
Chapter 139 Secret Hands

Chapter 139 Secret Hands
Become hasty.

Emperor Guangxu's complexion turned pale with a bang.

An exclamation was still brewing in his throat.

Unprepared Kang Beihai, Liang Shaofu and others all screamed.

Although these people keep saying that warriors are nothing to be afraid of, they can't do anything.

However, in the face of swords and swords, it is all chilling.

In particular, the scene in front of me happened so fast that people were completely unprepared, and the fight started as soon as they said it.

It's too nerve-racking.

As soon as the screams came to his ears, Li Huaiyi and Gong Baosen held their sabers and sticks together, and their figures shot forward, dancing into a ball of light and shadow in front of everyone, and the wind howled fiercely.

Block all hidden weapons from rebounding.

The Great Swordsman Wu seems to be connected with them.

When the two of them rushed forward, they slashed the silk and cut the rope behind them, woo...

The water-like saber light rumbled forward and slashed forward, even the tables, chairs, corridor pillars, and the three black-clothed ninjas leaping like lightning not far away, all cut in two.

[Spring and Autumn Knife, cut violently. ]
At the same time, he yelled, "Chasing the enemy, we can't let Ito escape, I'm here..."

Although about twenty or thirty black-clothed ninjas popped out of the hall on the third floor of the Akiyama Guild Hall, and there was even a faint red light on his body, which exploded fiercely with a knife, Wang Wu still saw through the situation in front of him at a glance.

The other party's swordsman in robes said something right.

That is "after the break".

All ninjas, risking their lives for the impact, are like moths to a flame, not for the sake of producing many battle results.

It's for breaking the rear, and for Yito to escape further.

It has to be said that this group of Sakura warriors have extremely high tactical literacy, and they have responded in an instant, and within half a second, they have executed perfectly.

Life and death are not considered, and the obedience to orders is remarkable.

Even though he was an enemy, Wang Wu couldn't help admiring in his heart, the colder his gaze, the brighter the blade light.

When he opened his mouth to shout, he suddenly realized that Zhang Kun could not be seen.Looking up in astonishment, he saw the window sill in the far corner of the hall bursting into pieces... In a straight line ahead, four black-clothed ninjas stopped in place when the window shattered, their upper bodies slanted down.


Blood splashed all over the ground.

"So fast."

The five eyelids of Da Dao Wang twitched wildly, and his heart was shocked.

If the swordsman in the cherry blossom robe saw something bad and ran away immediately, he didn't even make a tentative move.This is already an extraordinary induction, and the response is extremely fast.
But Zhang Kun is faster...

The other party had just split the wooden wall, passed through the third floor, jumped up in the air and hadn't landed yet.He had already killed four people in a row and chased them out through the window.

The three figures had already chased after him in the blink of an eye.

Only three feet apart.

Zhang Kun was in mid-air, a few feet above the ground, his right hand drew the knife to gain momentum, and his left hand pulled out a jet-black revolver from his waist.

clap clap clap...

Six shots in a row.

The gun aimed at Ito who fell to the ground and fled.

Lock his head, throat, chest...

He was extremely fast at this time, and he couldn't see the shadow when he shot.

From touching the gun to firing the gun, the whole set of actions was completed within one tenth of a second.

The bullets almost formed an arc, making Yito unable to react at all.

Even, he was only halfway through the movement of throwing himself on the ground, and his body was slightly tilted.


At the same time as the gunshots sounded.

Seeing that Yito was about to be shot and hated.

In front of him appeared six sharp and bright saber lights that criss-crossed.

Six fires appeared almost simultaneously, splashing a little spark.

Amidst the chirping sound from all sides, there were bullets that had been cut in half and rolled to the ground.

"That's Hawkeye, chasing light knife skills, be careful with his sharp knife."

Dao Wang Wu had seen some cherry blossom swordsmanship on the battlefield, and he had just jumped out of the third floor at this time, chasing the ninja who was glowing red all over, and he didn't forget to sound a reminder.

In fact, it doesn't need him to say much, Zhang Kun's agility has reached an astonishing 138 points, which is much higher than the 105 points of his physique.

The attributes of the body have been somewhat out of balance.

With such high agility, his dynamic vision is extremely strong, and he has already seen clearly what happened the moment he just shot.

