
Chapter 178 Nine Mysterious Hearts, Breaking through the City Alone

Chapter 178 Nine Profound Heart Eyes, Breaking through the City Alone

"When the body is gone, the soul is gone."

"If it is said that Qi and Blood Martial Arts, right up to refining and refining Qi and developing orifices, is the way to open up the fleshy shell, then the Taiping Qing Lingshu is the way to focus on the spirit and cultivate the unity of heaven and man."

With the burning of the dragon energy, Zhang Kun's eyes were in a trance, as if he had become a little Taoist boy, who followed his master to stick to the Taoist temple and lived a difficult life.

One day, I got Huang Ting's remnants, felt the hardships of all beings in the world, and realized the essence of the chaos of the seven emotions.

So, after the old Taoist priest passed away, he packed up his luggage, went down the mountain resolutely, applied talisman water, healed the sick, taught martial arts, and confronted the government...began the great journey of preaching everywhere and rebuilding the kingdom of heaven.

Of course this is not the way to go.

During the process of preaching, he has been fighting against the government, escaped from death countless times, and won the title of Immortal Master Yu Ji.

At the same time, in the course of experience, I wrote out the Taiping Qing Lingshu one by one, and perfected several secret methods.

The memory fragments are like light and shadow, imprinted into Zhang Kun's mind little by little.

What I thought in the past gradually turned into illusion...

There is only one Tianxin Jue left, which points directly to the Dao.

The three essential mystical methods, self-defense and life-saving.

After extracting several powerful methods, Zhang Kun consciously allocated dragon energy points, accelerated his practice, and improved directly.

The first level of Tianxin Jue is three levels, the first level is calming the mind, each level costs 32 points of dragon energy, and a total of 96 points of dragon energy are spent to directly improve the perfection. This is the foundation, directly improving the spiritual power and strengthening the soul.

He felt his mind, from impetuous to restless, to deep samadhi, and then to unbreakable samadhi, everything moves but the heart does not move.

Breathing follows a rhythm of heaven and earth, and the mental power is increasing little by little, and the speed is much faster than simply reciting the Huang Ting Jing.

When he burned another 64 points of dragon energy, there was a bang, and there seemed to be a strange cracking sound in his mind. His spirit seemed to reach another level, and his thinking speed increased tenfold...

Countless information, countless mysteries of the world, opened a window in front of my eyes.

Tianxin Jue has quietly broken through the second layer, the Fetal Breathing Realm.

Thoughts seem to exist or not, and they vibrate with the ground under the feet and the void above the head together with the breath, becoming extremely distant and long-lasting.

This is the breath of the spirit, like the fetus of heaven and earth, it can sense together with the spirit and mind, and absorb nutrients.

"The improvement of spiritual power is so intoxicating. At this time, I can truly feel how inseparable the spirit and body are."

After quietly raising his mental strength to 206, Zhang Kun felt that the world was like washing with water, and everything was more alive, so that he had another understanding of his skin, bone, blood, and qi generated in his body. , more precise and more casual control.

The combat power is invisible, and it is also much stronger.

However, the mental power is strong, but compared with Yu Ji who has been practicing all his life, it is still not a star and a half, after all, he specializes in practicing this.

Zuo Ci's reputation is still higher than that of Ji, and his mental strength is definitely not bad, and even stronger.

In Zhang Kun's view, the person who can play with the princes of the world must have at least five hundred mental powers, or even more.

If you only rely on mental power to fight against the enemy, even if you put all your dragon energy points into the improvement of mental power, you may not be able to break the opponent's incomparable Dunjia Tianshu.

Therefore, after the mental power was increased to above 200 and he was able to use most of the spells, Zhang Kun put his mind on the newly introduced three secret methods of body protection.

Calling the wind and calling the rain, the original intention of this secret technique was to play tricks and attract followers.In other words, it is for the common people to get a bumper harvest from farming and to deal with drought. It has to act according to changes in the sky, and it cannot be created out of nothing.

At least, at the level that Yuji has practiced, he can't directly summon wind, rain and thunder. It needs the cooperation of celestial phenomena and air mechanism, and he is a little weak in killing enemies and saving his life.

Unless you practice to perfection, you may be able to show the power of Thunder and Heaven if you deduce it a few times later.

