
Chapter 247

Chapter 247 The Reappearance of the Twelve Demons on the Half Waist of Mount Tai

When Chu Lin and Zheng Shoucheng led the people down the mountain, the people from the Western Regions below had already reached the mountainside with their puppets.

Ah Er ate the worms to communicate with them: "This is not easy to fight, the puppets are easy to deal with, what about the three Western Regions people?"

Chu Lin took out the flying dragon's claws: "The ones that are easy to deal with are dealt with first, and the three people from the Western Regions can only be restrained first."

Ah Er frowned: "It's easy to say, how can you restrain, you restrain? Let me remind you, the Taishan disciple who came down to stop him before was knocked down by them in less than two moves." Those who avoided it died on the spot.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shoucheng's expression became fierce: "Suddenly appear and go up the mountain immediately. This is because we are afraid that we will inform Shaolin Wudang that they are determined to slaughter the Taishan sect today."

Chu Lin: "According to Senior Tong, these three masked men should also be the Twelve Demons of Tianchi. Gu Sha died in Huangshan, and things got messed up. If they didn't kill Hua'er, the culprit, they would be ashamed to go back. See you Sword Demon."

Ah Er: "I really want them to stay at the gate of Mount Tai forever, but unfortunately, I can't beat them."

Chu Lin: "Clean up these puppets, and it's always a disaster to stay outside and wander around. I'm afraid that if there is some news from Shaolin, they will chase after them and cause trouble."

People from the Western Regions came up with their puppets, and when they saw Chu Lin and others, they immediately ordered the puppets to attack.

The flying dragon's claws separated the people from the Western Regions from the puppets, and Xiaoqi Zawa trapped the three of them at the same time.

Zheng Shoucheng pointed his sword at the puppet's neck, it was like this, there is no need to live if there is a way to wake it up.

The remaining dumb slaves helped clean up the puppets. Their bodies were as hard as rocks, and it took many times of force to break their necks. During this period, the puppets counterattacked. If they grabbed them, they would have serious injuries that could be seen deep in the bones, so they were difficult to deal with.

After being trapped, the three people from the Western Regions vainly tried to break through the siege with their own strength, but did not call back the puppets to help once.

Zawa looked at it, thinking that these three martial arts were better than Gusha, but their brains were not good enough.After thinking about it again, maybe it's not a brain problem, but the ability to control the puppet.

From the beginning to the end, it is said that many people from the Western Regions have come, but isn't Gu Sha the only person related to the secret medicine?

If only Gu Sha can use that kind of control technique, or in other words, only he can use it best, then other people will naturally not be able to control the puppet's actions as they wish.

A simple attack and retreat order is okay, but an overly complicated order may be useless even if it is issued.

Thinking of this, Zawa asked Chu Lin to help deal with the puppet. After a brief explanation, Chu Lin closed his hands and watched. After confirming that Zawa and Xiao Qi could control it, he turned around and threw the dragon's claws at the puppet.

Zheng Shoucheng found Sun Jixing, and sneered, "Headmaster Sun, you bastard is now a puppet, but you look much more pleasing to the eye." After speaking, he slashed at Sun Jixing's shoulder with his sword, and turned around after being shaken away The blade of the sword cut towards his neck.

After doing this three times, Sun Jixing was killed by Zheng Shoucheng. When he fell to the ground, only some skin and flesh remained from his head to his shoulders.

Seeing this, Ah Er smiled and said that Master Zheng is very strong.



Seeing more and more puppets fell down, the three people from the Western Regions seemed panicked, but there were only a lot of insects surrounding them.

However, it is impossible to trap the Twelve Demons of Tianchi with a group of insects.

After realizing that the puppets were useless, the twelve evil spirits also became serious, waved their sword energy, and directly killed the bugs surrounding them, and the bugs that continued to surge up behind them could no longer break through the sword energy around them to approach.

Seeing this, Xiao Qi frowned, wanting to continue calling for more bugs, but Zawa suddenly stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around his waist, and pulled him to the other side.At the same time, the sword energy landed steadily on the ground where Xiao Qi was standing.

Looking back, Xiaoqi's heart skipped a beat, if he hit him just now, he would definitely die.

Zawa hurriedly told the others the situation loudly.

Chu Lin drew back the flying dragon's claws and turned around on the spot, throwing them again to the Twelve Demons of Tianchi who were slowly approaching.

The strangeness of the flying dragon's claws lies in its unpredictable route. Even if it flies in mid-air, it is difficult to predict at what angle it will hit the enemy.

I saw the Twelve Demons of Tianchi raised their swords to block in a calm manner, and spared no effort to knock it into the air before their claws approached.The shock force passed through the iron chains of the claws, and finally fell into Chu Lin's hands.

Chu Lin kept swinging his claws, and the Twelve Demons continued to knock them into the air with great effort. After a few rounds, Zawa found that the Twelve Demons' footsteps did not stop for a moment, and the strength of the two claws that knocked them into the air did not decrease at all.

"Master Chu, I'm afraid it won't work if you try to consume them. If you continue like this, your hand will be destroyed first." The insect control technique was broken, and Zawa took Xiao Qi back, "You should go back and clean up the puppets Let the dumb slave come over and stop them to delay the time."

Before Chu Lin could recover from his thoughts, Ah Er's hidden weapon had already rushed over in line with Xiao Jiu's figure.

Thunder Swordsmanship...

Even though he held the Shocking Thunder Sword in his hand, when the sword fell, the sound of thunder from the blade was still loud.

Ah Er played a hidden weapon in the back to help, and if he missed a hit, he could attract some attention and create opportunities for Xiao Jiu.

As for the puppets behind the two of them, only five of the five sons of Yandang were left.

I never thought that the five left behind would be more difficult to deal with than the dozens.

Zheng Shoucheng: "These five sons are five brothers. They share the same mind and have decades of cooperation experience. They are not afraid of fighting hard, but they are afraid of tricks."

As soon as the words fell, the five sons suddenly dispersed and retreated. At first glance, they surrounded Zheng Shoucheng and others.

Chu Lin looked around and understood the benefits of this living puppet...

"They have martial arts themselves, and there are not a few people like Wuzi who know how to cooperate. Just a simple command can achieve [-]% of the effect." Chu Lin suddenly wanted to see what these puppets could do.

At this time, Zhuo An's voice sounded from the mountain: "Be careful, they have explosives on them!"

Zhuo An came up from the mountain, jumped over the puppet and landed beside Chu Lin: "The voodoo technique of control can turn people into walking explosives, and if they are desperate, they can be ordered to explode themselves... Senior brother, if these five explode together, in this kind of On the mountainside, we can't escape at all."

Chu Lin looked left and right, and the five people stood apart. Could it be that the purpose was to let them die in the middle?

"Order to blow up?"

"They can't... because they broke the secret medicine halfway, and then forcibly activated the Gu technique, and if they can't do the order, they will blow up, but at this time... Senior brother, I don't know..."

After Zhuo An left the Kongtong faction, he was favored by Gusha's cronies by chance. The secret medicine and the word "world invincible" in the conversation made the child decide to find out. Unexpectedly, the cronies are not ordinary people, and they can directly take him with him. It is convenient for him to inquire about the news because he is by Gusha's side.

It is true that we have inquired a lot, and it is impossible for him to know all of them.

Zheng Shoucheng weighed the long sword in his hand: "It doesn't matter how much time he has, anyway, if he is dead, it won't explode, right?"

Chu Lin: "Others grabbed the puppets, and Ah Xiaoba was killed with one blow."

(End of this chapter)

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