The cherry blossom swordsman in robes, his eyes are shining, and his movements are not very large.

The moment the bullet was ejected, he had already made a wrong step and swung the knife.

The fingers are seduced and entangled, the wrist is moved, and in an instant, six knives are slashed...

The angle of the knife is different, the momentum of the knife is continuous, and the power is not exhausted.

When the blade bounced with force, it cut off the six bullets at almost the same time.

Be it eyesight, knife speed, or even judgment and precision, they all reached an astonishing limit.

As a result, the sword light formed a thin silk screen in the air, blocking the front, allowing Hirobumi Yito to retreat safely without any harm.

"Sakura country, there are such swordsmen, not bad." '

Zhang Kun turned this thought in his mind, and a bright white appeared in his eyes, but it was the opponent who reflected the sunlight with the blade and stabbed his eyes.

At the same time, he sensed a gust of wind.

There is a cool breeze hitting the body, and the chill hits the face.

"Good swordsmanship."

Zhang Kun sighed in admiration, and his murderous intent became even more intense.

The robed swordsman looked calm and indifferent, completely inconspicuous.

However, Luck's long sword is full of tricks and changes, and it is almost to the extreme.

This knife covered the eyes with the sun, and even the man and the knife melted into the wind, without making a sound, the speed of the knife was too fast to be seen.

It is worthy of the name of "chasing light".

At the same time as the three words were spoken, Zhang Kun's body shape changed continuously, he stepped on the gossip, and the long knife in his hand sparked countless sparks.

A single spark started a prairie fire.

The two knives turned and rolled, and two figures, one blue and one gray, came and went suddenly, pounced wildly.

The figures were entangled, the lights of the knives were intertwined, and there was a whistling sound.


With a muffled sound.

Zhang Kun slipped under his feet and bumped backwards.

On the long street, a long black mark stretched out.

There was a long slit in his chest clothes, revealing a baby-like white skin with a knife mark, which was already bleeding.

However, it was just bleeding from the broken skin.

He looked down and grinned: "Following Light Saber Technique, the name is quite loud, but it doesn't seem to be very fast..."

The opponent's knife is extremely sharp, and under the blessing of extreme speed, the wind of the knife can cut through the human body.

Not to mention the cold blade, just touching the skin, there is a feeling of tearing the two halves.

Even the Golden Bell Shield of the Thirteenth Taibao's horizontal training can't completely block it.

actually injured.

However, the opponent was more seriously injured.

The cherry blossom swordsman in the gray robe cut eighteen knives in a row, and finally took the risk of exchanging knives for knives, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Like an electric shock, he backed away with a whoosh.

When he stood firmly again, there were already traces of sweat on his forehead, obviously due to excessive mental exertion, and those sharp eagle eyes were also slightly tired.

On his left waist, a knife mark penetrated three inches into the flesh, about a foot long, and blood was dripping.

"It turns out that you are practicing horizontally with a golden body, and you can't break it with a knife. Qingguo has such a master. I have never heard of your name?"

The gray-robed cherry blossom swordsman looked startled, and said in a deep voice: "Remember my name, my name is Liusheng Hongguang. This sword was originally nameless. Because the sword is born without life, it is called Ghost Blade, also known as Killing Sword..."

In the past, when I met some masters, even if their tricks were exquisite, they were always inferior to me in terms of speed.

Even Nagano Miyamoto, the master swordsman who was the first to kill at the beginning, even though his swordsmanship was in the Tao, could lead to violent winds and heavy rains... Wasn't it because of his own chasing swordsmanship, he was sweating profusely, and finally coped at a loss and missed a knife , also lost his life.

However, the swordsman in front of him who doesn't look too old can catch up with his own light-following swordsmanship, even slightly faster.

This is also the reason why the knife wound on his waist was more serious, while the opponent's knife wound was only shallow enough to break a layer of skin.

It's not entirely because the horizontal practice technique is too strong to be cut with a knife.

He even suspected that even if the opponent didn't practice the golden bell shield horizontally, he could only cut half an inch at most with this knife, and he would be forced to retreat and dare not advance again.

It is dangerous to fight against the knife, and grab the first opportunity everywhere.

Whoever is one step faster and one step ahead can kill the opponent without dying himself.