However, Zhang Kun obviously didn't have this resource, and he didn't know how much dragon energy would be spent to reach the level of mobilizing Tianwei at any time, so he temporarily left this secret skill untouched.

If you want to practice the "god of the five internal organs", if you practice to get out of your body, it is equivalent to practicing a powerful avatar yourself.

At this time, in order to save the dragon's energy, Zhang Kun only took the skills that were most useful to him, but also the most lacking.

The spirit of the liver rises up, eyes open... After burning 32 points of dragon energy, the spirit of the liver grows stronger, giving birth to spirituality, and his eyes faintly change, turning into the supernatural power of "Nine Profound Heart Eyes".

Open your eyes and look, the world is divided into two layers.

The first floor is visible to the naked eye, colorful and colorful.

The other layer is what the mind sees.

The yin and yang two currents circulate, the energy of the five elements is balanced, and in the sky and the earth, like smoke and fog, there are countless thin and strange energies floating. As you breathe in and out, this energy passes through your body, coming in and out... Sometimes Most of the time, it is completely irrelevant to one's own physical body, as if it does not exist in this world.

Turning his head to look at Xu Ducheng, he saw the black military aura floating above the city, as well as countless points of blood and soul aura.

Below the city, there are clusters of black light gas, which are sometimes blown away by the wind, and sometimes gather into piles.

If you look carefully with your mind, you can see the black air, faintly imagining the shape of a human and a beast...

There is the sound of wailing and crying, which is transmitted to the soul.

'This should be a collection of grievances after the death of a living being. It did not produce spiritual consciousness, and it would not hurt people. It just gathered spontaneously according to a strange law of heaven and earth. '

It turns out that seeing the world with the eyes of the mind is like this.

Every disturbance of energy, every movement of spirit can be seen.

'Although Jiuxuan's eyesight is still at a low level at present, but with the [-] level of spiritual force, he can already see another level clearly, so that he won't be able to see the other party using spells... ...So, to deal with Zuo Ci, the supernatural powers of the liver and the spiritual eye technique are the most critical things. '

First of all, you must see and feel it before you can fight against others.

Otherwise, no matter how strong your skills are, if you can't find out where the enemy is, it's a joke.

With Jiuxuan Xinyan, Zhang Kun let out a long sigh of relief, at least, he was qualified to fight the opponent.

At this time, a strong attack power is needed, which can kill with one blow.

After thinking about it, he burned 32 points of Dragon Qi to improve the Seven Emotions Art.

The Seven Emotions Technique wants to control people's hearts, emotions, anger, sorrow, joy, sorrow, fear, all of them are controlled, and one's own heart is used to attract others' hearts. It requires an increase in dragon energy points, and the consumption is a bit high. Zhang Kun only takes one at this time, which is anger.

It took 32 points of dragon energy to directly control the method of anger induction.

As long as it is a living being, it has the seven emotions and six desires.

Therefore, this technique is a control-type spell.

Zhang Kun experienced too much and used this method to deal with himself. At that time, he felt that his emotions were completely involuntary, sometimes lustful, angry, and sometimes angry.

Fortunately, what he practiced was the way of perfect physical body and the unity of primordial essence.Even if the seven emotions are chaotic and at a loss, they still maintain extremely strong combat power.

Just taking the opportunity, he killed Taoist Yu Ji with a single blow.

This was something Yu Ji never expected.

He never expected that in this world, there would still be people who could turn their blood into qi, turn it into a star orifice, and pull the power of heaven and earth to hurt people.

Judging Zhang Kun's strength by the world's top military generals, it is obvious that there has been a huge mistake and omission, and he is destined to pay the price for it.

Yu Ji's behavior seemed to be pulling the hatred crazily. As a result, the hatred was stabilized, and the opponent rushed over... Because of his misjudgment, he didn't block the big move, and he died with one move.

It can only be said that death is a bit aggrieved.

Zhang Kun reckoned that the old Taoist might still have some powerful means, which he didn't use.

Once the old Taoist priests have the upper hand and use various secret techniques in turn, it is very likely that a general with blood and blood will want to commit suicide.

Just like Sun Ce on the original trajectory, he didn't even know how he died.

Everyone thought it was a few assassins who killed him.

But it's also ridiculous to think about it.

If a top military general, the leader of more than [-] troops, can be killed so easily, then don't fight, just raise a few assassins, the world will be settled.

