
Chapter 138 Ambush

Chapter 138 Ambush

"I can let anyone, but I can't let Qingguo."

Yito's face was all indifferent, he took a sip from the teacup, and sighed with satisfaction: "White Bear, Sealand, and the Federation of Will can compromise. At this time, we must not fight with the White Bear Country, and promise them some unimportant things." The conditions are not too bad. Concentrate all your energy on dealing with Qingguo, and you must beat this tiger to death in one go."

"Adopt a continuous bloodletting policy. The amount of silver on the treaty, together with the interest, must not be less... And, at the fastest speed, with the help of the constitutional union proposal, first digest all those lands. Gradually nibble away, it is best Swallow this piece of land as much as you can without causing civil unrest."

Having said that, Ito's expression became frenzied.

This time he went to the capital of Qingguo, and after receiving the letter, he immediately prepared to leave from Jinmen, and he didn't want to stay for a moment.

However, the words of the temporary guard chief Kengo Yagyu also make sense.

Be careful in everything.

I have sought to respect the king and fight against barbarians all my life, and made great achievements. Now the country is strong, my personal prestige is extremely high, and my name in history is a certainty.

Compared to the past, the Sakura Kingdom is more than ten times and a hundred times stronger.

Even so, Yito is still not satisfied, he wants more, and there are naturally more things to do.

This land used to be extremely powerful, so strong that one's own motherland had to prostrate on the ground to express submission.

For fear that the other party sneezes and drowns their own country.

At that time, Sakura Country was Baodeng's inferiority complex, how weak it was.

We can only humblely work hard to learn all the knowledge of the other party, rob all the resources of the other party, and finally grow stronger little by little.

Finally, the day came when the other party was weak.

If you find the right opportunity and take a bite, it will be enough to make the cherry blossom country flourish for ten or a hundred years.

However, this is not enough.

If you eat more, you will become stronger faster, and even that small island country will one day become the world's top power and rule over all nations.

"Sir, it's a bit too urgent to do this. If it's a bad one, the gain will outweigh the loss... The country needs you."

On the opposite side, a middle-aged man in a toga standing like a green pine, did not drink tea, but looked at the vast bamboo forest, and said with a sigh.

"I know, this trip is like picking chestnuts out of the fire. It's a bit risky. But isn't Master Yagyu with you, and the Iga ninja from Hattori Shinyoshi. This trip is at best a risk-free trip. Qingguo is now in a state of disunity. Even if there are one or two masters who can't help but fight, under your guard, they are courting death."

Itou has a basis for saying so.

If you don't convince the Ministry of Xinyi, the Jnin, who has gained the essence of the Five Elements of Fire, and has strange and powerful methods, it is said that he has the five major Jnin of gold, wood, water, soil, and 30 Jnin dead warriors.

Together, these people are comparable to an elite army.

The most formidable one is the sword hero Liu Sheng in front of him.

Yagyu Swordsman's real name is Yagyu Hiromitsu. He was born in the famous "Tengu Clan".

At the age of 32, he became famous for beheading the master-level giant Miyamoto Nagano.

Yagyu Hongguang was not originally called Hongguang, but his name was Yagyu Shisanlang. He wanted to rejuvenate his family and achieve unprecedented achievements, so he changed his name to Hongguang, with the meaning of recovering his favor.

After that, he tried his sword in the world, and finally became one of Sakura's three lifeless swordsmen. The world recognized his reputation and would not challenge him anymore.

41 years old, Yagyu Hiromitsu, has become a well-known master-level swordsman at this time.

Moreover, traveling around the world and visiting major shrines, it is rumored that he can communicate with Gao Tianyuan.

At this time, Liu Sheng Hongguang has reached the extreme in swordsmanship. He wants to seek the way of heaven and man, break through his own limit again, and it is meaningless to stay in the country.

This time I came to Qing Country, partly to protect Prime Minister Ito who is respected by the people of Sakura Country, partly because I want to get inspiration from the slaughter, break through in one fell swoop, and enter an indescribably strange realm.

With Yagyu Hiromitsu, the great swordsman by his side, Ito didn't have the slightest worry at all. He thought in his heart that if he succeeds this time, the development of Sakura Kingdom will be accelerated by 20 years. Even the White Bear Kingdom can't stop this rise. momentum.

The excitement is imminent, how could he hold back his excitement.

