This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 126 Love and Money

Chapter 126 Love and Money

When Aunt Shanghai, Sha Gu, Pig Killer, and Da Mao cried, Tang Qing became angry.

She was not very happy when the four of them came to her house at night, but when Shiba pee disappeared again, the fire in her heart suddenly burst out.

"Master Jiujin, then you should rest early, we are leaving."

Aunt Shanghai pulled the pig butcher's clothes, winked at Da Mao and Sha Gu, and walked out of Tang Qing's hut.


Tang Qing yelled, Aunt Shanghai stood still, but the pig killer didn't stand still, his tall body bumped into Aunt Shanghai's body, Aunt Shanghai staggered and threw herself on the door of the opposite house.

"Who is it?"

There was an inquiry from the family opposite.

Tang Qing just wanted to come out of the house to stop the Pig Slayer and the others from talking, but Da Mao and Sha Gu who were following the Pig Slayer didn't stop. You hit me, I hit you, and then hit the Pig Slayer.

Aunt Shanghai had just turned around from the door of the opposite house, but the butcher was hit by Da Mao and Sha Gu from behind, and hit Aunt Shanghai again.


This time, Auntie Shanghai slammed her butt against the door of the opposite house, as loud as she wanted.In this quiet night, especially a cannon blast exploded in the corridor.



"What happened?"

"Call the police!"

Everyone in the corridor came out, including the family opposite Tang Qing.

The old people had already fallen asleep, and rushed to Tang Qing's floor one by one in their coats.

"Uncles and aunts, I'm sorry to wake you up. Today, Pig Killer and Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Sha Gu have a wedding, and they brought you candies."

Tang Qing stabilized the old people first, then turned to Aunt Shanghai and the four of them:
"Look, did you wake up the uncles and aunts? I told you not to worry. The uncles and aunts are old and go to bed early. I will give them the wedding candy tomorrow."

"Master Jiujin, this..."

The Shanghai aunt usually bluffs in the people's barbershop and looks majestic, but now she is at a loss when facing the old people in cloaked onlookers.

"Pig butcher, Da Mao, what are you two doing standing there? Now that uncle and aunt are up, why don't you give them the wedding candy and duck eggs?"

Tang Qing took out a basket of duck eggs and a plastic bag of wedding candy from the house.

"Master Jiujin, how do you divide it?"

The pig butcher asked Tang Qing in a low voice.

"Uncles and aunts, it's a little fun, two duck eggs for each person, and a handful of wedding candy for each person, come, take it quickly."

Tang Qing ignored the pig butcher, and started to divide by himself.

"Isn't that too polite? Thank you, thank you!"

"This duck egg should belong to Xie Matchmaker, how did it get distributed to us?"

"Yeah, it's already very happy to share the wedding candy with us, and the duck eggs!"

The old people were woken up at night, full of resentment and anger in their hearts.Now holding the wedding candy and duck eggs in my hands, I am very happy in my heart.

"Uncles and aunts, this pig killer, Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Sha Gu are all people you know well. If they get together, you are also matchmakers. You should eat this duck egg."

It is a custom in Yan City that the newlyweds should "thank the matchmaker" after they get married, which means to thank the matchmaker for their success.To thank the media, I must thank you with fresh duck eggs.

Duck eggs are called "Yanzi" in the local dialect of Yancheng, and they are called "Yanzi".

"Thank you, thank you, I wish you an early baby!"

"Born your son early!"

The old people happily returned to their homes with wedding candies and duck eggs in their hands.

"Master Jiujin..."

Aunt Shanghai looked at Tang Qing embarrassedly.

"Aren't you leaving soon?"

Tang Qing casually swung the other three baskets of things that the pig butcher and the others sent to the door.

"Master Jiujin, these are for Nong."

"The basket of duck eggs that was distributed just now is also for you."

"And so is the wedding candy."

"Tomorrow we will bring you a basket of duck eggs and a bag of wedding candies."

Aunt Shanghai, Pig Killer, Da Mao, and Sha Gu were a little embarrassed.

"As I said just now, to thank the media, you go and thank Lao Longtou and Carpenter Wang. I, Tang Qing, don't need your thanks! If you come again, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

Tang Qing said and closed the door.

