
Chapter 246 Shaolin and Wudang team up to sweep away hidden dangers

Chapter 246 Shaolin and Wudang team up to sweep away hidden dangers

After receiving a letter from Tong Ze, he did not expect that the person he met when he went back was actually Tong Bo.

Tong Le wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but stopped because of the panic in Tong Bo's words.

At that time, the matter of the Three Corpse Pill was already a big issue, and Tong Le didn't understand why Tong Bo believed that the blame would fall on Baiwu Villa.

He didn't think there was anything to be afraid of, so he sneered and asked Tong Bo to crack the Three Corpse Pill.

"I can't do it... The composition of the Three Corpse Pill is very complicated. In such a short period of time, I can't even figure out its composition, let alone the antidote. And it's not just my wild imagination that this matter is directed at Baiwu Villa. , man, already in the village." These were the original words of Tong Bo back then.

That person refers to the dumb Ada that Tong Hua picked up.

Afterwards, Tong Le investigated and found that Ada had nothing to do with the people from the Western Regions. He was just a little beggar randomly found on the street. The purpose of entering Poison Valley is to enter the Baiwu Villa. Perhaps, everything was not voluntary...

After Tong Hua went to Langzhou, Ada's Gu poison broke out, and she became what she saw when she returned.

What would happen if a person in exactly the same condition as the person who went crazy after taking the Three Corpse Pill appeared in the White Mist Villa and was seen by outsiders?Moreover, this person, in order to save Tong Hua, killed the disciples of the Kongtong School. In the eyes of others, this person was a monster created by Baiwu Villa.

The Three Corpse Pill was taken back and improved. During the period when there was no secret medicine, people in the Jianghu believed that the secret medicine came from Baiwu Mountain Villa. Until Yuantian Pill appeared, those who woke up began to blame themselves, unwilling to admit their mistakes and continued to sink.

As for Tong Le, he should immediately go to Langzhou to pick up Tong Hua after taking away the Taiqing Order. On the way, he found a man from the Western Regions in a black shirt and mask.

According to Tong Bo's guess, there is a [-]% chance that the secret medicine was made by people from the Western Regions. He still thought about Tong Ze's leg, so he ignored Tong Bo's orders and insisted on chasing the people from the Western Regions.

Then, the person disappeared, he was lost, and the Baiwu Villa was gone. It was rumored that Tong Hua had escaped, and fled to the direction of southern Xinjiang.

For Baiwu Villa, the only thing Tong Le can't let go of is Tong Ze, and his daughter... Tong Le has no plan to get her back...

Unexpectedly, after returning to the Central Plains, Tong Hua delivered it to the door by herself...

It was only then that Tong Le remembered that Tong Ze loved his daughter, if he knew that her daughter had suffered so much for so many years, how much he would love her.

So, according to Tong Bo's instructions, the Taiqing order was given to her, and Tong Bo's body must be cremated, and the leftovers were also given to her.

Tong Le's explanation was not so specific, she only asked Tong Hua to hold the two beads, and she could do whatever she wanted, since it had nothing to do with him anyway.



Wudang sent out the news that all the masters of the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains had won the set of Western Regions in the Flame Gate of Huangshan, and they were all made into living puppets. By the way, he explained what the secret medicine Yuantian Pill that everyone is obsessed with is.

Some people believe it, and naturally some people don't believe it.

It was Chu Lin, the leader of the Wulin League, who led people to Huangshan, but Chu Lin's name was not included in the list sent by Wudang, and the demon girl Tonghua was also involved in this matter.

not to mention……

Poison from the Western Regions, Gu Art from the Southern Border, such a complicated plan for the martial arts in the Central Plains is hard to believe.

Feng Qingyang, the head of Wudang, went to Shaolin and asked the abbot of Shaolin, Master Hui An, to leave the customs, causing disasters to the whole Jianghu. This matter is no longer something Wudang can handle.

Half a month later, the abbot of Shaolin invited the Witch King of Southern Xinjiang to find a way to remove the voodoo in the secret medicine. He also went to Fengyin Mountain Villa in person and invited Dong Linniang, the owner of the villa, to follow the book that Feng Qingyang brought. , the letter that Tong Bo left for Tong Hua to crack the poison of the secret medicine.

Shaolin's high-profile work cannot be questioned by anyone, and the whole world is panicked.

At this moment, Tong Hua, who was recuperating on Mount Tai, was studying the two beads left by Tong Bo, but tonight was the day of her poison attack, so she had to find a way to drive Chu Lin away.

Before he could think of a solution, the young disciples of the Taishan School ran in from outside in a panic.

In the hall, Zheng Shoucheng listened to his disciple's report, and his expression gradually became dignified.

A group of people appeared in front of the gate of Taishan School, and they fought up, seriously injuring several disciples.

"Senior Brother Sect Master, I...I seem to have seen... the head master Sun of the Songshan School..." The disciple said this with half-belief, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Are you sure you saw Sun Jixing?" Zheng Shoucheng thought for a while and asked again, "How many people in that group are wearing black shirts and face scarves?"

"There are more than ten people in a group, and there are three masked in black shirts."

"Three..." Zheng Shoucheng muttered, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Those people obviously came after Mount Tai, and I'm afraid they can't avoid the catastrophe of exterminating their family.

Tong Hua, who was hiding and eavesdropping, made some calculations in his heart. There are more than a dozen people, these are almost the remaining living puppets. It seems that the people in the Western Regions are quite obsessed with themselves. There are Shaolin Wudang outside, and they are still in the mood to chase after them. Tarzan.

Then again, I can't harm the Taishan faction because of my relationship...

In the end, [-]% of the disciples of Lie Yan Sect were left. Although Wu Dang helped to take care of them, they couldn't make a fortune.

Can't harm Taishan faction...

Turning around and leaving the main hall, Tong Hua came to the back of the remote mountain with several twists and turns. There is a small courtyard and three rooms here. The group of them have lived here for half a month.

Unceremoniously kicking open a door, Tong Hua strode in, and saw Tong Le was still sleeping soundly on the bed.

She went over, shook first, then slapped, but Tong Le couldn't be woken up.

"He came to Mount Tai for half a month and slept for half a month. If he wasn't still alive, I would have set him on fire."

The words were spoken to Zawa, who was standing by.

"I'm about to wake up... This is a side effect of immortality. When I was on the mountain, the head of the house often couldn't fall asleep."

"Sleeping for half a month, why don't you little bastards take the opportunity to kill him and seize power?"

"Kill him, who will protect us?" Zawa knew that Tong Hua didn't like Tong Le, so he could only smile awkwardly, "We people, if we don't escape to Fengdu, and don't want to enter Sifang Villa, even if we become bandits , but also live a chic life, and all of these are given by the master."

Tong Hua sneered: "It's nice to say, but I don't see him restricting two shares. People like flower pickers are accepted. Sooner or later, big trouble will be caused."

Zawa just smiled and didn't answer.

Tong Hua kicked Tong Le on the bed again. There was no other way. If she couldn't wake up, she couldn't count on it. She could only turn around and pointed at Zawa: "You, follow the dumb slave to the middle of the mountain to intercept the people from the Western Regions and the puppets."

Zawa shrugged: "Including your dumb slave, we can't stop those people... Why don't we let Master Chu join us?"

It was a good excuse to dismiss Chu Lin, but it didn't feel right to say it from Zawa's mouth.

Tong Hua looked up and saw Zawa looking at him with a sinister smile, obviously aware of the Gu worm.

I'm not in the mood to care about it, but just warn him not to tell Chu Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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