"Governor Wang of Zhili has just arrived, and his attitude is not clear, so there is no need to worry too much...Admiral Rong, did you notice it? This man is talented, so we need to prevent him from destroying the union and act first."

"It's good to fight internally, it's better to fight to the death."

Yito chuckled lightly, full of ambition, only felt that everything was under control.

"Bringing it to fight internally, you can relax and wait for work, strengthen yourself, and when the opportunity comes in the future, you can go down with one drum."

"Successful reform is of course better. Naturally, you can use the power of reform to subtly influence people's hearts. At that time, this huge land will be full of cherry blossoms. Wouldn't it be wonderful to win without fighting?"

This kind of operation of giving the enemy a handle, even if Yito has been used to storms all his life, still feels a little unbelievable.

The various practices of Daqing Kingdom have already broken through the limit of their own imagination.

He couldn't imagine that there was such a stupid country and such stupid people in the world.

Unexpectedly, there will be a feeling of invincibility at the wrong time.


"Respond to him a word, just say be safe and don't be impatient, just wait patiently."

Zhang Kun rejected the little eunuch in the palace with one word.

This is the third time in three days that Emperor Guangxu asked for advice.

Zhang Kun understands this anxiety and fear of death, but he is not prepared to spoil him.

He received the official position of this first-class bodyguard and Xiaoqi for the convenience of entering the palace or handling affairs.

And he wanted to do some practical and important things as the emperor of the other party.

It's not that he really wants to work for the barbarian court.

Therefore, even though Emperor Guangxu asked for advice sincerely at the time, he did not hesitate to speak shamelessly.

Afterwards, he still regarded himself as the emperor and didn't put himself in the right position...

Then let him hang out for a few days.

At this time, nothing is more important than the accumulation of dragon energy points.

He could faintly feel that the former Prime Minister of Sakura Country, Ito, was not kind, and he might not be so easy to kill.

I don't have an army in my hands, and it is inevitable that I will be a little stretched to do things with the manpower of Yuanshun Escort Bureau.Therefore, I had to do more preparations.

Three days later, although the results of the medical center's treatment are not very good, they also have two more dragon spirits.

Contributed by a dying 50-year-old and an 11-year-old who has just regained his sanity.

The old man has worked hard for many years and has become sick from overwork, so there is nothing to say, half of it is for support, and the other half is for compensation.

This kind of disease is actually not difficult for Zhang Kun. What is difficult is that the other party has worked so hard. Even if he is cured, he still has to work for his boss.

What difference does it make if the illness on the body is cured or not?

At this time, Zhang Kun would always sigh.

He feels that as long as this era does not change, the rich will still lie on the poor to suck blood, and some diseases will never be cured by law.

Even if I have practiced perfect medical skills, it is still useless to be called a miracle doctor.

It's useless.

On this day when the old man was refreshed, he still contributed a little bit of dragon energy...

Seeing the old man staggering away and preparing to devote himself to endless labor, Zhang Kun didn't speak for a long time, and even the joy of gaining dragon energy faded a bit.

Another 11-year-old kid is not poor, but rich.

Whether rich or poor, since they have already arrived at the hospital and the children are very innocent, Zhang Kun is of course not good at driving them out.

The child's tenth birthday has passed, but he only has the IQ of a two-year-old child, not too far from a fool.

This case is the most test of Zhang Kun's medical skills, so that girl Li Xiaowan stopped what she was doing and carefully watched Zhang Kun prescribe medicine with needles.

After taking three doses of prescription medicine, it took two and a half days. The child's mind has become clearer, he will try to learn something, he will try to call others, he will speak some orderly words, and he has a basic understanding of himself and the environment. above cognition.

Adding these two points of dragon energy, and two points of dragon energy floating from overseas, Zhang Kun now has 5 points of dragon energy.

You can also increase your physical fitness to recover from injuries.

My heart is more stable.

Whether you dare to fight the world or not, you still need to be cautious.

"Blood Brave" is not brainless.

He didn't think that he was safe in the capital.

Not to mention what kind of power is hidden in the deep palace.

For example, the admiral of the Nine Gates had 17 cavalry, and the three major battalions in the suburbs of the capital had [-] soldiers. These forces were all in the hands of the old woman in Yixi Palace.

I was really in a hurry, the army was dispatched, and I was covered in iron, how many nails could I get?

