Chapter 127 Eighteen

Tang Qing returned to normal life the next day, getting up for a run at [-]:[-] on time.

At 05:30 in the morning of early May, the sky is not completely clear, and there is still mist today, and the sky and the earth are hazy.

Tang Qing ran up Lushan Park and ran towards the sika deer statue.

While running, I scolded Shibapi: You son of a bitch, toad, I pity you for not having dinner, and let you fill your stomach first, I didn't expect you to slip away.Don't be caught by me. After I catch you, I will shave your backside and turn it into a big bald head!

Hey, why is there a red fire on the side of the statue?How could there be fire?Probably sunlight.The sun hasn't come out yet, what sunlight?

Whether it's fire or sunlight, run up and have a look.

Tang Qing ran to the statue of the sika deer, took a closer look, and was angry and funny. It turned out that the fire was eighteen pee.

"stand up!"

Tang Qing went over and kicked eighteen urine.


Eighteen Urine turned around and was still lying on the fence next to the statue, sleeping soundly.

"Lord Dragon!"

Tang Qing shouted.

"Ah? Lord Dragon!"

Shiba pissed and sat up.

"Say, why are you so afraid of Master Long?"

Tang Qing asked sharply.

"You, who are you?"

Eighteen Urine rubbed her sleepy eyes and raised her head.

"I am your mother!"

"I C your mother, you are my mother, I will kill you!"

"Can you say that again!"

"Ah? Youth League? Tang Qing? Master Jiujin?"

Eighteen urine opened his eyes wide to see, and was so scared that he rolled from the fence to the bluestone. If Tang Qing hadn't grabbed his ears, he would have rolled down Lutai Mountain and rolled to Shixin Street.

"stand up!"

"I can't get up."

"I called you up!"

"I just can't get up."

"Hehe, dare to be stubborn?"

"I'm not stubborn, I can't get up."

"Haha, it's not peeing again, is it?"

"It's not pee, it's wet with dew."

Tang Qing wanted to get Shiba to urinate, but Shiba refused to do so.

"Well, there's still fog, it's so foggy today."

Tang Qing was deliberately joking, not wanting to make Shiba pee too ugly. After all, he is already in his thirties.

"Yes, I waited for you here all night, and my whole body was wet with dew and mist."

Eighteen urine took the opportunity to stand up, fortunately he was dressed in red, which not only covered the redness on his face, but also covered the wetness underneath.

"You slept here all night? Why don't you go home?"

Tang Qing didn't expect Shibapi to sleep next to the statue all night.

"Didn't you tell me to come here to wait for you? As a result, I didn't wait for you until dawn. Later, I was too sleepy and fell asleep."

Shibapi was full of grievances.

"You still have the nerve to say, I followed you up, but I searched the entire Lushan Park and couldn't find you!"

Tang Qing remembered what happened last night, and the anger rushed to his throat again.

"When I first came up, my stomach was uncomfortable because I ate too much, so I went to the public toilet for a while."

Eighteen urine said while backing away, afraid that Tang Qing's hand would slap him.

"It's really a lazy person who poops a lot!"

"It's not that I pee a lot, it's that I've been looking for a public toilet for a long time."

"Can't you find the public toilet in Lushan Park?"

"Of course I remember the old one, but I didn't expect it to be remodeled and changed places. If Master Long hadn't instructed me, I probably would have pulled my pants down."

"Dragon Lord give you advice?"


"How did you meet Master Long?"

"I was in a hurry to find the toilet. I couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to squat in the corner to solve it. Master Long suddenly appeared in front of me and took me to the public toilet."

"Master Long suddenly appeared in front of you?"

"Well, I was taken aback."

"Back then, you were scared to hold back your shit, right?"

"Well, it took a long time to pull it out after entering the toilet, otherwise I wouldn't miss a date with you."

"What are you talking about? Keep your mouth clean!"

"It took a long time to solve it. The word 'la' is indeed not clean."

"I mean the two words after you?"