This kind of ferocious style of play is naturally unnecessary when facing an opponent with a huge gap.

Because the opponent can't react at all.

It was already too late by the time he realized that he had been stabbed.

Facing masters of the same level, it is natural to fight for the first line. If you walk on the blade, you will lose your life if you are not careful. You must not use old tricks.

"Your sword technique is also good. The knife cuts bullets, the speed of the knife is so fast that you can't see the shadow clearly, and you can keep your center of gravity. The precision of your force can be said to be honed. Such a warrior can appear in a mere small island country, and it is beyond me. Unexpected."

Zhang Kun smiled and replied lightly.

"However, you don't need to ask for my name. A dead person doesn't need to know my name."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Kun stepped down, his body turned into a faint blue smoke, and a long series of phantoms came out behind him.

Before the image disappeared, the figure had already arrived in front of the swordsman who called himself Hiroyoshi Yagyu.

The light of the knife is like a sea tide, whistling like thunder...

Slashing, stabbing and cutting, one person with one sword, cut out the momentum of big waves.

This time, Yagyu Hiromitsu only took three stabs, and found that his arm felt sore, numb and painful, and it was difficult to handle the knife.

The opponent's knife is heavier than the other, layer upon layer, and the light of the knife is endless.

Not only is the speed extremely fast, but also the strength of the knife is extremely strong.

'He was able to train both strength and speed to the top level. '

When Yagyu Hiroyoshi thought of this, he roared.

"Moon Stepping Slash..."

Zhang Kun sneered, each of these names became louder than the last, even if it was Breaking the Sun, he would never want to withdraw his sword, and vowed not to return the sword if he did not kill the enemy.

He could see it.

When Hirofumi Yito entered Beijing, it was not because he was so bold as to be fearless, but because he believed that he was accompanied by a master, and even ambush elite soldiers, so he was not worried about accidents.

I just think that it will be of great benefit to the Sakura Kingdom to negotiate the matter of the union and carry out the reform according to my own ideas.

But it never occurred to him that a tiger hurts people, and a person has a tiger's heart.

Yito's plan is to change people's hearts by subtle influence in the future.

But he didn't know that what others planned was his life.

The situation in front of me is very clear.

If you want to kill Yito, you must first kill Hiroyoshi Yagyu who is beside him.

With martial arts cultivated to this point, ordinary sneak attacks and plots are basically useless.

Just imagine, under the concentration of the spirit, the pores of the whole body open and close, sense the four directions, understand all changes, and make lightning strikes at any time.

Even the attack of pistol bullets can be reacted and cut with the blade.

What's the use of a mere sneak attack.

Just relying on spiritual sense can block it.

Judging by Yagyu Hiromitsu's posture, he doesn't look like someone who would give up Yito and run away alone...

Therefore, the only way to be perfect is to directly defeat him, behead him, and then cut off Yito's head in a dignified manner.

Zhang Kun's heart was full of killing intent, but he was not impatient at all.

Dao Guangyi was as heavy as a mountain and as the sea, and the saber became stronger and stronger, and its power was getting stronger and stronger, until Liu Sheng Hongguang couldn't breathe.

The feet are already retreating steadily.

Suddenly, Liu Sheng Hongguang yelled "Stepping on the Moon" and his momentum was the same for a moment. Zhang Kun thought that this guy was going to make a big move and counterattack...but he saw the opponent's figure suddenly fainted, and he stepped into the air beside him with one step , his figure was shot backward like a shooting star, and he had already shot seven or eight zhang away.

As fast as a sharp arrow.

The most powerful thing is that this person's figure is fast and light.

Moreover, he had calculated the escape route, grabbed Yito's arm, and his figure did not stop at all, rising and falling suddenly, stepping on the eaves, crossing the ridge of the room...

Qiushan Guild Hall is not far from the Yongding Gate of the outer city, just a few ups and downs, and it arrives at the gate of the city.

He was also very clear about the other party's plan. It was desperate to escape from the city and into the mountains.

For fear of falling into the city and being blocked by people, it will be difficult to escape at that time.

"Compared to body speed, this is also my strong point."

Zhang Kun laughed.

The footsteps accelerated suddenly, like light smoke, tightly engulfing behind him.

Winding and changing, there is no body under the feet, the light of the knife is still piercing the wind, and when chasing, he does not forget the fierceness of the knife.

