
Chapter 137

Chapter 137
Minglun City.

It was getting late, but the air was still filled with overwhelming rain and fog, and it was gray. If you were a little further away, you couldn't see clearly.

The most uncomfortable thing was that Anne didn't have an umbrella at home, and her thin and tattered clothes couldn't stop the invasion of moisture. She was worried that if she stayed in an open place for too long, she might get sick.

"Sister, don't go, okay?"

The eight-year-old Blaise's body is particularly thin, not as strong as children of the same age.However, he has big blue eyes and yearning for life, with a trace of innocence.

Did not feel the hardships and helplessness of life.

"I can't do it. If this continues, my sister won't be able to hold on. These days, I feel the smoke go straight to my bones, and my whole body is itchy. I heard from Uncle Sante that it is white phosphorus, which is found in the match factory. The environment is too bad, I shouldn't be working so long, look, is my sister ugly now?"

Annie bent down, hugged her younger brother, and smiled.

Her eyes were as bright as jewels, but the flesh around her mouth had rotted and deformed, revealing red gums and white teeth.

The most poignant thing was that her jaw was also crooked, and the bones began to grow diagonally to the left.

Just look at the upper half of the face, it is a girl as beautiful as an angel, and look at the lower half of the face, the evil ghosts crawling out of hell are not so ugly.

"Sister, you are not ugly at all, you are still so good-looking, just as good-looking as your mother."

Blaise hugged his sister, tears streaming down silently.

He has learned a lot of words from his sister these days, and secretly picked up old newspapers and went to the alcoholic owner of the convenience store to learn some reading and writing methods in exchange for listening to him bragging and telling stories.

So, gradually began to understand some truth.

My sister and her group of workers worked twelve or thirteen hours a day in a poisonous gas environment in exchange for a meager salary, which was just enough for the two siblings to live in this city.

Don't dare to leave early, don't dare to be late, even, dare not be a little lazy, you will deduct money.

Last time my sister was very dizzy because of illness, so she went a little late. That day, the siblings were hungry.

Because of working in the environment of white phosphorous fumes for a long time, sister Anne and her group of female workers have had hundreds of people with crooked jaws, exposed gums, and rotten lower cheeks.

However, the factory boss never cared about it. If he moved a little slower, he would beat him severely with a whip.

Blaise felt that the factory owner was as hateful as the Far East devil.

No, it's even crueler than the Far East demons...

"Blize, don't cry, you practice reading and writing, memorize more words, and you will be a promising man in the future."

Annie's voice was still so gentle.

There was a gleam of hope in his eyes.

In Blaise's view, this was the most beautiful face in the world.

"Really, can our life be better? Can I have an extra piece of bread for lunch?" The child's emotions come and go quickly.

He thought about going to the grove in the afternoon to watch Uncle Gretel practice his sword. He heard from Gretel that he had participated in the war in the Far East. Although one leg was crippled, he killed many demons at that time.

'The Far East demon is so hateful, I have to learn my skills and help the temple kill the enemy. '

Blaise secretly clenched his fists, thinking, "Of course, we must make contributions as soon as possible so that my sister will no longer work for that black-hearted boss."

Annie joined the team.

Blaise follows behind...

He thought to himself, maybe, my sister will not have to work for such a long time in the future, and she will have more money to buy bread, so she won't be hungry.

Not far ahead, there is a huge unfinished statue, more than [-] meters high. It depicts a middle-aged man who is refined and elegant, with his hair combed back neatly. It is the statue of Mayor William.

I heard from my sister that the wages that their workers were fined were for the statue of Mr. William.

Blaise gave a sharp "Pooh" at the towering statue, and quickly followed the team, surrounded by crowds of people shouting...

The rain and fog had stopped at some point, and the sun was shining on his body, making him feel a little soft and warm.

Under the radiance of the gods.

Life is full of hope.

"Clap clap clap..."

There was a series of explosions in my ears.



My sister is dead, I can't breathe...


Blaise raised his head and screamed crazily. He saw the pearl on the tip of the temple, still exuding a holy and soft white light.

The statue of Mr. William in the distance is still so majestic.

"This is the kingdom of the gods. If there are demons, please destroy them."

Blaze hugged his sister Annie's body that was getting colder and stiffer, his eyes were blank, and he thought so in his heart.