In Zhang Kun's mind, Sun Ce was plotted against by him because he wanted to kill Yu Ji.

This is probably the process...

What method was used specifically, and why Yu Ji was no longer heard after the incident, are no longer testable.

Anyway, history is just a face, which can be erased at will.

In unofficial history, it was made up at will and written at will.

The official history is not written in one go.

Zhang Kun has always known that as long as he is a human being, he has tendencies and fears, and has his own pursuits and ideals, positions and jobs.

The history they wrote is not necessarily the real history. If future generations want to know the truth at that time, they can only rely on guesswork... Therefore, no matter how strange and powerful the enemy is, you don't have to be surprised.

Even in this era, where gods and Buddhas are flying all over the sky, he still feels normal.

Because, if the writers of history don't write, don't publicize these gods and monsters, future generations will treat them as if they didn't exist.

Anyway, no one believes the unofficial folk history stories.

In addition to liver supernatural powers, Jiuxuan Mind Eye and Seven Emotions Art, there are two secret methods of anger control.

Zhang Kun felt that he still lacked a one-hit attacking move. Looking at the remaining dragon energy, he still had 93 points.

He pondered for a while, and finally set his sights on "the first level of sword intent, five yunmei blossoms".

"Enhance the sword intent."

Consumption of 64 dragon energy points.

It seems that there is an inexplicable feeling rising from my heart, as if there is progress, but also as if nothing happened.

Zhang Kun felt a little strange and checked himself.

Then, I was surprised to find out.

He could already see his internal organs, the flow of qi and blood inside his body and the movement of alchemy, and he could even see the nine star apertures hanging in the sky like a sun, emitting infinite power and light.

"I can look inside. Didn't I upgrade the saber intent to the second-level subtle stage? Why is the use reflected in the body? No, the saber technique has also changed."

Zhang Kun stretched out his hand as a gesture, and chopped it down slightly.

It was discovered that the various types of energy floating in the air were chopped into pieces by this palm knife, into yin and yang and two qi, and the five elements of light and fog vortex were cut out.

"It's no wonder that the level of this saber intent can only be improved after the spiritual power reaches a certain level. If the saber intent is to be subtle, first of all, I have to see or sense it, otherwise, no matter how hard I try, it will be useless."

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Kun understood what was the use of his subtle saber.

It can see the opponent's weakness and the way the air machine works.

Even, it can cut through energy and destroy mind aggregates.

To put it bluntly, it means that the previous level of sword intent could only kill and destroy entities, but now it can not only destroy entities, but even nothingness.

From the aspect of subtle energy, directly attack the opponent.

"This move is good, although the actual attack power may not be much stronger... However, with the same strength and speed, the breadth and depth of the attack have increased a lot.

Being able to deal with more and different types of enemies, and being able to use one part of strength to achieve three or four points of effect is also considered a great improvement in strength. "

Zhang Kun was overjoyed, and then looked at the third level of Saber Intent.

He found that he only had 29 points of Dragon Qi left, which was not enough, so he had no choice but to give up.

At this point, the promotion is over.

Zhang Kun looked at his attribute panel again.

【Name: Zhang Kun】

[Talent: Bravery]

【Age: 19】

[Physical: 425]

[Agility: 318]

【Spirit: 206】

[Martial Arts: Nameless Kungfu (Liuhe Bagua Golden Body Kungfu): Danyuan Realm, Innate. 】

[Skills: Sword Technique (Consummation, Second Level of Sword Intent, Subtlety), Firearms (Consummation), Medical Skills (Consummation), Chinese (Proficiency)...]

【Overlord's Halberd Technique: (Introduction)】

[Jiuxuan Mind Eye: (Level [-], supernatural powers of five viscera and liver)]

【Seven Emotions Technique: (Level [-], bristling with anger)】

【Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain: (Introduction)】

Dragon Qi: 29
Nethergate: (35.8% regression)

The changes in attributes and the huge increase in mental power are of great help to strength, which is expected.

The Jade Classic of Internal Scenery in Huang Ting has not yet been introduced. It is likely that the exercises are not complete. It can only be used as a reference book. It can increase a little spiritual power and strengthen the soul in normal times. It has no other uses.

The gate of the void has been opened for more than a third. Zhang Kun estimates that this is calculated by the process of unifying the world with himself and recreating the universe. Once a certain requirement is met, he can return.

