, I don't care about the Changsheng Palace or the southern border. I just want to deal with those who killed Grandma. Bai Yuan is one, and the Yu family can't let it go. Put them together and tidy them up, which is pretty good."

Half a month later, there was a civil strife in the Hall of Eternal Life.

This is the biggest civil strife in southern Xinjiang in the past century, not even what happened to Basong back then.

Almost all the cottages in southern Xinjiang were involved, and even people from the Central Plains took advantage of the chaos to intervene, and these people from the Central Plains all died at the hands of Tong Hua.

The flames of war burned the entire southern border, because the Yu family's influence was too wide, and no one could tell where the Yu family had stretched out their hands when they were not making trouble. The hole cards were all wiped out.

Nazan had a falling out with Yu Shi, Sang Jiu felt that he had seized the opportunity, and asked Bai Yuan to take charge of the overall situation. It was just that Yu Shi secretly supported the father and son, and planned to abolish Nazan first, and then take the throne.As for the Yu family, since Nazan fell out with them, he will reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

They are calculating each other and see who is more capable.

The civil strife lasted for more than two months, and both Yushi and Sangjiu suffered heavy losses, but seeing Nazan, the few failures did not hurt the root cause, but became more and more courageous.

The reason for this is Tong Hua.

As a saint, she should have prevented this civil strife from the very beginning, but Tong Hua said that she had no obligation to protect a group of people who tried to kill her, not to mention that she was originally part of Nazan's party, and now she wanted to help Nazan become king. Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

On the other hand, the political acumen shown by Nazan is convincing. After all, he will be dissatisfied by fighting to subdue him, and there is no guarantee to win by talking nonsense. Nazan's promise gives people hope and a desire to go to that place with him. This kind of motivation for the future, cooperate with Tong Hua to punish the perpetrators, the people support Nazan to be king one after another.

The king is for the people.

Bai Yuan didn't understand this truth, he did things for his own reputation and future, as for Sang Jiu, he didn't understand even more, the eyes of the father and son were only in the Palace of Eternal Life and never left.

Yushi, seek power, they are just grabbing more and more power, so as to control the Witch King.

A year later, Nazan and Tong Hua entered the Palace of Longevity as a king, and spent another three months cleaning up the Yu clan's remnants and arresting Bai Yuan and Sang Jiu.

I thought it wouldn't take long to clean up, but I didn't expect someone from the Yu family to find the notes left by Basong in the Palace of Longevity, and practiced them to become a charmer, which made it very difficult for Tong Hua to clean up...

During this civil turmoil, many people fled to the Central Plains, including Meng Qing who had learned the Charming Technique...

Old Liang was furious when he found out, Meiming Kung Fu is a secret technique in southern Xinjiang, even if Meng Qing did not learn the authentic kung fu, even if he would die from the disadvantages of the kung fu over time, there would be endless troubles after fleeing to the Central Plains.

It is impossible to send people to chase him now, Liang Lao can only find the insect master Yu Chong to track down Meng Qing's traces, and deal with it after the southern border is stable.He understands that Ye Chang has many dreams, but there is no other way.

On the day of enthronement, there was an extra chair next to the throne, and the two chairs were side by side, representing the highest authority in southern Xinjiang. From today, there will be two people.

Then, Nazan and Tonghua ascended to the throne side by side, and the witch king and the saint ruled the southern border together, which has not been seen for hundreds of years.

So far, Tong Hua is not only safe in southern Xinjiang, but also has supreme power.

On the second day after ascending the throne, Nazan went to worship at the Queen's tomb. The dumb slave knelt Bai Yuan in front of the Queen's tomb, and finally fulfilled his promise, letting Bai Yuan kowtow to the Queen's tombstone to admit his mistake.

The former Witch King bent over and kowtowed, but could no longer straighten up.

Tong Hua sat with Nazan in the Queen's cemetery for a day and a night. She glanced at Bai Yuan's body, and said that the person was really shocking in front of the Queen's eyes. She asked people to drag the body out and put it at the intersection outside the cemetery. Queen Wu went to watch the door.

The next day, Tong Hua took three dumb slaves to Zhulongzhai, which was requested by Ah Da. Although Ba Song died, Gu worms in the body were always a disaster. Go to Zhulongzhai again.

Then there was the matter of Black Snake Valley looking for the Black Snake Gallbladder to cure Gu, and learned about Ada by the way.

The village master of Zhulong village is more respectable to his son than Bai Yuan, but it's just the grudge between father and son, she is the younger sister that Ada said, and this life can't be erased.As the young master, the future village master, he would rather flee and become a sinner than stay.Tong Hua was curious about what happened to her sister back then, and it was difficult to ask, but Ada had told it all by herself, and it had been so many years, and she wanted to find someone who would listen.

Right and wrong are irrelevant now.

Then, Tong Hua went to the Black Snake Valley to get the snake gall, but Nazan insisted on going in person. Nazan was worried, and carefully selected other dumb slaves to accompany him.

Return to the Central Plains, meet an old friend, retrieve the snake gall, and dispel the Gu insects.

Ten years after the destruction of Baiwu Villa, the only surviving young village owner set foot on the Central Plains again, causing a rain of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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