Yito, who had always been calm, hadn't changed color even though the bullet was cut in front of him before, finally frowned urgently, and a trace of anxiety was rarely seen in his eyes.

There was nothing he could do about the situation.

Let you make thousands of schemes and strategies, and the opponent will only cut you with a single blow, but it will be impossible to escape or hide.

When he came, he thought carefully, thinking that with so many masters around him, especially the protection of Hiromitsu Yagyu, one of the three famous sword sects in the Sakura Kingdom, no matter how dangerous the situation was, there would be no problem.

What's more, deep down in his heart, he really didn't feel that there was any danger in coming to Daqing Country.

In his impression, the Daqing Kingdom was a joke, the military strength was extremely weak, and the officials were extremely timid.

As long as there is a headwind, it will collapse immediately.

From the bottom to the top, they are all fierce and timid. As long as they are frightened, they will obediently offer up Huahua Jiangshan and a large amount of money.

This kind of court, this kind of official, does he need to worry?
Even if it's their queen mother, their emperor, don't they still face themselves cautiously, dare not show any disrespect?

This is what Ito thought. Just a moment ago, he even remembered the relieved smiles on the faces of those officials when the treaty was signed.

That can cede a lot of land, and the compensation is 5000 million taels of silver, how can you laugh.

It was also at that moment that Yito began to think that these people in this country are not worthy of control, as long as they are handled properly, I can take them over.

Ideas never change fast.

Ito didn't know what happened.

I also don't understand why there is such a dangerous killing situation when the emperor of Qingguo wants to ask him for help in reform matters.

What went wrong?
He didn't understand.

But he knows what to do to get rid of the pursuit of death.

From far and near, many people have rushed to the street, all watching this scene inexplicably.

Some people ran away in panic, while others hid in a hurry.

There are also some people who have no sense of danger at all, but just stare blankly, blocking the road.

Of course, what's even more strange is that there are still some people who hold knives and guns. It seems strange, but they don't step forward to intervene.

He also found something.

This young swordsman chasing after him like a ghost like a god, and the strong fighters who chased him furiously behind him, will try their best to avoid the running crowd, and sometimes they would rather slow down a few steps, or It will block hidden weapons shot by ninjas.

"Leave them alone and kill civilians."

Yito's eyes lit up, and he suddenly opened his mouth to drink loudly.

This was said to Zhang Kun, who was not letting go, of course, nor to Yagyu Hiromitsu, but to Hattori Nobuyoshi, who rushed forward to cover and broke the back, and fought fiercely with the Great Sword King Wu.

You said that after you broke up, you missed such a powerful swordsman... Even yourself was entangled and couldn't get away. It really lost face to the Hattori family.

These Iga ninjas are very skilled in assassination, with a variety of methods, and they are hard to guard against.However, today they did not see their prestige.


He heard the shout from far away from Ito's direction.

Hattori Nobuyoshi shouted wildly, and with a flash of his body, countless fiery red figures rushed towards all directions.

At the same time, the five-element ninjas under him also let out a shriek, like exploding fireworks, each of them rushed towards the crowd around them, causing waves of blood with their knives and swords.

Moreover, among the crowd, there were some ordinary-looking, honest-looking peasant men who suddenly drew their weapons from their ribs and madly killed the people around them. There was a sudden chaos at the gate of Yongding.

There were shouts of killing everywhere.

'He even hid his dark hands. '

Zhang Kun swung his sword like the wind, and cut two more swords on Liu Shenghongyi's body, but found that the opponent was extremely resilient, as if the wound had grown on someone else's body. scored three points.

What's more, while the opponent is defending with swords and knives, there is also a strange cold power faintly, like a dam building, accumulating water flow, and it will not be released.

"Whirlwind, life-threatening, no return, don't hide, stop and kill with all your strength, leave no one behind."

Zhang Kun's sword is continuous, his figure is like a dragon walking through the sky, stepping on the gossip, the light of the sword turns into a vine growing, moving forward and backward, left and right, firmly blocking the original ground, suddenly shouted.

This was before he was preparing to act, he had already notified most of the Yuanshun Escort Bureau's manpower, and ambushed in all directions, in fact, it was to guard against the other party's move.

(End of this chapter)

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