Aunt Shanghai, Pig Killer, Da Mao, and Sha Gu stood silently at the door for a while, then picked up the three baskets and walked down the stairs dejectedly.

"Pig butcher, Nong Mingchao sent the medical expenses of Araga to Master Jiujin last time."

"I still have three years' booth fees, which was paid by Master Jiujin."

"Is it Nong or is it Ning? The three-year booth fee has to be paid by the master nine catties?"

"At that time, I really had no money, and I forgot about it later. Well, it's been more than five years."

"Five years? How much is the interest for five years? Let's see, what is Jiujin Master Yi's savings? Allah himself, don't give Yi the medical expenses. It's embarrassing, embarrassing."

Aunt Shanghai and Pig Killer blamed themselves as they walked.

"Well, Master Jiujin lives so frugally, and even gives money to my mother and me every Chinese New Year."

"If Master Jiujin didn't give me five hundred yuan, I would probably starve to death on the streets of Yancheng."

"Let's find a way to give Master Jiujin some money?"

"Can master Jiujin accept it? She has been busy with our marriage this time, not to mention she is tired, and she must have posted a lot of money."

Da Mao and Sha Gu are also very guilty.

"Pig butcher, how much money will Master Jiujin return to you?"

Aunt Shanghai asked the butcher.

"More than 300."

"Aunt Shanghai, Master Jiujin also refunded me more than 300."

Butcher and Da Mao responded to Aunt Shanghai.

"Those two birthdays, the more than 300 yuan banknotes will also be accepted? Then think about it, this marriage is so lively for Ala, so will the money be enough?"

"That's right, don't even think about it. Our family only spent 5000 yuan each, and the total is only 300 yuan. Master Jiujin refunded you more than 600 yuan, which is equal to more than 4000 yuan. In other words, we only spent more than [-] yuan on this wedding. A little, is it possible?"

Aunt Shanghai and Sha Gu scolded Pig Killer and Da Mao.

"Didn't it mean that the contractor sponsored the vegetable money in friendship? He should..."

"What is he? Is it because you feel uncomfortable in your heart? It's not too late to feel comfortable! Get up early in the morning to apply for a divorce certificate!"

Aunt Shanghai didn't wait for the pig-killer to finish speaking, she went over and grabbed the pig-killer by the ear.

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

The butcher repeatedly begged for mercy.

"What do you mean by not that? Do you want to give money to Master Jiujin?"

Aunt Shanghai is not forgiving.

"I didn't say no, it's just that she didn't know how much she paid for your medical expenses last time? It's been five years since my three-year booth fee, should I give her the price at that time? Or add interest? Is it not easy to give it?"

The pig butcher looked embarrassed.

"If you don't want to give it to me, don't give it to me? Allah sees that I don't want to give it to you!"

Aunt Shanghai walked quickly on her own.

"It's not that I don't want to give it. I just want to wait until later. Aren't we going to buy a new house? I've calculated several times. Sell your current house and my current house, plus our deposit, The money for the small villa in the south of the city is just enough."

The butcher followed closely and explained to Aunt Shanghai.

"Is it just enough?"

Aunt Shanghai slowed down.

"Does it need to be renovated? Our son is about to be born, and there are plenty of places to spend money. Maybe we need to borrow some."

"Oh, let's talk about the banknotes from Master Jiujin."

Aunt Shanghai took the pig butcher's arm and went back to her home.

"I'm happy to put the banknotes in my bag, but I'm not happy to take them out of the bag again."

"What are you feeling so stupidly? We also want to buy a house next. We can't afford a villa, so we have to buy a suite, right? I don't want to live there anymore."

"I must buy it, I must buy it, for my son, for my old mother."

"For this, for that, you won't miss me?"

"You are me, am I not you?"

"When will you, a fool, be able to talk about love?"

"Have fools and fools become smart together, hehe."

"Shanghai Auntie and Pig Killer will be able to buy a villa soon, when will you be able to buy me a suite?"


Da Mao and Sha Gu also went home arm in arm.

(End of this chapter)

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