You can't fight hard with the army, so what if you kill them softly?
As long as the general situation remains the same, killing hundreds or thousands of soldiers is meaningless to some superiors.

Soldiers die and recruit again.


This morning, Zhang Kun finally got the news.

A message was sent from the palace that Yito and his party had already entered the capital and were waiting in the Akiyama Hall at noon.

Zhang Kun was overjoyed.

finally come.

He silently fastened the scabbard of the long knife, with the handle at the most convenient position for him, and put two revolvers in his waist, oiled them, checked them, and prepared the bullets.

Wang Jingya followed in silently, like a thief.

"I also need to go."

This person's physique has to be said to be extremely strong after all, with Zhang Kun's perfect level of medical skills in acupuncture, plus the effect of the two boiling blood pills given by Li Xiaowan.

Her right arm bone has grown.

Even, early this morning, Zhang Kun was asked to practice against her for a round, and the fight was hearty and hearty.

Looking at Wang Jingya's right arm a few more times, Zhang Kun still felt that the other's body might be weird.

The potential is deep, almost endless.

"No, it seems to have lost weight."

With Zhang Kun's keen perception, he suddenly found something different.

He found that the flesh on Wang Jingya's arms and thighs had become insignificantly smaller.

"It's thinner, I think so too, after the morning exercise today, I took a ruler to measure it, and it's so much smaller..."

See where Zhang Kun's eyes are staring.

Wang Jingya laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She used two fingers to draw a gap as wide as a cotton thread.It seems to be proving that I have lost a lot, a lot...

"Yes, I did lose a lot of weight." The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth twitched heavily, "Then keep on practicing, and one day, I will be able to develop a figure like Li Xiaowan's."

"Really? Zhang Kun, you also think I can practice it... Don't fool me, I said I will go too."

Wang Jingya's smiling face suddenly collapsed: "Xiao Wan is a child, but I'm not... If it was the past, there was no way for you to go on adventures and fight alone.

But now that I'm already a master of Yijin, I can use it to some extent, and then hide aside, watching Daddy, watching you so desperately, but I can no longer hide behind with peace of mind. "

"But you are a woman..."

As soon as Zhang Kun was about to say a word, he felt something was wrong. Wang Jingya's eyebrows were already erected, and a huge fist was forming above the sky.

"You are a heroine, who dares to underestimate you? Come if you want, I won't take care of you then."

"You don't need to take care of it, your head is off, and you have a big scar. Even if you lose, you can still kill a few more devils, and you won't lose money."

One moment, classmate Wang Xiaoya was still in the air, but the next moment, she showed her true nature.

"Didn't you say it last time? In actual combat, use the spirit of killing blood to stimulate your own potential and martial arts. There is great terror between life and death, and you can also unite your mind and make progress faster."

Co-authoring this is still my pot.

Saying this to a martial idiot, I'm out of my mind.

Zhang Kun smiled depressedly, but it was hard to stop Wang Jingya...

She is actually considered a master, and she has to practice a few times.

Otherwise, it might be even more dangerous if you become a flower in the greenhouse and encounter an inescapable battle.

Coincidentally, the other three members of Yuanshun Escort Bureau's five escorts all rushed back.

This time, except for Hong Huatong, the head of the security guard of the middle road and his father Wu Yixue, who had not fully recovered from his injuries and could not do anything, Gao Zhengming, the "whirlwind knife" of the security guard of the north road; There is also Li Yutang, the "Sword of No Return" on the East Road, all of whom can be dispatched.

In addition, Wang Wu, the head of the bodyguard who was still in the palace, protecting the emperor and competing with the eight hundred elite soldiers.

In the capital city at this time, Yuanshun Escort Bureau was considered to be the strongest.

Zhang Kun didn't say much about the Escort Bureau.

After all, both sides are unhappy.

Moreover, there are still many people who have a close relationship with Li Zhongtang, so of course they cannot reveal their true purpose.

He wants to find helpers, but he will not find those people's heads.

In fact, apart from the few people he met in the palace that day, Zhang Kun didn't tell anyone about his real purpose.

Because Wang Jingya needs to mobilize the manpower of Yuanshun Escort, it is not easy to hide it from her.

It's just a reminder, don't tell the people in the bodyguard agency about your real plan.All he said was that he was going to do something that was a matter of life and death.

As for the specific time to do it, Zhang Kun didn't even tell Tan Weixin, just in case.