"Are there two words behind me? Why don't I know? What are the words? I can't see it without a mirror here, or I'll take off my clothes and have a look."

Eighteen pee to undress.

"Stop playing hooligans in front of me!"

Tang Qing's face was full of anger.

"I, I, I don't have one."

"What did you say you wouldn't miss with me?"

"A date."

"A date with you, a toad!"

Tang Qing slapped Eighteen Urine's big back on the head.

"No, no, didn't you invite me to meet next to the sika deer statue?"

"Can you keep your words straight? A date? Want to have a date with my old lady? The toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"Youth Tuan, we are classmates, not mother-child relationship."

"I'm your old lady, what's the matter? Not convinced?"

"It's not a question of whether you are convinced or not. I have never seen my old lady. Besides, you are not that old. At most, you are older than Li Li."

"Am I old? Am I old? Is Li Li as young as me?"

"You are not old, you are not old, you are my wife."

"Who will be your old lady? My old lady wants to live a few more years!"

"Well, my old lady will live a hundred years and live forever."

"I'm so pissed off, you piss!"

"Master Jiujin, good morning!"

Just when Tang Qing was about to take another shot on the back of Eighteen Piss, an uncle from the neighborhood ran to the statue.

"You are early too!"

Tang Qing waved his outstretched hand in the air a few times before retracting it to his chest.

"Run with me, I have something to ask you."

Tang Qing ran out of Lushan Park.


Eighteen urine followed Tang Qing.

"Let me ask you, did Master Long suddenly appear in front of you last night?"


"Could you stop being 'huh' all the time? Tell me what's so sudden about him?"

"It just appeared in front of me suddenly."

"Be more specific."

"To be more specific, my stomach couldn't bear it at the time, and I couldn't find a public toilet. I was about to poop in a dark corner. Oh, saying 'pull' was not clean, and I was about to squat in a dark corner to solve the problem. ..."

"I'm not asking you to be specific, I'm asking you to describe the sudden appearance of Master Long in a more vivid and specific way."

"Oh, Master Long's appearance at that time was like a flash of lightning. When I opened my eyes and looked up in the dark, he stood in front of me silently and majesticly..."

"Are you a storyteller? Master Long is a master of martial arts?"

"Qing Tuan, Lord Long is a master of masters in my mind."

"Say, why are you so afraid of Master Long?"

"It's not fear, it's respect and admiration."

"Respect? Admiration? Do you know what respect is? What is admiration?"

"Respect means to respect and value, and admiration means to respect and admire. The Chinese teacher taught us in class at that time, and I still remember it."

"Since it's not fear, why did Thirty Nights suddenly disappear?"

"Thirty nights, I didn't disappear suddenly."

"I went to your house after dinner. Your house is pitch black, and General Tie is guarding the door."

"Oh, that's sending my aunt to the hospital."

"Send your aunt to the hospital?"

"Well, my aunt was very happy to see me coming back for the New Year. He got drunk before the New Year's Eve dinner. He had a heart attack and fell in the bathroom when he went to the bathroom. .”

"So it is!"

"My aunt told me not to say anything about what happened at Thirty Night, so as not to be laughed at by the neighbors. So we quietly sent him to the hospital and stayed there for several days."

"Then why didn't you come to me later?"

"I don't dare? How dare I come to you? Maybe you will stomp my big back again, or it will be golden!"

"Am I that fierce?"

"When you are fierce, you are really fierce. Don't you know that when you are studying, your classmates are afraid of you?"

"Hmph, eighteen pee, you can find an excuse. You are heartless, my grandpa saved your life, and you don't come to pay my respects to my grandpa during the Chinese New Year."

"I thought about it, and I also wanted to come and see Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang. I've already bought presents. But as soon as my aunt was discharged from the hospital, our boss Li urged me to go back to work."

"Your boss Li? Which boss Li?"

"Boss Li Zhen! You can't possibly know him, right? He's in the south."

"Boss Li Zhen? Are you in the south?"

Tang Qing stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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