He thought again, the newspaper he saw at the boss of the alcoholic grocery store, the scary-looking Far East demon... If possible, he also wanted to be such a person.

A bit of golden light floated towards the other side of the ocean.

But Blaise didn't notice it.


The unfinished square statue.

On the high scaffolding, a worker danced wildly and fell down screaming.

Thinking that he was startled by the gunshots, he didn't stand still for a while...

The arms and legs waved, broke the bracket, smashed the bones... Amidst the clattering sound, the whole statue began to slowly tilt and collapse downward.


There was another loud noise.

The crowd below the statue ran wildly and dodged.

But there was still a little girl in a lotus skirt, standing there at a loss as to what had happened.


The huge statue broke from the middle, the head fell, and the shadow fell, completely covering her small figure.


A woman next to her was terrified and screamed.

The shriek was piercing, and before it could reach the end, it suddenly stopped. The woman saw that under the shadow, a person had appeared beside Angel.

A tall man with hair burning like a golden sun.

The man couldn't tell how old he was, he seemed to be in his 60s or 30s, or in his [-]s or [-]s, with gentle and loving eyes.

The heavily smashed granite, which was the size of a round table, fell with the roaring wind, but was gently held up by one of his palms, as if holding up a white feather.

"The gods are above!"

Watching the man swing his arm, he threw the huge stone head of unknown weight more than ten meters away, hitting the ground heavily, breaking it into pieces, and shaking the square slightly again.

The middle-aged woman trembled all over, rushed up a few steps, knelt on the ground, and worshiped devoutly.

"The gods are with you."

The man smiled brightly, picked up the frightened little girl, gently stroked her wavy hair, and handed it to the middle-aged woman, "Take care of it, don't leave it too far away."

"Yes, my lord."

Although the man in front of him was covered in travel dust and his clothes were a bit torn, it was obvious that he had driven a long way.

But the woman didn't dare to underestimate her at all, her eyes were full of awe.

She took the little girl, cried and laughed, and thanked again, and cheers came from all around.

Even the sound of gunfire in the distance came from afar, but no one paid any attention.

"God loves the world. He is everywhere. Even if he sees a little girl die, he is omniscient and omnipotent and can save her."

"Yes, Aunt Siri is a devout believer, and the gods will naturally see what she does."

"An Qier is a blessed little girl, she must be amazing when she grows up."

The people all around praised him.

At this time, a young man with brown hair made a discordant voice: "What kind of god, but a templar, invite people to buy people's hearts, play tricks to fool stupid men and women."

The blond-haired middle-aged man who was walking away suddenly stopped and turned around.

Looking at the brown-haired young man, he smiled: "God loves the world, but also hates the devil. God says, you are guilty."


A blond hair on his head fell without wind and fluttered to his chest.

With a flick of his finger, the strands of hair turned into invisible ripples, passing through the brows of the young brown-haired young man soundlessly.

The sneering smile on the young man's face hadn't completely faded away, and his eyes were darkened, and he fell on his back, without breathing.

The hair broke through his skull, and the burst of power had already shattered the blood vessels and nerves in his brain.

"God loves the world."

The blond middle-aged man stroked his chest with his right hand, bowed gracefully, and did not stop this time.Just a movement of the foot, a few steps out, the figure has disappeared.

Amid the noise and exclamations, no one noticed that he was holding a newspaper in his left hand.

On the page of the newspaper, there was a young man with short black hair and sharp eyes like a knife.The man stepped on his head with a fierce and domineering aura, as if he was looking down on all living beings.


Northwest tundra wasteland.

The cold wind blew like a knife.

Frost and snow rolled up one after another, making people cold to the bone.

However, the men and women here didn't seem to be afraid of the cold, they walked in groups of three and five to the market town.

"Quick, quick, today is the last day Molos escapes from prison, it depends on whether he is executed directly or rushed out of the cage?"

"Do you still need to think about it? That's a monster. I think it's better to have someone shoot him in a cage as soon as possible. Every time I see him, I'm terrified. I'm afraid that this person will rush out."

"What are you rushing for? With such a big steel bar and chains locked tightly, even if he is stronger than a black bear, he can't possibly be able to rush out. Mr. Ivan has 500 people under his command, who have been guarding with weapons all the time. If there is any movement, shoot and focus fire, there is no way to escape."