It's not that they don't believe in Tan Weixin, but that there are a lot of reformers and they have their own plans. Once Tan Weixin looks a little bit wrong, those old foxes are likely to spot it.

In case, someone notified Sakura Country Ito and his party, the matter would be ruined.


At the end of time.

The sun in the mid-air was miserable white, and with the cool wind blowing, a dark cloud had already covered the top of the head at some point, making people feel a bit chilly for no reason.

Zhang Kun was riding a big horse, with the official hat on his head pressed down so low that he couldn't see his face clearly.

This time he specially put on the official uniform of the third-rank Xiaoqi, so that he would not look too eye-catching.

Similarly, there is Da Dao Wang Wu who dresses up as an official.

Behind him were more than ten military officers and bodyguards, Li Huaiyi and Gong Baosen were naturally among them.

As for the imperial guard army, of course it is not easy to bring along...

One is because the guards of the forbidden army have not yet practiced well and are not easy to command.

If you really encounter a complicated situation, you may be delayed.

The other one is that it is not easy to explain when you come to the Qiushan Guild Hall to meet with the reformists to discuss important matters with the army.

In case the person in the West Palace gets the news, the admiral of the Nine Gates, Rong Lu, mobilizes troops... 4 people will rush forward and blockade the city, let alone succeed in this battle, if not done, even the emperor will be very unsafe.

A good hand in hand is likely to be completely broken.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Just after entering the Qiushan Guild Hall, Kang Beihai and the others quickly turned their heads and bowed, shouting long live three times.

"Okay, don't gossip, where is Yito Hirobumi, I can't wait to see him."

At this time, although Emperor Guangxu was very nervous and his face turned pale, his voice was still calm.

Nothing was wrong.

He stretched out his hand to help, and made Kang Beihai, Liang Shaofu, Tan Weixin and other reformist officials stand up and walk towards the lobby.

Zhang Kun half-pressed his chin, took two quick steps, looked from under the brim of his hat, and saw a person standing with his hands behind his back in the center of the hall, looking at the picture of an eagle spreading its wings hanging in the middle hall.

While looking at this calligraphy, he also nodded and sighed softly.

This man was short in stature, dressed in a suit, with a short beard and small eyes, making him look very inconspicuous.However, just standing there, there is a strange bearing.

It is a kind of official authority developed by living in a high position for a long time.

During this period of time, Zhang Kun met many officials of the Qing Dynasty, including high officials and small officials, and even the emperor, so he was no stranger to this kind of temperament.

But he was not sure if this person was Itou Hirobumi.

Because, there is another person who attracts more attention than him.

The man turned his back to this side, wearing a loose robe with a long sword hilt protruding from his waist. He poured tea leisurely without turning his head.

On his body, there is a kind of unhurried, light and comfortable beauty.

It seemed that as soon as he saw this person's figure and his movement of pouring tea, all the vulgarity disappeared, and he even didn't want to disturb the other party's movements.


It's a state of mind.

Although Zhang Kun hadn't felt it, but just saw it, he understood the inner mystery.

Just looking at it, all the murderous intentions disappear, it seems that everything is not lingering in my heart, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural...

Apart from these two people, there is no third person in sight.

Zhang Kun clearly sensed that there are not only three people here, but there are many of them.

He moved his eyes slightly, scanning the room.

Before he found out where the other party was hiding, he heard the middle-aged man who was pouring the tea, making a slight movement of pouring the tea, and the teacup in his hand had already been shattered into thousands of pieces.

I don't see him doing anything...

The white light flickered slightly, and the fragments roared fiercely and rushed towards the sky.

Another shout was heard in the ear, "There is an ambush, stop the rear."

The man in the long robe with the sword yelled out, and his movements were extremely fast... Just by reaching out, he pulled the middle-aged man in the suit, the light flashed in front of him, and he had already made a sword.

A huge hole had already been blasted in the brick-wood mixed partition wall, and the two of them walked out through it.

at the same time.

From the ground, from the pillars, from the corner of the house, and from the tent, many shadows in black flashed.

Some flowed like water, some exploded like fire, some suddenly appeared from the pillars, and some leaned out from the floor.


As soon as these people appeared, they jumped like grasshoppers and moved as swiftly as the wind.

The shots were weird and flexible, and waves of shurikens came roaring.

Even with the fragments of the porcelain bowl, the front foot was connected to the back foot.

Hit consecutively.


Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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