Age 19 years old.

one more year older.

Zhang Kun's eyes moved slightly.

With the existence of the Gate of the Heavens, he is destined to consume countless lifespans in certain worlds.

I only hope that as the realm improves, my lifespan will also increase, otherwise, I may die of old age one day.

It is said that after reaching the innate level, you can live at least 120 years old, and you don't have to worry at all when you are 19 years old. You have a lot of time to increase your life span.


On this day, Zhang Kun didn't go anywhere, nor did he summon his subordinates and generals to discuss how to break the city.

He just quietly hid in the military tent, practicing and getting familiar with some of his newly acquired skills, as well as his own strength.

Although his physique and agility have not changed, his mental strength has grown too fast, and his fighting style has also undergone some changes.

At the same time, after opening the eyes of the two visions, there are some subtle changes in how to attack and defend.

A small difference, a thousand miles lost.

It is necessary to adapt.

It can't be when things come to an end, and if you find out where you made a mistake, then you will be like Yu Ji, lose hastily and lose unjustly, then it is not good.

In the early morning of the next day, I buried the pot to make rice, after using the morning food.

There is still no soldier in the city, but it is strictly guarded and watched from afar.

Zhang Kun smiled, and his eyes turned indifferent.

"Come here, lead the horse and prepare the knife, Zilong, follow me to attack the city."


Zhao Yun didn't ask any questions, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with attacking the city with cavalry.

Just order the soldiers and horses, and the three thousand dragon guards followed closely.

The rest of the cavalry and infantry were all in formation, ready to go.

"My lord, do you want to send infantry to attack the city first, to consume a little morale of the defenders?" Guo Fengxiao suggested from the side with slight worry in his eyes.

He wasn't worried about his lord being injured. In fact, all the soldiers and counselors of the Wu army already knew that it was almost impossible to injure Zhang Kun on the battlefield.

Judging by his posture, he probably wants to forcefully break open the city gate, and they believe that their master should be able to do the same.

Guo Fengxiao actually just didn't want the cavalry to be damaged.

The rain of arrows fell, but it was uncomfortable.

There are [-] tiger and leopard cavalry, [-] infantry, and the commanders of Xun Yu and Cao Hong in Xudu city. No matter what, they have some combat power...

Once the city is broken in time, there will be heavy casualties.

"It's okay, when the city is broken, Zilong will follow behind a hundred steps away, don't get too close, just judge the fighter's opportunity to rush forward."

We are ready to meet all challenges.

Zhang Kun is not going to delay any longer, he must use thunderous power to destroy everyone's luck.

The red rabbit horse seemed to be holding back hard, and at this moment it was madly jumping forward, like a beam of blood, pulling out long smoke and dust, and heading straight for the city gate.

Behind him, Zhao Yun suppressed the speed of the horse, led three thousand dragons, and slowly approached.

"Archery, archery...be careful behind the door."

Xun Yu had long since lost his calm and refined posture. He had just climbed up the tower when he saw Zhang Kun leading the cavalry into the city.

Cao Hong beside him had strange eyes.

"Behind the door, behind what door, the city is not broken, so what's the matter behind the door?"

He thought to himself that this "talent of Wang Zuo" hadn't experienced much wind and rain, and was frightened by the army outside the city, so he ordered indiscriminately.

Before he had time to object, Cao Hong's eyes widened.

I saw the rain of arrows whistling like locusts, shooting directly at the body of the man and the horse, like hitting a ball of hard steel.

A group of bright and clear knife light appeared around the people and horses, and the arrow rain just touched it, and it was blown into pieces.

The red shadow rushed over, surprisingly fast, within seven or eight breaths, he was already in front of the suspension bridge.


The sound of shouting resounded throughout the city, and the horse jumped up.

The sword flashed, the suspension bridge had not completely fallen, and the horses had already rushed straight to the city gate.


In Cao Hong's eyes, he saw a silver-red broadsword light.


Behind the city gate, large and small pieces of wood, as well as grain bags and boulders, flew upside down...

More than a dozen soldiers were unable to dodge in time, and were beaten to pieces by the torrent of wood and rocks.

The gates of the city were opened.

The power of a knife, so far.

Up and down the city, Cao Jun and Wu Jun were all stunned for a while.


Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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