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I've never seen such a strong fighter as Moros, it's a waste to execute him like this."

There was another person who was mourning beside him.

As soon as he spoke, he saw everyone around him, including men and women, looking at him strangely.

"What's wrong? What did I say wrong?"

"If you knew what Molos did, you wouldn't think so."

"What are you doing?"

"He slaughtered three villages, more than [-] people, and even killed [-] Cossack cavalry with his bare hands. He fled for three days and three nights, embarrassing the Don River Eagle. In the end, he was still hungry. He surrounded the grove by Lake Baiga, burned the trees, and dazzled him with narcotic fumes."

"Tsk tsk..."


There were countless whispers all around.

"Master Sistema, the palace guard, hasn't come here? It's really embarrassing to besiege with guns and release anesthesia smoke."

As soon as these words came out, several strong and strong men all nodded.

This nation is very warlike and has a tough temperament. They are not too afraid of murderers, but they have some respect in their hearts.


"what do you want?"

Moros's voice was hoarse, it sounded as if there were metals rubbing against each other, making the eardrums itchy and very uncomfortable.

"Go to Daqing Kingdom and kill someone. If you can do it, the royal family will not only pardon your crimes, but also hire you as a court instructor and make you a viscount."

The young aristocrat looked confident and calm, and spoke unhurriedly, but with a kind of decisive prestige.

"You are a smart man. If you hadn't been driven to a dead end, you wouldn't have exposed your abilities. Old Ivan was right to regard you as a cash cow, but he didn't understand the truth that soldiers are wealth.

Seeing that you were injured, I wanted to just give up and execute you.It can only be said that his vision was too bad, and his death was not wronged.

Well, that's all for the chat, do you choose to live or die? "

Some choices, in fact, there are no choices.

Moros stared at the two bulky machine guns for a while.

He felt that he could actually break through the chains and steel cages, and if he killed this young man, even if he could be hit by a machine gun, he would not necessarily die immediately. There was still time to kill this group of people.

perish together?

Then why bother...

Polova and Xiao Liya are probably in their hands now, and they didn't bring them here at this time, probably because they wanted to save some face and didn't want to anger themselves, so that the matter would not be discussed.

Moros looked like a two-meter-three beast. In fact, he was not a beast. He thought he was very smart, so he didn't hesitate: "I promise, no matter who it is, he will die."


The outskirts of the Windy City.

Area 32 underground.

There are the strictest protection, the most advanced weapons, and the top experts here.

Under the bright light, within the glass shield, a humanoid creature covered with terrifying and hideous blood-colored sarcoma lay quietly.

Numerous instruments flashed with various numbers, and the curves fluctuated violently. Tubes were connected to the skin of the humanoid creature. Let's call that layer of black and red blood scab the skin.

"It only takes two weeks for the bloodline to change from dominant to recessive. His appearance can be guaranteed to recover, and he can still retain that godlike power."

"Is this technology scalable?"

"It seems impossible."

A young man with glasses smiled wryly.

"This person is very strange. Among his genetic fragments, he is [-]% similar to a lizard. He looks like a person, but he is not. This is a biological miracle. If you want to study the mystery, in a short time, you may No, a large number of specimens are still needed..."

"Have you tested your combat power? Is it really the strongest in the same batch?"

"Yes, and it's much stronger. He alone can deal with a small army. The most powerful thing is that his regenerative ability is extremely strong, and he can't be killed."

The young man with glasses pushed the frame on his nose, his eyes were wild.

"His head and heart were shattered, but they can still grow back. We haven't figured out until now where his thinking system is, and he can still communicate normally."

"Well, it's him. Let him go to Qingguo... If you don't teach them a lesson, it will appear that there is no one in our country, and they are still afraid of a yellow person. Isn't it a joke?"


The Federation of Will, Sealand, Grape, and Trinity have all mobilized.

Not only sent troops, but most importantly, sent powerful fighters.

Zhang Kun's arrogant declaration has completely angered these countries.

The contempt for the Daqing Kingdom and the strong confidence in their own country made these people unable to tolerate the slightest stain in the history of diplomacy.

All are gearing up, and the general will go first to the land of the Far East.

At this time, Ito, the former Prime Minister of Sakura Country, was in a good mood.

Better than ever.


(End of this chapter)

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